Mind - Body - God Connection. Darlene Hall

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Mind - Body - God Connection - Darlene Hall

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      But before the immune system can mount a response, it must be turned on. Turning on occurs in response to injuries or damage to the body. We can injure the body in a variety of ways, such as physical injuries (which can occur in the form of extreme temperatures), environmental toxins (like radiation exposure), and nutritional imbalances to name a few. Injuries also come as foreign invaders—parasites, viruses, and bacteria.

      Foreign invaders can also come in the form of chemical toxins, splinters, or glass to the body. Just think back to the last time you stubbed your toe, had a sliver of glass under your skin, or perhaps suffered a superficial wound. More than likely you noticed redness and swelling which were due to local inflammation. However, there is also inflammation that we cannot see, and it affects organs throughout the entire body. Organs such as the heart, lungs, brain, connective tissues, and other vital systems encounter inflammation, which causes the same damage, but it is beneath the surface. It is in the presence of injury and inflammation that the immune system mounts a defense and comes to the rescue (Goodman, 2007b).

      Right about now you might be saying—brain, hormones, immune system, and this HPA thing, okay, but how does this relate to disease, and why should I be concerned? Remember Karen? When we look back at her life, we see that it was one of constant chaos in which she suffered from psychological stress, and then later physical symptoms, which progressed to disease. When we look at her case from the mind’s point of view, there emerges a picture of how the mind and body link and lead to disease.

      Let’s Connect the Dots!

      Karen was in a bad relationship! From the time she got up, until she went to bed, she was hearing: “You’re stupid,” “You’re fat,” “Can’t you do anything right?” and “Why did I marry you?” These negative messages activated the HPA axis, which triggered the release of cortisol and the fight or flight response. These two systems are wonderful and imperative in emergencies such as outrunning an attacking dog, fleeing an intruder, dodging bullets, and—as in our earlier example—helping with the response time in near car accidents. But the constant increased activation of cortisol and fight or flight response has profound negative effects on the body.

      The stress hormone cortisol is absolutely needed in order for the body to function efficiently. It is when the body is being bombarded with constant surges of cortisol that it becomes counterproductive. In the presence of high cortisol levels, the immune system’s ability to function is suppressed; therefore, it can no longer do its job of protecting the body from invaders. Not only does cortisol depress immune function, but an elevated cortisol level increases inflammation, increases blood sugar levels, decreases the ability of DNA to make repairs, destroys brain cells, causes scars in the lining of the blood vessels, and can confuse the immune system, causing it to turn on itself (Sapolksy, 1985; Wolkowitz, 2010; Kemeny 2010).

      The autonomic nervous system—fight-flight—puts the pedal to the metal when it releases the stress hormones epinephrine and norepinephrine. As stated earlier, it increases the blood pressure and heart rate, suppresses the immune system and other organs, mobilizes fat stores (fat deposits in the blood vessels), and causes an increase in blood sugar levels (for extra energy). This response is also needed in an emergency; however, chronic activation of this fight or flight response lays the foundation for disease in the form of heart disease, diabetes, stroke, obesity, among many others.

      As indicated, Karen was healthy prior to her relationship, but after being beaten down and degraded for so many years, she believes that her horrific marriage led not only to her heart disease but also to other physical ailments as well as mental depression. Looking at her case from the mind’s point of view, when we connect the dots, we must ask: is there a mind-body connection? The research coming out strongly suggests that there is. We have seen a clear line in which the mind, hormones, and immune system—psychoneuroimmunology—connect and under adverse conditions can lay the foundation for the development of disease.

      Like Karen, many find themselves in toxic relationships. The emotional stress is grinding them down, and the effects are seen in a wide range of physical and mental illnesses. Others are experiencing stressors on the job, financial challenges, or just trying to cope with the hassles of everyday life and feeling burned out. It does not matter which form it comes in, the effects on the body and mind are the same. If not handled appropriately, the issues of life can lead to disease.

      Take the Challenge

      As you read through the various chapters of this book, I encourage you to start connecting the dots. Scripture reminds us in Hosea 4:6: “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.” As we gain an understanding of how the mind and body interact and as we learn to break bad connections and form new ones, I believe that we can avert many diseases and that healing will take place. Are you up to the challenge? This challenge involves a new way of looking at disease.

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