Rita Royale 2 (The Beach House). Terry JD Anderson

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Rita Royale 2 (The Beach House) - Terry JD Anderson

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Picasso. No more talking until the ambulance arrives.”

      Thirty minutes later, the entire beach road and Rita’s house were swarming with MPs, the ambulance with Rita and Alex already at the hospital. Dixie arrived at the hospital. Found Rita in the waiting room and sat next to her on a hard plastic chair.

      “How is Alex?”

      Rita just looked at her. “They’re checking for any internal damage.”

      “Someone said you killed five of them?”

      “I guess I did. I kind of lost track.”

      “Thank God you and Alex are even still alive.”

      “When he was shot, I thought it was over. I was so scared for him.”

      Dixie put her arm around her. “You can’t stay at your house.”

      “They’re not going to drive me out. I’m going to find the leader of these guys and personally deal with him.”

      “We don’t have any leads, Major.”

      “The Army is involved somehow. Someone or some ones.”

      “How do you know that?”

      “Colonel Robinson removes the guards from my house the same day these guys come for us. Sergeant Lewis is killed. Someone in the Army knows something and I’m going shake it out.”

      At that moment a man in olive green walked up to Rita. “Hello, Major. How’s the boy?”

      Rita looked up at him. “I don’t know, Colonel. Any ideas who might have done this?”

      “We’re still working on it.”

      Rita saw something in his eyes, she didn’t believe him. “I’ll be taking over this investigation from now on.”

      He looked at her. “On whose authority?”

      “On my authority, Colonel.”

      “You don’t have the authority to remove me from this investigation.”

      “Now you see, that’s where you’re wrong, Colonel. I’m Badger Troop, remember. You’re not. Now you listen to me. If you get in my way, I’ll personally see you’re busted down to private. You’ll be handing out parking tickets until you retire. And, I want my house protected tonight. You get a squad out to the beach house right now. Tomorrow I’m bringing in a Badger Troop squad. From that point on you and the Army stay clear of us. Do you understand me, Colonel?”

      He just glared at her. “I’m calling General Arnold.”

      Rita grinned. “You do that. And by the way, Colonel. You’re now a suspect.”

      “You can’t be serious.”

      Rita stood to her feet, touched her weapon. “Want to see how serious I am?”

      He looked in her eyes. “Screw you.”

      Rita struck him so fast he didn’t even see it coming. A strike to his throat which caused him to drop to his knees, land hard on the hospital waiting room floor. He tried to speak and get up but was unable to.

      Rita looked down at him with eyes like the fires of Hell. “Screw me? You’re not man enough to screw me. And if anymore attacks occur at my beach house, I’ll come after you. Now you get your ass back to your base and order nine MPs to watch my house. My team will be arriving tomorrow and then your guys can go back to pulling cats out of trees. That’s all you’re good for anyway.”

      He struggled to his feet, his hand on his throat. His eyes filled with hate. He walked from the room.

      Dixie just stared at her. “Major. What did you just do?”

      “I’m shaking things loose. He’s dirty. I know he’s dirty. Coming after me is one thing. Shooting Alex changes the game.”

      “But still, you’ve made an enemy.”

      “I doubt he was ever a friend to begin with.”

      A doctor walked into the waiting room, smiled at Rita. “Alex will be fine. His chest will be sore for a few days, but no internal damage.”

      Rita’s eyes filled with tears. “Thank you, Doctor. Can he come home tonight?”

      “Yes, he’s okay to leave. That vest saved the boy’s life. He’s getting dressed now. He’ll be along soon.”

      Dixie gave her major a serious look. “I’m coming to stay with you tonight.”

      Rita just nodded.

      A few minutes later Alex walked into the waiting room wearing his black slacks and white shirt. Rita hugged him carefully, avoided squeezing his chest.

      “Rita, Amanda will be wondering why I didn’t show up.”

      “I know. You can call her from Dixie’s car.”

      It was after ten o’clock in the evening when Rita arrived home. The bodies now gone from her yard and the beach, two Army men in green now positioned in front and back of the house. A couple of cars parked along the roadside out front.

      Stella arrived and made coffee, gave Alex a glass of juice as he lay on the sofa. She touched his face, smiled at the young man.

      Rita phoned the general from her den. Listened to the ringing.

      “Arnold here.”

      “Hello General. Sorry to call so late.”

      “Rita. What the hell’s going on out there? It sounds like a war zone. I just talked to Colonel Robinson. He says you assaulted him and relieved him from the investigation. He was some upset.”

      “Yes, sir. He’s either dirty or incompetent. I’m not sure which. Either way, he’s unfit to lead this investigation.”

      “And you want me to relieve him of command?”

      “No sir. Let him stay. I think maybe he’ll lead us to Mamoud.”

      “Dammit, Rita. I don’t know. Maybe you should get the hell out of there.”

      “No general. They shot my son.”

      “You don’t have a son, Rita.”

      “I do now. I’m the boy’s guardian. He feels like my son.”

      “How is the boy?”

      “He’ll be okay. I had him wearing a vest. General, I need a few Badgers here. Perhaps a squad for now.”

      “I’ll have a squad sent there tomorrow from Kamloops. They can quarter at the Army base. Anything else?”

      “Tell them to bring bugging equipment, plus automatic weapons, grenades, launchers.

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