Life & Death In an American Harem. L. M. Ollie

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Life & Death In an American Harem - L. M. Ollie

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a pretty good idea. ‘I was just eighteen and a virgin of course when I was auctioned.’


      ‘Ten thousand dollars: two years ago. He was an Arab and a close friend of lord Capritzo. He was very nice, quite handsome and very considerate.’

      Now it was my turn to stare. I think my mouth was wide open too. ‘Did you get to keep any of the money?’

      ‘The girls keep forty per cent of what they make. Spending the night with a handsome Arab netted me four thousand dollars.’

      ‘Weren’t you afraid of catching something from this guy?’

      ‘He only sleeps with women who have had no sexual history except for the one he provides, and believe me, he provided lots.’ She smiled, remembering. ‘He kept me in a magnificent suite at his hotel for a week.

      ‘By the end I could hardly walk.’ This time she laughed. ‘Lord Capritzo was very pleased with me and I guess so was his friend. When I checked my bank account there was ten thousand dollars there.’ She stood up. ‘So, are we going to look through my wardrobe to find something appropriate for you to wear or am I putting you on a north-bound bus?’


      I stood just inside the walk-in closet and watched as Barbara flipped through her wardrobe which, I might add, was extensive and included some beautiful evening gowns, fur coats and tailored suits. She slumped when I asked her what this Capritzo guy looked like and whether he was an Arab too.

      ‘He’s not “that Capritzo guy”; he’s lord Capritzo and you will call him that or sir. Yes sir, no sir; yes lord, no lord. Got that? And another thing; he knows you’re only sixteen but he will still expect a level of sophistication so you can take your oh sure whatever; that’s okay by me dude shit and stuff it in your high school gym bag. If he thinks you’re stupid or backward you’ll be out the door so fast your head will spin. He’s Egyptian and he’s rich, powerful and expects to be treated with respect, so be warned.’

      She turned back to the rack of clothes. ‘I think he will want to see you dressed in white so try this on.’

      It was a white linen suit; a two-piece skirt and jacket ensemble. It fitted perfectly overtop of the white silk shift I was wearing. Beneath was a white silk bra and matching panties with lace trim. All the underwear was brand new almost as if Barbara had anticipated my arrival.

      She checked the time, chose a similar outfit in pale pink and hurriedly dressed. Then she concentrated on accessories; shoes and jewelry. A purse she felt was unnecessary. The jewelry was no problem at all; pearl studs - nothing else would do, not on this occasion and there was a reason for that.

      ‘He likes pearls apparently,’ Barbara said matter-of-factly.

      ‘How well do you know him?’

      ‘We’ve met a few times at various functions. He knows everyone and he never forgets a name.’

      She handed me a pair of ivory-colored pumps which finished me off beautifully.

      ‘Okay, let me see you walk,’ she demanded. So I did, all around the living room. Then she pulled a chair free of the dining room table. ‘The walk is good now sit down like a lady please.’

      Mrs Warwick had helped me with this. ‘Sit down slowly, don’t flop. Legs crossed at the ankles, knees together; hands in lap. Sit straight up in the chair.’

      ‘Excellent,’ Barbara pronounced. ‘Right, now I need to ask if you are on your period?’


      ‘Good because if the lord Capritzo wishes to proceed then you will be sent to Doctor Carolyn Colter who is the resident physician. She will examine you carefully and that includes confirming that you are what you say you are.’

      ‘What do you mean?’

      ‘Whether you are a virgin or not; that will need to be confirmed.’

      ‘But I’ve already said that I was.’

      ‘That’s not good enough.’ She stared at me hard, real hard. ‘So if you’ve been lying you will very soon be found out and believe me when I say that the lord Capritzo will be very, very angry and not just with you, so …’

      ‘Barbara, I swear to you I’m a virgin. But I don’t understand how that can be confirmed?’

      ‘God, don’t they teach anything in health sciences these days? Have you ever heard of a hymen?’ I shook my head. ‘Okay, it’s a membrane that partly covers the entrance to the vagina. That’s what Doctor Colter will be looking for; an intact hymen because the first time a woman has sexual intercourse it’s ruptured, forever.’

      ‘Does it hurt?’

      ‘Yes and most of the time there’s bleeding.’


      Barbara smiled. ‘Think of it this way; the pain and blood, it’s like an initiation. You go into it a girl and come out a woman.’

      She checked the time again. ‘We’ll leave in about half an hour so I’ve got just enough time to tell you more of what you need to know about the lord Capritzo. He will ask you questions, perhaps about your family, Canada, whatever. Answer simply and succinctly, don’t ramble on because he won’t be interested. Look at him when you’re talking to him; not at the walls or your hands.

      ‘English is not his first language so sometimes he speaks in a somewhat convoluted manner so you will have to listen carefully and, for Christ’s sake, don’t you dare laugh. He speaks five languages so show some respect.

      ‘Speak when you are spoken to. He’s interviewing you, not the other way around. If you upset him you will know it right way because he has a hair-trigger temper and a zero sense of humor. If you do make him laugh or smile even, you’ve just won major points. On the other hand, if you piss him off … well, let’s not go there. In summary, you will act like the young lady that you are. Any questions?’

      ‘What happens if he doesn’t like me?’

      ‘He will like you.’


      Just before we left, Barbara placed a lined note pad and pen on the table next to a blank envelope. ‘I want you to write a quick note to your parents assuring them that you are safe and well. Hurry, we’re running out of time.’

      I stared at the blank page. I wanted to write something like good bye and good riddance but of course I couldn’t do that. I remember being rather bitter at the time, blaming them for my current situation. If they had taken Parenting 101 they would have failed miserably on three counts - not providing a decent home environment, nutritious food and a future full of opportunities.

      As far as my Mother was concerned my future was fixed. Once I turned

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