Dark Zone. Stephen Inc. Grisham

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Dark Zone - Stephen Inc. Grisham

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      Dark Zone

      Stephen Grisham


      © 2012 by Stephen Grisham

      ISBN 9781456611590

      All rights reserved. The reproduction or utilization of this work in whole in part, in any form by any print, electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including xerography, photocopying and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system is forbidden without the written permission of the publisher.

      Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of any copyrighted materials in any form. To do so is a violation of the author’s rights.

      This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.








      A telephone rings at the apartment of Relto Sal; an archeologist specialized in the writing system of Indus Civilization and Sumerian Civilization.

      Relto who was sound asleep after working late night at the museum on the tablet that was confiscated by the local Police from a gang of grave robbers, did not hear the telephone bell at first but his sleep was distracted after the content ringing of the telephone.

      Relto has been working as a senior translator of Indus and Sumerian text in the museum of Karachi, Pakistan where he was stationed to work in the ancient city of Harappa, one of the oldest recorded civilizations of the world.

      Even though the salary was well paid but Relto was bored from his work. He lived alone in a luxurious apartment in the porch area of Karachi where only business tycoon and army officers lives.

      The constant ringing of the telephone disturbed him and he sat straight forcing his eyes to open up, but Relto was still sleeping and couldn’t get himself up.

      He finally collected his energy and drags himself off the bed, wears his slippers and drags himself toward the telephone.

      “It’s Sunday. This better be important” – he thought to himself. “Hello, Sal here!” – He said.

      The voice from the opposite end was of a woman. From her tone and voice, Sal estimates the age of the woman as to be of late 20’s.

      “Is this Dr. Relto Sal, the archeologist?” – said the woman.

      “Yes this is me” – said Relto. “Dr. Sal, my name is Alisa Lenwick. I am calling you from the American Consulate of Pakistan” – said Alisa.

      Relto was shocked and a bit shaken, he was aware of the local situation of the country he was working in but he was also aware that he never faced any hostility in the country where he has spend many years working. He could speak the local language Urdu in the local dialect and knew everyone in the neighborhood by face and name.

      After spending several years he thought of Pakistan as his second home and the thought of leaving dazzled him.

      “From the Consulate? Is everything okay Ms. Alisa? I hope you don’t want me to evacuate this place because this is when the consulate remembers us” – questioned Relto.

      “Yes Doctor everything is fine, it’s not about evacuation. We have a work for you which we believe you could help us with. The work requires you to travel. Is it possible for you to come to the consulate office? I could tell you more about the job personally” – answered Alisa.

      “Sure but could you tell me what kind of job is that?” – questioned Relto. “It is something related to your area of expertise. I can’t tell you more” – answered Alisa.

      “Alright I will be there today afternoon. Is that fine?” – said Relto. “Sure, see you then, Thank you” – Alisa said and the line was disconnected.

      Relto walk back to the bed, he looks at the watch and lay back to sleep. “What’s the job” – Relto thinks to himself before falling asleep again.

      At noon, the weather was scorching hot, it was 40 degree Celcius. While driving he sees the busy life of Karachi, he sees people going to work on bikes and cars and people selling homemade produces in the middle of the streets.

      “It’s a perfect Capitalist country and the world sees a completely different side of this magnificent city” – Relto thought to himself.

      Relto have spent many years in Karachi and the city and its people have never failed to impress him.

      When Relto first landed in Quaid-e-Azam international Airport, he was afraid to set foot outside his house as he was afraid that a domestic terrorist might come and get him but it only took him a month to change his thought. He was in love with the city of Karachi. He soon began realizing that the world he lives all his life has failed to understand the socio-political situation of Pakistan.

      “It’s a country just like all the other country of the world and the problem faced by this country is the same as that of all the other countries.” – Relto thought to himself while stuck in traffic.

      Relto drives to the American consulate and enters the facility after the security check. Relto is greeted at the reception by a very stunning, beautiful woman who introduces herself as Alisa Lenwick.

      She takes Relto to her office where she informs him about the job.

      “First of all, Thank you doctor for coming to consulate on Sunday” – said Alisa. “Well I didn’t know you guys work on Sunday” – asked Relto.

      “Well. It has been a very busy month for us all” – said Alisa.

      “Doctor, we have a job that requires your expertise. Please understand that this job is of national scale and both Pakistani and American government is working secretly on this project. This job is of utmost importance and you are not supposed to talk about it to anyone. If you talk about this to anyone then we are bound by law to arrest you and press charges on you” – said Alisa.

      “But I am not fit to work in government related projects. I do not have any governmental clearance” – said Relto.

      “We are aware of it but your work on Sumerian and Indus Civilization translation is what we are looking for. I can’t tell you about the nature of this job unless you agree to work with us. We will take you to the site and brief you about the job on site. It is entirely up to accept the assignment or leave it but you can’t leave the work in between. But I can assure you it is beyond your wildest imagination. You will work with other notable archeologist and scientist and that’s a once in lifetime opportunity” – informed Alisa.

      “Does it involve me killing someone or getting shot by someone” – jokes Relto.

      “No. Definitely no. It’s a research project only.

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