Freshman Year, 91-92. Megan B. March

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Freshman Year, 91-92 - Megan B. March

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go up the main road into another housing development, and turning on the next street just north of mine that would curve around and bring me back down to my street. All-in-all, it was about a mile round-trip that would help to work off the bloat from the pizza. Shivering a little, I started out with the flashlight beam bouncing with each step I took. Only an occasional car passed, but that was typical for a quiet Sunday evening.

      I made my way to the main street and was just about to turn, when I noticed a familiar truck parked across the street with Jon behind the wheel; Kyle was leaning outside the passenger door, smoking.

      “Shit,” I said under my breath, trying to decide if I should continue on or turn around and walk back home. Either way, I figured he’d eventually see me because the street was lit up pretty well. I decided instead to ignore him and start up the street to finish the loop. A dozen or so feet down the sidewalk, I heard my name being called.

      “Mia? Hey, Mia, is that you?” I debated whether or not to ignore him and pretend not to be me, but manners changed my mind and I slowly pivoted on my heels to face his direction. Kyle was jogging toward me with his cigarette hanging out the side of his mouth. I couldn’t help thinking that he was a more attractive than I remembered, and I felt guilty the moment the thought popped into my head. I immediately thought of Jensen and wished he could have been with me now instead of earlier.

      Kyle ran up, a little out of breath. Seeing that I was on foot, he asked if I lived nearby. I thought about lying, but he’d probably see me go to my house eventually, so I settled on the truth.

      “Yeah, I do. What are you up to? I thought Jon would be with Kylie.”

      “Well, I was hanging out with Alyna, but she ditched me near here so I called Jon. He was a little pissed that he had to leave Kylie.” I nodded, turned around, and continued walking. For once I figured I’d pull the same trick he always pulled on me. To my surprise, he stayed by my side and asked if Jensen and I were going out.

      “Not that it’s any of your business, but yeah, we are,” I snapped, surprising myself with my brazen attitude. It felt terrific to be able to treat him this way.

      Kyle instantly held his hands in the air. “Hey, just asking.” Feeling guilty, I told him that I was sorry, and not wanting Jensen to be the topic of our conversation, I asked him if he and Alyna were together. “Working on it.” He took a drag of his cigarette then tossed it away. I cleared my throat, but tried to cover my cynicism with a fake cough. I couldn’t fool him, though. “You don’t think I have a chance with her, do you?” It was a statement, not a question.

      “I didn’t say it.”

      “True, but you still think it.” I was getting tired of his game. Why should I care about him and who he wanted to be with?

      “Ok, you’re right. I don’t really think you have a chance with her,” I boldly stated, and then more quietly I added, “Jensen had a bit to say on that topic.” I watched a smirk spread across Kyle’s face.

      “Oh, yeah, I almost forgot. They were a thing for the greater part of last year. Too bad she cheated on him,” Kyle said smugly as I couldn’t keep my mouth from dropping open. “He didn’t tell you … which part?” Kyle was enjoying this too much. He put his finger to his temple and then added, “I’m guessing you knew they went out. I don’t see him being as forthcoming with how serious they were and that she cheated on him … with me.” Kyle strung out the explanation in an odd manner, almost like a detective explaining a crime might.

      I stood there, trying to let this new information sink in. Now I knew what Jensen’s comment meant about Alyna not making that mistake twice. I closed my mouth and took a sharp breath to regain my composure. I felt my blood boil and I glared at him, searching his face for a hint of a lie. There was none.

      I suddenly felt I had to defend Jensen, so I counted back with, “Actually, I knew how serious they were. He told me they slept together. However, you’re right; I didn’t know that she cheated on him with you. He did have the decency to leave your name out of it.” Kyle shifted his weight from one foot to the other. “To be honest,” I went on, “I don’t blame him for not sharing that part. I’m sure it would have been embarrassing to admit that his girlfriend cheated with a low-life like you.” I turned and jogged away from him as a sign I was done with the conversation. I hoped he didn’t follow me and was glad when I didn’t hear his footsteps behind me.


      It was six o’clock by the time I returned home, and Mom was there on the phone when I entered the house. I slammed the door and loudly kicked off my shoes before hanging up my coat and running upstairs to my room. Once there, I lay down on the bed and stared up at the ceiling for a while, trying to work through my thoughts and my anger. Kyle’s words kept running through my head, causing me to tense my jaw. I was at the point where I wanted to punch him … or something.

      The phone rang and a few minutes later my mom knocked on my door. I swallowed, trying to keep my voice even. “Yeah?” I asked.

      She entered and she held out the phone, saying, “Jensen.” I curtly thanked her and grabbed the phone. She lingered for a moment before shutting the door behind her.

      “Hey,” I said gruffly.

      “Hi … something wrong?” Jensen had perceptively caught the mood by my voice.

      “Actually, yes, there is. I’m not one to beat around the bush so I’ll just say it. I ran into Kyle.” I heard him breathe in sharply as if he was expecting the worst. “He told me something about you and Alyna.”

      Jensen sighed on the other end of the line. “So he told you,” Jensen confirmed.

      “It’s true? She cheated on you with him?”

      “Yeah,” he whispered and sighed again. “To tell you the truth, I’m surprised you didn’t ask me what I meant when I said she wouldn’t make that mistake again.”

      “I just figured they’d gone out once before, not that he’d been the reason you and her broke up. Why … didn’t … you … tell … me?” A lump formed in my throat and tears began to form. I didn’t know why I was upset. Perhaps because I felt I had been lied to.

      “I’m sorry. It’s not exactly something I’m proud of.”

      There was silence on the other end of the phone and I suddenly felt bad for making Jensen admit that someone had gotten the best of him. Making him re-live the pain and humiliation that Kyle and Alyna put him through suddenly seemed very self-serving and immature. I instantly felt like I was the one who did something wrong.

      “I’m sorry. I guess I overreacted. Kyle kind of does that to me,” I admitted.

      “Yeah, you and me both,” he agreed.

      “Yes, but he shouldn’t bother me at all. I don’t care for him. I love you, and I’m sure it hurts you to know that he affects me so deeply.” My tears were still present but the lump in my throat was subsiding.

      “I don’t understand,” Jensen confessed. “What do you mean when you say that he affects you deeply? Do you mean …?”

      “No, I don’t have feelings for him,” I quickly said, not exactly sure if it was the truth. The evening had been very confusing. “Jensen, it’s been kind of a long day. Can we talk tomorrow?”

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