We've Been Here All Along: Autistics Over 35 Speak Out in Poetry and Prose. Rachel Inc. Cohen-Rottenberg

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We've Been Here All Along: Autistics Over 35 Speak Out in Poetry and Prose - Rachel Inc. Cohen-Rottenberg

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more your mind is occupied

      The more vacant your mind will be.

      Listen to everything I say

      Then forget it immediately.

      For those who don’t recall the past

      Live in the present endlessly.


      The people are beautiful,

      Friendly and open.

      The weather is warm so

      They don’t leave their clothes on.

      They like to be with you.

      They don’t have to fake it.

      You show them your money but

      Still they won’t take it.

      Nobody gets pregnant.

      There are no diseases.

      They do many things and

      They make them seem easy.

      You won’t find this place on

      Your summer vacation.

      You only can reach it through

      Deep masturbation.

      But if you could get to

      This island or nation,

      You might return home still

      Holding your frustration.


      The husband craves variety.

      The bachelor only craves release.

      The hungry person dreams of bread.

      The tired one wants only sleep.

      The junkie craves a shot of smack.

      The drunkard wants a pint of gin.

      The rich person complains that life

      Has nothing left to offer him.

      Though we may get the things we want

      The getting makes us want more things.

      The boy is taught to crave a girl.

      The girl is taught to crave a ring.

      We stare into the box of greed.

      The box of greed increases need.

      The waitress wants an office job.

      The hippie wants to smoke some weed.

      Some people only crave to cease.

      But still they do not cease to crave.

      The baby wants its mother’s breast.

      The sick old man desires the grave.

      The mystic wants to look at God.

      The Marxist wants a worker’s state.

      The traveler wants a foreign land.

      The refugee desires one place.


      A life spent contemplating death

      Is a life that is lived richly.

      The tree so strong and bountiful

      Draws life out of the earth’s decay.

      In charnel grounds we sit and wait.

      The sky-clad dancing Dakini.

      Your craving for and fear of us

      Give energy to set you free.

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