The Essential Guy de Maupassant Collection. Guy de Maupassant

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The Essential Guy de Maupassant Collection - Guy de Maupassant

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in them is nothing but brutal desire,--men like him, I say, when a woman they desire escapes or resists them, become raging beasts. They behave like madmen, like men possessed, with arms outstretched and lips wide open. They must love some one, no matter whom just as a mad dog with open jaws bites anything and everybody. The Santelli has unchained this raging brute, and you find yourself face to face with his dripping jaws. Take care! You call that love! It is nothing but animal passion.

      MME. DE SALLUS [_sarcastically_]

      Really, you are very unfair to him. I am afraid jealousy is blinding you.


      Oh, no, I am not deceiving myself, you may be sure.


      Yes, I think you are. Formerly my husband neglected and abandoned me, doubtless finding me very insipid; but now he finds me much improved, and has returned to me. It is very easy to understand, and moreover, it is the worse for him, for he _must_ believe that I have been a _faithful_ wife to him all my life.




      Well, what?


      Does a girl cease to be a faithful wife, if, when deserted by the man who has assumed charge of her existence, and her happiness, and her love, and her ideals, she refuses to resign herself--young, beautiful, and full of hope--to eternal isolation and everlasting solitude?


      I think I have already told you that there are certain things which it is _not_ necessary to discuss, and this is one of them. [_The front door bell sounds twice._] Here is my husband. Please be silent. He is in a gloomy mood just now.

      JACQUES DE RANDOL [_rises_]

      I think I shall go. I am not in love with your husband any more, for many reasons, and it is difficult for me to be polite to him when I despise him, and when I know that he ought to despise me, and would despise me when I shake hands with him, did he know all.

      MME. DE SALLUS [_annoyed_]

      How many times must I tell you that all this is entirely out of place?

      SCENE II.

      (_The same, including_ M. de Sallus.)

      _Enter_ M. de Sallus, _evidently in a bad temper. He looks for a moment at_ Mme. de Sallus _and at_ Jacques de Randol, _who is taking his leave; then comes forward_.


      Ah! Sallus.

      M. DE SALLUS

      How are you, Randol? Surely you are not going because I came.


      No, but my time is up. I have an appointment at the club at midnight, and now it is half after eleven. [_They shake hands._] Have you come from the first performance of "Mahomet"?

      M. DE SALLUS

      Oh! Of course.


      People say that it should be a great success.

      M. DE SALLUS

      It doubtless will be.

      JACQUES DE RANDOL [_shakes hands again with_ De SALLUS _and_ Madame de Sallus]

      Well, till I see you again.

      M. DE SALLUS

      Till then, my dear fellow.


      Madame, adieu.


      Adieu, Monsieur de Randol. [_Exit_ Randol.]

      SCENE III.

      (M. de Sallus _and_ Mme. de Sallus.)

      M. DE SALLUS [_sinks into an armchair_]

      Was Randol here any length of time?


      No, possibly half an hour.

      M. DE SALLUS [_meditatively_]

      Half an hour plus a whole hour makes an hour and a half, does it not? Time seems to fly when you are with him.


      What do you mean by an hour and a half?

      M. DE SALLUS

      Just what I say. When I saw the carriage waiting at the door, I asked the footman, who was within. He told me that it was M. Jacques de Randol. "Has he been here long?" I asked. "He has been here since ten," said the footman. Admitting that the man might have been mistaken, we will say, in the matter of a quarter of an hour, that would make an hour and a quarter, at the least.


      Oh, ho! What is this new attitude of yours? Have I not a right to receive whom I like now?

      M. DE SALLUS

      Oh, my dear, I deny you nothing, nothing, nothing. The only thing that astonishes me is that you do not know the difference between half an hour and an hour and a half.


      Are you looking for a scene? If you wish a quarrel, say so. I shall know how to answer you. You are simply in a bad temper. Go to bed and sleep, if you can.

      M. DE SALLUS

      I am not looking for a quarrel, neither am I in bad humor. I only state that time flies with you when you pass it in the company of Jacques de Randol.


      Yes, it does go quickly; far more quickly than when I am with you.

      M. DE SALLUS

      He is a very charming fellow, and I know you like him; and, moreover, he must like you very much, since he comes here every day.


      These insinuations are distasteful to me. Please speak plainly and say what you mean. Are you assuming the r?le of a jealous husband?

      M. DE SALLUS

      God forbid! I have too much confidence in you, and far too much esteem for you, to reproach you with anything, for I know

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