How to Lose Weight Without Dieting: A Step-by-Step Guide to Getting Slim, Sexy and Healthy Body. Tammy Inc. Thomas

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How to Lose Weight Without Dieting: A Step-by-Step Guide to Getting Slim, Sexy and Healthy Body - Tammy Inc. Thomas

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having snacks on hand, healthy snacks that is.

      Avoid hitting up the office vending machines or dipping into the kid’s snacks if you are at home.

      You can find a variety of easy to carry foods to keep on hand. Sunflower seeds are a great solution, as long as they are in the shell.

      Eat them one at a time and you will end up feeling as if you are eating a lot when you are in fact, not.

      Do not get the flavored kind, those are high in sodium and you do not need that nor do you need the extra calories. Bring raw veggies and either keep them in a cooler or store in the office fridge.

      Reach for some carrots sticks and ranch instead of that candy bar. Gum is a handy solution for some, as long as you do not pop it or blow bubbles, this is especially not acceptable when you are at work! Sugar free gum will give you a way to chew off that nervous energy without adding calories to your day.

      At the end of the day, it is tempting to change into sweats and flop in front of the TV for hours, but that is not really giving you time for you.

      Try recording your favorite shows and watch them later, with no commercials or you can watch something with your spouse or even your kids.

      Call and catch up with family and friends instead of just sitting in front of the TV. Grab your favorite beverage and a good book and head to the porch or patio, or even just to your favorite chair and get lost in the story.

      If you have a dog, take your dog to the park or have a play session in the yard, if you have a cat, spend some time petting the cat, grooming the cat or playing with the cat.

      The idea is to do something that is meaningful and fun for you instead of just tuning out and watching a TV show simply because it was on and you were tired and bored.

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