Bettering Yourself Through NLP: Shape Your Life and Achieve Anything You Want Using Neurolinguistic Programming Techniques. Alexis Inc. Anthony

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Bettering Yourself Through NLP: Shape Your Life and Achieve Anything You Want Using Neurolinguistic Programming Techniques - Alexis Inc. Anthony

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behavior, our communication is all tied up into how we think and that by changing how we think, we can change how we communicating, both verbal and non-verbal, and we can change our behavior.

      If one person can do something, other people can learn to do it

      Modeling is a major part of NLP; by modeling yourself after somebody who has a trait or skill that you desire to have, you can achieve that trait yourself.

      This presupposition means that if it is possible for one person to be able to do something, that it can be learned by others to do the same thing.

      What is implied but not said outright is that the person who is learning, must want to learn in order for it to work.

      You must want to learn in order to learn. You must want to improve in order to improve.

      Change makes change

      This presupposition means that if we want our lives to change, or we want to see change around us, we must change ourselves.

      In other words, shift our focus from trying to change others and change ourselves. If we alter any of the three systems that make up NLP, our thinking, our communication or our programming (behavior) then the other two systems will also change.

      There is no such thing as failure, only feedback

      When you see something as being a failure, which turns it into a negative thing, with all of the negative emotions that will come attached to it and those will all cause you to have a lack of faith, lack of self-esteem and lack of confidence.

      Negative feelings serve no purpose and the purpose of NLP is to expand yourself beyond those feelings, to have a positive and better outlook on the world and your life.

      When we expect a certain result and it does not come out that way, this presupposition tells us to not think of it as a failure.

      If we do not think of it as a failure, then we do not attach those negative thoughts and feelings to the event.

      If we instead see it as a learning opportunity, that turns it into a positive, and therefore something desired. Learn from your mistakes instead of letting them define you.

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