The Politics of History. Howard Boone's Zinn

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The Politics of History - Howard Boone's Zinn

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      5 The Ludlow Massacre

      6 LaGuardia in the Jazz Age

      7 The Limits of the New Deal


      8 Abolitionists and the Tactics of Agitation

      9 Psychoanalyzing the Dissenter: Two Cases

      10 Liberalism and Racism

      11 Albany, Georgia, and the New Frontier


      12 Aggressive Liberalism

      13 Vietnam: The Moral Equation

      14 The Prisoners: A Bit of Contemporary History

      15 Violence: The Double Standard

      16 Hiroshima and Royan


      17 Freedom and Responsibility

      18 The Historians

      19 The Philosophers

      20 Philosophers, Historians, and Causation




      To the American Philosophical Society, the Louis Rabinowitz Foundation, and the Graduate School of Boston University for support during the various stages of writing this book. To Ernest Young, Marilyn Young, and Hilda Hein for critical readings of certain sections of the book. To all the Magraws for the peaceful beauty of the Cobbles, where I could finish my writing. To the librarians of Royan for their kindness. To Joan Agri, Marion Lee, and Judith Mandelbaum for invaluable assistance. To Jim Miller, for constant help and encouragement. To anonymous friends for anonymous spiritual support. To Myla and Jeff, for being themselves.

       Introduction to the Second Edition

      In Lewis Carroll’s Through the Looking Glass, we find this brief exchange:

      “‘The horror of that moment,’ the King went on, ‘I shall never, never forget!’

      Yes, we will forget if we don’t make memoranda. But there is disagreement on exactly which moments in history we should make memoranda of, since we can’t recapture all of the past, and profound conflict on how we should treat those moments we decide to remember.

      Two decades have passed since The Politics of History was written, but its concerns remain alive: What are the uses of history? Can historians, should they, be “objective,” “disinterested”? What is the point of teaching or writing history?

      The eighties were a Republican party decade dominated by the presidency of Ronald Reagan, whose affinity for the rich went even beyond the normal friendliness of our government toward corporate wealth. His administration seemed to feel no shame in proposing budgets that spent two to three hundred billion dollars for what was already the most swollen military machine in human history, while cutting allocations for health care, children’s lunches, food stamps for the poor, housing for the homeless, and weekly payments to the unemployed.

      This is where history can be useful. For over a hundred years the national government followed conservative policies, beginning in the 1790s,

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