David. Allan Boone's Wargon

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David - Allan Boone's Wargon

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acting he would soon be engaged in. He took them off. Speciously he said I cannot go with these, for I have not proved them.

      Another motive was exciting him. When David was a small boy, his father had often told him stories, and he had always listened to storytellers who had held forth in the village. Storytelling was universally popular, available to high and low alike. Certain themes were usually repeated. David had heard the folk tales of a boy slaying a dragon, or a giant, and had naturally romanticized the young victor. In daydreams he had become that honoured hero. Now, he realized, he was actually in such a position, and was exhilarated by the vision of himself as a resplendent figure for whom the future held endless possibilities.

      Yet Goliath was no fairy tale. He sternly checked himself with the reminder that if he wasn’t very careful his life would end in a few minutes. He cleared his mind and concentrated.


      A hush fell on the Israelites as their ranks parted and David’s slim form was seen descending the hill. Even his brother Eliab had swallowed his rancour and was fearfully watching. David walked with the sure footing of a mountaineer, his head held high, ignoring Goliath, who was standing below, puzzled and looking at him. David carried only his staff and his shepherd’s bag, and wore his light tunic and sandals.

      The Philistines too had stopped what they were doing and were gazing at this odd spectacle. The birds that had been flying through the valley, disturbed by something new, stayed back. Even the tiny creatures of the grass and ground seemed arrested. There was a profound silence, like breath being held.

      David was highly excited, but was coolly calculating the circumstances. He went to the parched brook, knelt down, and selected five smooth river-washed stones. Then he retreated a little and faced the huge belligerent.

      Goliath’s surprise had by now been replaced by rage. He sensed he was being made a fool of. Am I a dog, he roared that you come to me with a stave? Go on, come to me, and I will give your flesh to the fowls of the air, and to the beasts of the field.

      David’s clear voice reached him: You come to me with a sword, and with a spear, and with a shield, but I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. This rhetoric was only partly drama. The youth clung to the feeling that the enormous force of the Almighty was reinforcing him, as if a spirit many times more powerful than Goliath was at his back. This day will the Lord deliver you into my hand, and I will smite you, and take your head from you, and I will give the carcasses of the host of the Philistines unto the fowls of the air, and to the wild beasts of the field, that all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel. Raising his voice, so that the troops behind him were sure to hear, he added for their benefit: And all this assembly shall know that the Lord saves not with the sword and spear, for the battle is the Lord’s, and He will give you into our hands.

      Saul, watching this performance, said Whose son is the stripling? Abner, with a curse, answered that he had no idea. And indeed he’d already forgotten.

      Several times Goliath threatened to throw his javelin. But David scampered out of range, back towards the Israelite lines. He kept advancing and retreating, goading his opponent. The youth moved along his side of the brook, luring the champion to follow. Goliath, cumbersome in all his armour, was soon hot and perspiring. Moisture began running down his face. Drops of sweat, gathering in his thick eyebrows, were trickling into his eyes, blurring his vision. At last he raised his helmet to wipe his brow.

      David immediately ran forward, towards the giant.

      Goliath grinned, thinking that at last the insolent pest was coming for hand-to-hand combat.

      But when he got close enough, David halted. And before Goliath’s smile had quite changed to uncertainty, the boy quickly took out his sling, fitted a stone, swung it around to gain aim, and hurled it. It struck true, right in the other’s forehead.

      The Philistines, expecting a farce, were astonished to see their champion fall. His armour-bearer, some distance back, was also so surprised that he stood rooted. But David, who knew Goliath was no more dead than the bear and the lion had been, leapt across the stream and stood over the body. Before the massive dupe, who was already stirring, could fully recover consciousness, David drew out the champion’s sword and with one stroke, made with all his might, cut off the other’s head.

      The army of Saul, with wild battle cries, swept down the hill and fell on the unprepared Philistines. It was as if day had turned to night: as if expectations had become hideous nightmares. The Philistines fled in confusion. They were pursued across the foothills and onto the plains. The lucky ones escaped into Gath and even to the sheltering gates of Ekron. By then dusk had fallen, and the soldiers of Israel returned. By torchlight they ravaged the Philistine camp.


      David had been elatedly impelled to run after the Philistines, but was burdened by the heavy head of Goliath, which he was holding by the hair. After a short distance he faltered and stopped. There Abner’s aides found him and brought him, with his grisly load, to the king.

      Saul said to him Whose son are you, young man?

      David answered I am the son of your servant, Jesse the Bethlemite.

      Saul at once sent a messenger to Jesse, saying that David would not be returning home. He would henceforth stay with the king.


      However, Saul had other matters to deal with, and David found himself lingering outside the royal tent. His blood was still hot and racing from the high excitement. With his cheeks aflame he yearned for more admiration and praise. Rejoicing warriors were returning, laden with booty, but in the flickering light they mostly streamed past him without recognition. He looked from one to another, like a little child wanting attention, but all were wrapped in their own preoccupations. He felt acute disappointment, considering that his life had almost been forfeit and he had earlier killed his first human being. And regretted, for an instant, that it hadn’t been the swine who had abused him.

      A soldier carrying a torch was taking Goliath’s elaborate helmet to a special station, where by the king’s order the giant’s large sword had already been put aside as a trophy.

      But someone else was approaching empty handed. And from the unquiet dark came such a frank, open, smiling face as David had never seen. The man advanced to him with outstretched hands, admiration shining from his eyes. He was about a dozen years older than David, and his moustache and beard, already well formed, were neatly trimmed. This was Jonathan, the king’s oldest son, acclaimed luminary of many battles. Yet Jonathan loved David unreservedly for what he had done. The younger man could not but cherish that friendly face, and admire the other’s fit muscles and smooth movements.

      Jonathan drew David to his private tent. He would have conferred on the new hero his own robe, but it was spattered and smeared. Out of a chest woven of branches he took another of white and scarlet, and gave it to David. And a girdle, and his own sword and bow. David regretted for a moment that he had nothing to offer, but felt that Jonathan would always have access to all that he had.

      It was a warrior age, in which bonds between men who soldier meant much more than any ties with women. In a few moments David had gained a genuine and loving comrade.

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