Entering Into Your Wealthy Place: A Forty Day Journey Out of Your Financial Wilderness. Michelle J. Miller

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Entering Into Your Wealthy Place: A Forty Day Journey Out of Your Financial Wilderness - Michelle J. Miller

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      A Forty Day Journey Out of Your Financial Wilderness

      Michelle J. Miller

      Unless otherwise indicated, all scriptural quotations are from the New King James Version of the Bible.

      Entering Into Your Wealthy Place:

      A Forty Day Journey Out of Your Financial Wilderness

      Published in eBook format by eBookIt.com


      ISBN-13: 978-1-4566-1667-0

      To order copies contact:

      Michelle J. Miller International, LLC.

      332 S. Michigan Avenue

      Suite 1032 – M121

      Chicago, IL 60604-4434

      Copyright © 2013 by Michelle J. Miller

      All rights reserved

      No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transcribed in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, without prior written permission of the author.


      We have the ability to enter into the promise land. Today God wants to establish the same wealth covenant that He established with the Israelites in Deuteronomy 8:18. It is God’s will that we prosper in every area of our lives. In fact, God takes pleasure in the prosperity of His servant according to Psalms 35:27. We want the testimony of Isaac in Genesis 26:12-14:

      “Then Isaac sowed in that land, and reaped in the same year a hundredfold; and the Lord blessed him. The man began to prosper, and continued prospering until be became very prosperous; for he had possessions of flocks and possessions of herds and a great number of servants. So the Philistines envied him.”

      According to Psalms 66:12, God would bring us into our wealthy place. The wealthy place identified in Psalms 66:12 is akin to the Promise Land. It is a place of abundance, refreshment, restoration, peace & joy – it represents a place natural and spiritual prosperity. It is that place where naturally and spiritually our cup runs over (Psalms 23:5). This is wonderful and we all have with the ability to experience this in our lives when we trust God for our well being and know that it is the Lord that blesses us and prospers us.

      The manner that God blesses us differs from person to person. I recall reading the above scriptures and similar ones that gave examples of how God blessed and prospered His people while laying on the floor in my mother’s place looking at my daughter sound asleep. I recall watching this precious little girl sleeping wanting to give her the world, but I didn’t have anything – no place to stay, no car and no job. I was in law school and it seemed that all I had were my tears and the determination to move forward. I spent an increasing amount of time in prayer and leading ministry activities. I was practicing the principles of giving and putting God first in my life, but I was murmuring and complaining in the process. I would be up before sunrise seeking understanding from God regarding my situation. I had read Joshua 1:8 and made it my daily confession, but my life appeared to be the exact opposite of this scripture: "This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success. - Joshua 1:8” My situation at that time did not look prosperous, blessed or as if I was on the pathway of success. I began to think less of myself and that I was fooling myself into thinking that God would prosper me, not realizing that Proverbs 23:7 says as a man thinks so is he.

      To cover up for my personal issues I began to buy out of my lack whenever I had money instead of waiting to purchase out of my abundance when God blessed me in His timing. It seemed as if everything and everyone gave me problems. However, I soon realize that my biggest hindrance for receiving the blessings of God was me. In other words, I wanted the promises of God without waiting on God, enduring the testing process and putting my trust in Him alone. The results, I had prosperity potential and I desired to have great blessings. This is not to say that I suddenly have millions of dollars; I do not. However, according to my current financial plan I will retire a multi-millionaire if I do not receive it sooner. I also soon realized that this was a time of testing and humbling so that I would acknowledge God when I began to see the blessings and favor bestowed upon my life. I made a decision to die to myself and my desires so that I can abandon myself in the things of God. It was during this time that I truly put God first – leaving study sessions to attend church, forgoing material desires (and needs) to give more and setting aside dedicated time of prayer and fasting. The result was that I went from welfare to a wealthy place. This is not to say that I suddenly have millions of dollar; I do not, but I according to my current financial plan I will retire a multi-millionaire. This is simply state that I have experienced an exponential spiritual and natural increase in my life because I took time to in God’s presence. It was placed on my heart to share some scriptures that I meditated and my personal pathway out of the wilderness. I think the greatest thing that changed during this process was me. I believe it will change you too!

      There is a way out of debt! Debt reduction requires discipline. We must go through the process of financial transformation. During this journey allow God to shine a light on your money management tactics or a lack thereof. Allowing God to reveal your places of growth is a humbling process (I state this based on past and current experiences) especially when it comes to financial matters. However, know that God gives grace to the humble. Many of us have the best intentions to give and serve others. Yet, we cannot be overzealous and give or spend based on emotions. It is important to operate in wisdom if we want to demolish debt and build wealth. According to Proverbs 22:7

      “The rich ruleth over the poor; And the borrower is servant to the lender” Proverbs 22:7

      When you are broke you move from master to servant. When you have bills piling up you move from your place of kingship. We must proclaim are release from financial bondage, break our poverty mindsets and annihilate generations cycles of lack. I pray that God will give you the grace look at your financial situation and face it with courage. You must face your financial situation (i.e. open the bills, list your balances, speak to creditors, etc.) to change it. Facing your situation can be overwhelming. However, pouting and complaining about your bank account doesn't build your nest egg. I am on a personal journey of debt reduction and wealth building. I have been confession these scriptures and I have seen amazing breakthroughs in my financial situation. I believe that God will continue to give me the wisdom needed to see the manifestation of God’s promises in my life. The financial fog that hindered my vision to wealth has been lifted. If you are reading this book you are ready to clear the financial fog in your life. Let God order your steps for the next forty days. Thanks for joining me on this journey.


      Entering into your wealthy place is a personal journey that may or may not be a one time pathways towards financial change in your life. It is a pathway of peace and patience as you prepare to enter into your wealthy place. I know that people want instant

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