Ultimate Dating Guide for Women: Stop Guessing and Know What Men Really Want and Love. Bob Inc. Job

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Ultimate Dating Guide for Women: Stop Guessing and Know What Men Really Want and Love - Bob Inc. Job

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      Ultimate Dating Guide for Women: Stop Guessing and Know What Men Really Want and Love

      Bob Job


      © 2012 by Bob Job

      ISBN 9781456611569

      All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, copied, stored, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, photographic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or in any information storage and retrieval systems, without prior written permission of the author, except where permitted by copyright law.

      Terms of Use

      The author and publisher of this book and the accompanying materials have used their best efforts in preparing this book. The author and publisher make no representation or warranties with respect to the accuracy, applicability, fitness, or completeness of the contents of this book. The information contained in this book is strictly for educational purposes. Therefore, if you wish to apply ideas contained in this book, you are taking full responsibility for your actions.

      This book is not intended for use as a source of legal, business, accounting or financial advice. All readers are advised to seek services of competent professionals in legal, business, accounting, and finance field.

      Table of Contents


      What Turns Men Off

      Common Reasons as to Why a Relationship is Cooling Off

      The Physical Factor

      Who Are You?

      Personality Counts

      More Personality Traits Men Look for

      The Sex Factor

      The Male Psyche

      The First Steps


      Keeping it Going



      The problem with life is that it doesn’t come with an instruction manual, we all have to muddle through it the best that we can.

      One of the things that makes life really worth living is when you find that special someone, that other half and suddenly life is twice as sweet. However, it sometimes does not last.

      If you have picked up this book, then you have probably had several relationships that did not work out as you had hoped.

      Things are grand in the beginning and then went sour, sometimes quickly.

      More often than not, you get a brush off excuse, and are left wondering what went wrong, what did you do wrong?

      So you change, you try a different tactic when you are with them, you change yourself and it might work for a while, but then, it all falls apart.

      Stop wondering what you are doing wrong, stop making your relationships be a guessing game.

      Here, in one handy book, we will tell you what men want and what they need in a relationship.

      Take the guesswork out of it and finally, find the one that will stay.

      What Turns Men Off

      Before you know what men are looking for, you should know what they are not looking for.

      These are the things that will turn off a man both from you and from a relationship.

      Therefore, this is our first section, because you should know what NOT to do first.

      If you notice any of the following traits, ladies, work to break these habits and traits because they are relationship killers.

      The big comparison

      Never, ever under any circumstances compare him to other men, especially your ex-boyfriend or ex-husband.

      After all, how do you feel when he compares you to another girl, probably pretty angry, right?

      So do not compare him to other men. When you do so, you are hitting him where he is most vulnerable, his ego.

      Here a nag, there a nag, everywhere a nag-nag

      The man in your life is a grown-up, not a child, so why on earth would you nag at him as you would a child?

      There is no reason to do so and this is one of the fastest ways to have him head for the hills.

      If you ask him to do something, give him a time frame and refrain from reminding him about what he has promised to do, until after the time frame has passed, never before.

      I like you, but you need to change

      Ladies, nobody is perfect, including men. You know how they are when you met them, so why expect them to change totally, just to please you.

      There are plenty of women out there who will not push their own agenda upon a man; so by doing this to him, you are pushing him out the door.

      If something needs to change, you talk about it with him, not demand a change and if he really cares, he will work on it.

      Part of being in a relationship is accepting each other, flaws and all.

      Look at me! Look at me!

      Vanity is one of the deadly seven sins for a reason; it can kill a relationship in the blink of an eye.

      When you spend more time in front of a mirror than you do with your man, he will likely walk away.

      Keep your ego and vanity in check, just as you would like him to do.

      If you cannot say something nice, say nothing at all

      When women are together, criticizing other women seems to be a hobby. Do not expect your man to play along.

      Hold your tongue when you want to say something bad, especially about people you do not know, and are about to say something derogatory about their looks.

      It makes you look like you are trying to build up your own ego by tearing other people down and it is very unattractive.

      Turning into a private eye

      It is understandable that if you are coming away from a relationship where you were cheated on and hurt that you are scared of a repeat offence, even if this is a new man.

      That does not give you the right to turn into Nancy Drew and start snooping or questioning his every move. Snooping and being paranoid is just not warranted, ever.



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