Truth for Born-Again. Perse D. Imm

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Truth for Born-Again - Perse D. Imm

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      Considering that the core of the whole book of the Bible, New Testaments or Old Testaments, is the Gospel; the Lamb of God prepared by God the Father, must be sacrificed for the reconciliation between God and men who had been sold under the Serpent, and rise from the dead for the victory over sinners’ death-destiny, Jesus must have known the Gospel so well that all his heroic words and miraculous activities must have come out of that spirit of the Gospel. He was surely the superman that every human being might well have him as the model to be like. The heroic miraculous activities should have meant nothing by themselves without the spirit of the Gospel in the mind of Jesus. Jesus was just showing symbolically the real miracle that should happen in the mind of the believers at the moment of believing the Gospel; resurrection of the dead; revival of the dead spirits in the minds of believers.

      If any man has different viewpoints from Jesus’, he has to change his mind anyhow to understand and believe his words. Because his words are from the Truth, yet, man’s ideas are from human traditions which have been manipulated inevitably by the Serpent through generations since the beginning of human history.

      The philosophical ideas of Jesus were definitely different from man’s in general, which were just the specific applications of the Gospel.

      1) The eternal life is spiritual life, never physical.

      2) Eternity of human existence.

      3) No man is good except God.

      4) Equality of God, Jesus himself and human. Man should be equal with God in the son-father relationship through Jesus the Savior.

      5) Synchronism of salvation, eternal life and faith.

      6) Eternal living and suffering in Heaven and hell.

      7) Satan the Serpent as the king of the world, who will be thrown away out of this world someday.

      8) Praising of the poor as the qualification to possess the Kingdom of God.

      9) He rebuked the children of the Viper, the hypocrites, the religious leaders.

      10) He was the center of the whole Bible. His task was to fulfill the will of God, the Law, which was the Gospel; the salvation of all men through his death and resurrection.

      The perfect man of Jesus, the superman, the God-chosen heroic Savior, did a lot of miracles. They were miracles in man’s eyes, but they were just normal daily activities in his philosophy and capacity;

      1)He fasted for 40 days.

      2)He walked on the surface of the water, and made one of his disciples to walk on the water too.

      3)He called a corpse out of the tomb alive.

      4)He released all men out of any kinds of diseases.

      5)He commanded the wind and waves to calm down.

      6)He fed thousands of people with a handful of food.

      7)He rose from death.

      8)After his resurrection, he had the spiritual body transcending the three dimensional limitation. He could appear and disappear at any moment.

      9)Jesus identified himself not just with God but also with his disciples by calling them ‘brethren’ and ‘children’. He emphasized that all the miraculous activities could be done by any human beings once they had the genuine faith of the Truth.

      These miraculous phenomena are just the accessories of the main theme of the Bible, the Gospel. No miracles can be compared with the miracle of the Gospel; man gets revived into the eternal life. The Gospel is rather logical that men can easily grasp, but these miracles are not within man’s capacity of understanding, at least with current scientific knowledge. It is imaginable that there is a fantastic world of reality that transcends human current capacity of knowledge and ability.

      There could always be something that the child could not understand about what its Father does.


      ---- ; that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil; and deliver them who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage. (Hebrew 2:14, 15)

      As many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name: who were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God. And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father), full of grace and truth. (John 1:12-14)

      No man has seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, who is in the bosom of the Father, he has declared him. (John 1:18)







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