Anti-Aging Therapeutics Volume XIV. A4M American Academy

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Anti-Aging Therapeutics Volume XIV - A4M American Academy

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DIM does not limit estrogen activity in the brain or decrease estrogen production. It safely clears metabolites.

      Wasabi powder, D-Glucolactone and chrysin have been found to detoxify chemical exposures and harmful unmetabolized hormones.


      Roy Walford, through his research as a biologist, stated that diabetics age 15 to 20 years faster than their chronological age. Diabetics have a decrease in total SOD activity in most organs. For example, the kidneys have 72 percent less. This oxidative injury can account for higher rate of kidney failure. The lifespan of humans is directly related to the level of SOD and glutathione peroxidase protection against the deleterious effects of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Improving diet, exercise and nutritional supplementation often leads to immediate and significant improvements in the appearance of the blood.

      There are less lipids and glucose, cleaner arteries, a significant decrease in free radical damage, lipid peroxidase, blood pressure, reduced body fat and increased energy. This is clear, direct feedback coming from one’s own body. Changes in the blood can pave the way to long term success and healthy changes in lifestyle. The medical literature supports the use of microscopy, lipid, glucose, and insulin testing to identify the best dietary therapy, exercise and supplements for control of diabetes, heart disease and stroke prevention. The clinical protocol is supportive of healthy, clean, youthful arteries.

      Many neurological and psychiatric diseases are improved with glutathione because its serves as an antioxidant for the brain where more oxidative by products are generated per gram of tissue than any other organ. Glutathione is made up of three amino acids (glutamic acid, cysteine, glycine) generated inside the cells from asparagus and watermelon. L-Citrulline (found inside the rind of watermelon) is excreted into the circulation and reabsorbed in the kidney and converted into L-arginine. Other pathways work together to release nitric oxide gas into the arterial wall. Cytidine-5-diphosphate choline is essential for synthesis of phospholipids in brain tissue assisting in neuron communication.

      As we age, the arteries produce superoxide, which is a form of reactive oxygen toxic species (ROTS). Other keys to fighting inflammation lie in an anti-oxidant power of nitric oxide. The ability to produce nitric oxide from L-arginine is lost in senior citizens. We can replace basic dietary nitrates from specific plants including kale and beets to increase nitrogenous base. Oxidation of nitric oxide (NO) and salivary nitrate by bacteria in the mouth and GI tract provides additional benefits to create more free radical scavengers. Low calorie vegetables enhance the body’s ability to neutralize oxidative stress because of less oxidative by-products. Low fat intake reduces inflammation and oxidative stress. Avoidance of foods such as gluten or dairy whey reduces inflammatory IgG-antigen complexes. The daily availability of nitric oxide will vasodilate the arteries letting more oxygen to all the cells and tissues of the body. High nitric oxide and oxygen levels are protective against malignant cancer cells.


      Fitness and longevity can be obtained by a good diet, supplements and consistent exercise to improve our biochemistry. The famous exercise physiologist, Per-Olof Astrand, was able to increase athlete’s glycogen and performance 3-fold after only three days on a high complex carbohydrate, low fat vegan diet as compared to the low carbohydrate, high protein, high fat, meat based diet. William Connor reported the amazing Tarahumaras, “foot runner”, of Northwest Mexico, live on a diet rich in nitrogenous vegetables. Additionally, they chew on Osha Root allowing them to run virtually non-stop nearly 200 miles in 48 hours, as the world’s greatest endurance athletes.


      One of the rare ways to increase the concentration of mitochondria to youthful levels is based on the discovery that deep sea mammals have higher concentrations of mitochondria because the dive deep and breach as compared to captive mammals unable to dive. We encourage the use of cyclic variations in altitude conditioning (CVAC) to stimulate the increase in mitochondria in the cells of muscle and organs in humans for recovery after exercise and rejuvenation. A computer regulates a rapid change in altitude from 15,000 feet dropping to 1,000 feet to stimulate the release of EPO, the natural hormone that creates more red blood cells to increase oxygen delivery and remove carbon dioxide. Studies of cell cultures shows that cells properly nourished with sufficient oxygen live 50 to 100% longer. Perhaps the most effective anti-inflammatory regime is altitude conditioning, exercise of sufficient intensity, adrenal support and stem cell treatments. This combination is incredibly effective at supporting the body’s cellular and immune function and assisting in a general whole body reduction of chronic inflammation.


      The USA spends $15 billion a year to treat patients with hip fractures. Aging joints or disuses atrophy puts older patients at a greater risk of hip, knee or shoulder damage or surgery. Deaths associated with hip fracture are as high as 36% of those older than 85, and nearly 20% of those over 65. Electrical muscle stimulation using low amperage .1 to 4 amps (current, amount of electrons moving in a circuit), high voltage 100-400 volts (measure how much force those electrons are under) can serve as an effective therapeutic measure to reduce edema associated with traumatic injury, poor nerve conduction and improved bone healing rate. Once function is restored, a return to activity emphasizing exercise the largest muscle groups (legs, hips and back) by running mixed in with brief walks or dance with brief rest, for at least 15 to 60 minutes a day to efficiently burn off fat storage. High intensity exercises done in intervals of running, sprinting or rebounding mixed in with walking and pyramid fashion of progressive weight lifting. Vertical lifts done on a trampoline or a whole body vibration unit builds muscle and burns fat in greater quantities throughout the day versus cardio training done at a slower pace at equal time.


      Clinical studies show that there are genetic and hormonal components that influence lean body mass. Central type and massively obese individuals often suffer from hormone imbalances of excess or deficient Cortisol levels now known to be a major cause of bulimia and insatiable hunger. Overeating of calories is correlated with a shorter lifespan. The key to successful treatments in reducing obesity and extending ones potential lifespan is a combination of anabolic hormones balanced with catabolic hormones and hydration with proper selection of macronutrients.

      The correct supplements and protocols are needed to correct metabolic problems, address genetic issues and improved lifestyle habits in combination with a consistent fitness regime, hydration principles and stem cell treatments to reduce chronic illness associated with genetic tendencies. The goal is to provide your patient a protocol that will improve the quality of life and potentially extending one’s lifespan.


      Aging Research

      C.N. Boozer and colleagues at Columbia and Harvard University’s "Herbs Assisted in Body Fat Reduction and Improved Blood Lipids." The International Journal of Obesity. (Volume 26, 2002).

      Edrey YH, Hanes M, Pinto M, Mele J, Buffenstein R. ILAR J. Successful aging and sustained good health in the naked mole rat: a long-lived mammalian model for biogerontology biomedical research.; 2011 Feb 8;52(1):41-53.

      Giagulli VA et al. Pathogenesis of the Decreased Androgen Levels in Obese Men. Journal Clinical Endocrinol Metab. 1994; 79(4) 997-1000.

      Hautanen A et al. Altered Adrenocorticotropin

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