The Business Intrapreneur: Profiles of Unsung Heroes of Corporate America. Kristin Boone's Eilenberg

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The Business Intrapreneur: Profiles of Unsung Heroes of Corporate America - Kristin Boone's Eilenberg

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I tried to use during each of the interviews:

      What’s your story? What’s your education? Where have you worked? What have been your titles and general responsibilities, both on paper and the things that you have just done?

      How do you define ‘intrapreneur’? Do you consider yourself a moderate or strong intrapreneur? Why?

      How do you get work done within your organization? What are your intrapreneur-specific skills, capabilities, or attributes? What is an example about how you applied these skills, capabilities, and attributes to get work done within your organization?

      What resources (money, people, technology, etc) do you have at your disposal to be able to do the work that you do? How do you access these resources? Do you have direct control over these resources?

      What have been the critical organizational elements that have allowed you to be intrapreneurial?

      What’s your proudest accomplishment as an intrapreneur?

      How are you recognized as an intrapreneur within your organization? Does this recognition positively influence your ability to continue to do your work?

      What motivates you as an intrapreneur?

      Why do you stay at your current employer and continue to do intrapreneurial things?

      Did you leave another employer when you started to work for your current employer? What were factors and criteria that made you decide to leave your former employer and accept the position with your current employer?

      Have you ever considered leaving your current employer and starting your own business? If so, what factors delayed your jump to the outside?

      Have you ever done a personality test like Myers-Briggs, Discover Your Strengths, Insights, or Belbin®? If so, what were your results?

      Can intrapreneurs be successful entrepreneurs?

      What’s your advice for intrapreneurs that are working for organizations?

      What’s your advice for intrapreneurs that are transitioning to be an entrepreneur?

      Do you know other intrapreneurs? Are they just like you or are they different in the way that they get work done or stay motivated?

      How do you keep connected to these other intrapreneurs?

      Who are they? May I contact them for an interview?

      Interviews ranged from 60 -120 minutes; it really depended on how many tangents I allowed during the interview process. The excerpts included later in this book are a result of my 10th grade typing class because I was able to ask questions and type quickly to document the interviewee’s responses almost word for word.

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