How to Succeed At University--International Edition. Danton O'Day

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How to Succeed At University--International Edition - Danton O'Day

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student loans are available in over seventy countries. They often have relatively low interest rates and a period in which interest does not accrue (such as during the study period and for a short time thereafter). Of course, the characteristics of different lending schemes can vary greatly by country and the type of loan.7

      So do some research and find out what forms of government assistance are available in the country where you will be studying. A quick web search should get you on the right track. The relevant information may also be available through your university. One thing to remember is to apply early. If you are taking out a loan, try to anticipate your financial requirements and borrow only what you will need, knowing that some day that loan will come back to haunt you. Everyone hates paying back student loans, but many could never have attended university without them.

      Did You Know?

      Debt influences the academic decisions of students as well as their career choices after graduation. For example, indebted students are less likely to pursue employment in lower-paying fields, such as nonprofits or education.8

      Once again, your university will have a large list of scholarships and bursaries that can usually be checked out online. The value of some of them may be comparatively small, but you should apply for any and all that you can. Why? Because every little bit helps. More importantly, you will list any awards that you receive on your resume or curriculum vitae. Over time the list may grow to be impressive. Getting one scholarship or financial award often leads to more scholarships since it is common for people to follow the crowd and award scholarships to those who have already received them.

      Dropping Out Due to Financial Challenges

      Opting out of university for financial reasons should only be considered when you’ve exhausted all other avenues. While watching your budget is one approach to keeping university costs down, for some this isn’t an option. Students who face financial difficulties can look to various sources of financial support. Awards, bursaries and scholarships, as noted elsewhere, are not just for brainiacs—many are available for students who aren’t at the top of their class. As mentioned previously, you should check out the awards specific to your university as well as financial aid offered by the government.

      Did You Know?

      One way students save money is by buying used books. Offers of used textbooks for sale are often posted around the university. Websites dedicated to exchanging textbooks also exist. Before buying a used textbook, check to see if it’s the same edition required for the class; university textbooks undergo frequent revisions. Depending on the amount of new content an older edition may still be acceptable, but you should confirm this with the instructor beforehand. Another money-saving strategy is to employ textbook rental services provided by some university bookstores and private companies.

      At this stage you may have many concerns such as which university to attend and what type of degree you wish to pursue. You should also think about how these decisions will impact you financially. If you’re considering studying in another country, be aware that tuition rates tend to be significantly higher for international students than those for domestic students. The availability and types of scholarships for which you will be eligible will also differ. Similarly, fees tend to be higher in private universities than in public institutions. On the other hand, in some countries students attending public universities are not charged tuition fees at all. Some of the costs that must be considered in addition to fees include books and living expenses. So if you anticipate that money will be an issue, attending a local, public university to keep your tuition and living expenses down, in addition to careful budgeting, may be the safest bet. But, again, don’t let your lack of finances prevent you from pursuing the type of education you need. Don’t compromise unless there are no other options.

      Did You Know?

      A study published in 2008 analyzed various aspects of the first-year university experience, including the reasons why students left their programme of study. The survey, conducted among students at over twenty different higher education institutions in the United Kingdom, found that 29% of students who had not re-enrolled for the second year of studies (i.e., dropped out) cited “financial problems” as a “very” or “moderately” influential factor.9

      Chapter 1 Summary

      1.You can succeed at university if you follow the rules set down in this book.

      2.Develop independence; don’t follow the crowd.

      3.Know your personal strengths and weaknesses; exploit your strengths and overcome your weaknesses.

      4.Don’t limit yourself; keep your options open by selecting a first-year programme that is general and versatile.

      5.Develop your powers of communication. If necessary, attend a writing workshop.

      6.Think about your goals. Are they realistic? Are you pursuing an area that genuinely interests you?

      7.Keep your options open so that you have alternative pathways to fall back on should your goals change.

      8.Many possible career and education pathways are open to you during and after your postsecondary studies.

      9.The first year is the hardest. Get on track right away and reap the benefits later.

      10.Learn to deal effectively with your newfound freedom: know when to work and when to play.

      11.Living in residence can maximize the time you have for study and enhance your social life, but there are dangers.

      12.Grades are important for your future success. Grades are an offshoot of knowledge: the more you know, the better your grades can be.

      13.You have a much better chance of finding a well-paying job if you get your degree than if you don’t. The higher your grades, the greater your chance of getting a job.

      14.Your university training will give you skills that will help you succeed in any job whether it is related to your area of specialization or not.

      15.You can augment your educational finances through scholarships, bursaries and student loans.

      Chapter 1 Endnotes

      1Samuel Caddick, “Back to Bologna. The long road to European higher education reform”, EMBO Reports 9.1 (2008): 18.

      2Henry P. Chow, “Assessing the

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