Rita Royale 2 (The Beach House). Terry JD Anderson

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Rita Royale 2 (The Beach House) - Terry JD Anderson

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you and your buddies wear Army shirts?”

      “I guess. How do I get to wear a black uniform like you?”

      She looked at him. “Lots of training.”

      He nodded. “Are you really a lesbian?”

      She grinned. “I really am.”

      “Do you have a girlfriend?”

      “No. How about you?”

      “I know some girls, but I don’t have a girlfriend. My dad says there’s too many lesbians in Sidney.”

      “He does, huh? Is that why you wrote those things on the wall?”

      “I don’t know. I’m sorry I did, Rita. You seem nice for a lesbian.”

      “How many lesbians do you know?”

      “Just you.”

      Rita glanced at him, smiled, turned over the two steaks. “You always wear clothes like you’re wearing?”

      He looked at his clothes. “I have other clothes at home.”

      “Tomorrow we’ll go see your dad.”

      “He won’t let me in.”

      She looked at him. “Well, if he doesn’t I guess you can stay here. But there are rules around here.”

      He smiled. “Like what?”

      “Like no more hanging around the pier after school. I want you wearing different clothes too.”

      “I don’t have any money.”

      “I’ll buy you clothes. And you have to help out around here. Cut the grass, keep your room clean.”

      “I can do that.”

      “Good.” Rita put the steaks on a platter. “Let’s go in the kitchen and eat now.”

      After dinner the pair sat on the front porch, the late afternoon sun sinking lower, coloring the calm ocean in reds, oranges and yellows. Rita sipped a beer while Alex drank a coke.

      “Tell me about your mother.”

      “Like what?”

      “Whatever comes to mind.”

      He looked at her, looked at his borrowed black fatigues. “She’s nice, but she’s messed up. She does drugs.”

      “I see. What about you?”

      He shook his head. “I don’t do that. I’ve seen what happens to people who do drugs.”

      “That’s smart. You want to be in Badger Troop you’ll need a clear head.”

      He looked along the road out front. “Its a different Army car and man watching the house.”

      “Do you see the other car?”

      He looked up and down the road, shook his head.

      “He’s in the blue van.”

      Alex spotted the van, nodded. “On the pier when you and the other woman shot the terrorists, I heard an eagle screaming.”

      Rita looked at him closely. “Did you? What did the bird tell you?”


      “Did you see the eagle?”

      “No. I looked up, but it wasn’t there.” He looked at her cheek. “Where did you get the two scars? They look the same.”

      “Two bullets grazed me.”

      “Wow. You’ve been shot?”

      “Yes. I was shot in the shoulder too. A long time ago. When I played poker.”

      “You play poker?”

      “I haven’t for a while now.”

      “My dad says they play poker at a place called, Davey Jones’ Locker.”

      “Oh yeah? Does your dad play?”

      He nodded. “Sometimes.”

      “When are you done school?”

      “The end of next week.”

      “One more year after that?”

      “Half a year. I’m joining up in December.”

      “Why don’t you wait until you finish grade twelve?”

      “That’s a year away.”

      “A year goes by fast.”

      “Can I stay with you?”

      Rita smiled. “After we talk to your dad tomorrow. I don’t know anything about boys. I only have a sister.”

      He looked at her face closely. “I didn’t see anything like makeup or women’s stuff all over the bathroom like my dad’s girlfriend does.”

      “That’s because I don’t wear makeup.”

      He smiled slightly. “You don’t need any.”

      Chapter Three (Sunday, June 20, 2021)

      The exhaust note from Rita’s motorcycle caused Robert Racine to leave the sofa and open his front door. He stared at the blonde woman with the buzz cut hair, at his kid on the back of a motorcycle. He waited on the front step, feet bare, white t-shirt stained with mustard from yesterday’s hot dog, gut sticking out enough to be obvious.

      Rita studied the man as she walked up close to the steps, her sunglasses shading her eyes. “Mr. Racine. I’m Major Royale. I was wondering if Alex was welcome here.”

      He looked at her uniform, her leather jacket, finally her face. “Why does an Army woman care?”

      “Alex is a minor, Mr. Racine. I’m the Liaison Officer for Sidney.”

      “He’s sixteen. When I was his age I was out working for a living. He can too.”

      “So you don’t want him living here?”

      He looked at his son. “Little thief stole some money.”

      Alex stared. “I did not.”

      “Mr. Racine. May Alex go and get his clothes from his room?”

      He looked at her. “What are you going to do with him?”

      Rita removed her sunglasses, looked straight

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