8 Bags of Mice. Z.C. Christie

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8 Bags of Mice - Z.C. Christie

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it not goin’ anywheres. All stuck up on dat paper. Good size rat, prolly go poun’ and a half, two poun’ at least. It prolly mosly daid by now, anyways. Yew boys wanta see?”

      The blond demons hop up and down madly. Yes! Yes! Yes! They exclaim in delight, as I take a few steps forward, determined to smack the both of them in the head… maybe I’ll smack the exterminator, too.

      Into the truck bed thingie door goes the exterminator’s hand, and out it comes, holding a sticky paper that has a fat,furry brown rat splayed out on it grotesquely, at awful angles. My rat phobia overcomes me at last and I stop dead in my tracks, watching in horrified fascination as he shakes the paper and the stickied-up rat, I start looking around for something to throw at the exterminator guy. Preferably something hard. His radar must have been tuned in to the waves of the impending destruction I was unmistakably flinging at him, because he picks up the paper and tosses the unspeakable object back into the hole from whence it came, then shuts and latches the door. The boys groan in unison.

      He tears a copy of the bill off his clipboard and wisely hands it to one of the boys to bring back to me, and winks at them. that wink says.

      They trudge morosely back up the driveway, giving me baleful looks that say plain as day, you-never-let-us-do-anything-cool, hand me the paper and then disappear into the house.

      The exterminator and I stand and stare at each other for a few seconds.

      “Yew not from roun’ heah… are ya?” he says, turning to climb into his truck.I make a face at him and his truck, then turn to go into the house so I can take a long, long, hothothot shower. When I’m finished, I sit down with a newspaper and start the search for a new rental house. Ah cain’t face da sight of mebbe hunnerts moh mos’ly daid rats on mah lawn. Dey done won da Rat War, yup.

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