Paul Newman & Karampal Singh: About Karma. Linda Stein-Luthke

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Paul Newman & Karampal Singh: About Karma - Linda Stein-Luthke

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soon after any movement that you make on this Earth plane, be it malevolent or benevolent, you will quickly see the results of your choices now, in this lifetime. Not in the next lifetime, but now.

      If you are opening your heart to allow the loving Light of Infinite Source to fill you, and allowing the wisdom and guidance of that Light to aid you in making your choices, then you will quickly see your quality of life improve. A balance and harmony, a gift from your karmic legacy, will fill each moment of your life on Earth.

      If, however, you choose to be guided by less harmonic interests and allow dissonance and discomfort to fill each moment, then the rule of karma will seek to balance each dissonant choice by showing you an immediate response to those choices. And the response that you choose to experience may not be pleasant. But you will have co-created the response that you will experience. These uncomfortable moments that you may choose will be an instant “course correction” for you. They will not be mistakes as you have judged such things in the past. And they will not be a reason to dwell on recrimination for the choice you have made. Such choices to create discomfort in your life are usually the result of conditioning that has not allowed you the opportunity to know another way to be.

      But now as you have an unpleasant experience, you can see that you can choose another way to respond to your karmic choice. You can heal the karmic energy that inspired that choice and change course. Heal your history and move into balance and harmony.

      Dissonance and disharmony will bring even greater dissonance and disharmony. As always, in any lifetime, the choice would be yours. You may think that there is some outside negative force that would be punishing you. But that simply would not be so. It is you, in every moment, that would be making these choices to either bring discomfort or comfort into your life.

      The Karma of your whole planet is correspondingly being fulfilled at this time.

      Leia, you and Martin have frequently heard that the macrocosm and the microcosm are the same. What this means is that the atoms that are responding within your being to your choices are responding within your whole world in like manner. If you believe that you are seeing an untenable situation in the world around you, then that is what you will invite into the world in which you live. What you believe you see externally, is what you will experience internally.

      So, how can you heal your karmic history so that you can move into a time of balance and harmony in your world? Paul may have a few suggestions to offer to you here.

      • • • • • •

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