1 Law 4 All - Vegas. Billy Angel

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1 Law 4 All - Vegas - Billy Angel

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me," she said with a tear for her mom in her eye.

      Jimmy smiled, "You're doing the smart thing." Jimmy left the room still feeling the impressions of her breasts.

      "How come you get the hug?" Rizzo stated as they walked to his office.

      "Because, I'm loveable. Just ask my sweetness."

      "Your sweetness is going to help us with Wanda. We'll talk at dinner tonight."

      "Why don't we have drinks at my office with the girls. I'll feel better if we get this spy stuff discussed in private. Restaurants have ears."

      Rizzo sent a text to Tonya. A minute later she responded.

      "What did she say?" Jimmy asked.

      "It's the girl's night off."

      "Sweet, I'll get my sugar fix early for a change," Jimmy said. "We'll meet at six. I'll have something set up in the my conference room."

      Rizzo pursed his lips. "See you then. Remember sweetened not stirred."

      Chapter 26 Feeling Lucky

      Sneed asked with a smug look on his face. "The escrow closing went smoothly, don't you think Mr. Wing?"

      "Yes. My superiors are already expediting the transfer of men and materials to the United States," Wing stated emotionlessly. "We expect to begin surveying the property as soon as the deed is recorded."

      Over the years, Sneed made himself into a millionaire through advantageous land deals from donors who became his inner circle of friends. He'd buy land well below market prices and his friends received favorable congressional funding for their pet projects.

      But buying, then selling, 50,000 acres of the Cabeza Prieta National Wildlife Refuge, was by far, his biggest and most profitable deal ever. He had doubled his net worth with this deal and was feeling empowered.

      Sneed said, "I'm feeling like a king. We should celebrate. I can cut my legislative week short. Nobody will miss me. How about some girls and gambling?" Sneed said with a big quarter of a billion dollar profit smile.

      Wing remembered Tonya, his escort, from the poker finals. His eyes open slightly recalling the night at Chelsea's Pony Farm. "This time we gamble and have girls, too?"

      "Yes. Maybe two or three nights."

      Wing was on board. Sneed said, "I'll take care of the details. My Senate limo will pick you up tomorrow at nine AM sharp. We'll get to Vegas in time for drinks, dinner and gambling."

      Wing bowed slightly, turned and left Sneed's office. He thought maybe two large, black girls this time at Chelsea's.

      Sneed called Locci. "Hello, Senator. What can I do for you today?"

      Behind the pleasant tone, Ralph Locci thought Sneed was the biggest leach ever. He wanted everything his way and for free. His tipping habits would put Ebenezer Scrooge to shame.

      Sneed said, "We're celebrating at the Galaxy this weekend starting tomorrow. The deeding issue resolved, thanks to you, we signed the papers today. I'd like one of your penthouse suites with two complete master bathrooms. And, if possible, the same two escorts Wing and I had last weekend."

      "You know Senator, they say variety is the spice of life. But, I'll see what I can do. Call my secretary with your arrival time. She'll direct my limo to pick you up. Will you do me the honor of hosting a small dinner party?"

      "Sure. If you have any fat cat friends, I can hit them up for donations. Maybe some of them need a favor or two!"

      Locci couldn't believe Sneed's gall. He warmly faked wanting to help Sneed build his reelection coffers. "I'll make sure to point out the money in the room."

      "Oh! Can you arrange a private poker game? Wing and I are feeling lucky."

      "Senator, after the dinner, I'm sure a few of the guests will want to play some cards with you."

      "Great. See you tomorrow."

      Locci advised his secretary about Sneed's anticipated arrival and to make the necessary arrangements for the dinner party.

      He called Russell Toms, his escort arraigner. "We'll need some candy for an evening dinner party the day after tomorrow. And see about getting the same two escorts Senator Sneed had last weekend, too."

      Toms ruddy face lite up. He enjoyed hanging around the dancers. He had free access to their dressing room. Sometimes he'd time his arrival in between costume changes. He liked eyeing their private parts.

      Toms said, "No problem. I'll put those two on standby. Let me know how many we'll need a few hours before the party."

      That was easy Locci thought. He'd rather spend his time watching the dancers rehearse than making arrangements for Larry Sneed. He went directly to the Starlight Room rehearsal.

      Sneed lite a cigarette and strolled across the office for a drink. He was thinking festive vodka today. He liked to think he was drinking the best. He removed a bottle of a Polish brand called Belvedere from the freezer section in the mini-bar fridge. He poured his martini glass almost to the brim leaving room for two olives and several drops of olive juice. He sipped and sipped. Each sip made him happier with anticipation.

      Sneed called his secretary Alice Doyle into his office. They have an arrangement. When Sneed needs office sex, she accommodates him. In turn, she keeps her perk-filled job.

      Alice entered the office with a pad and pencil. He used his code words, "You won't need those. Would you like a drink?"

      "Yes and a smoke," she answered.

      Before she walked over to the mini-bar, she dead bolted the door from the inside. Then as she moved towards the bar, he handed her his cigarette and a Belvedere with one olive. She didn't like her martinis as dirty as his.

      They moved to the couch. "I'm going to Vegas tomorrow. I'll need a jet for Mr. Wing and I, ready for takeoff at nine fifteen AM. Cancel everything for the rest of the week and rebook the important stuff."

      "Got it," Alice said downing the martini and taking a long drag off the cigarette.

      Sneed took the cigarette from her, putting his arm around her shoulder. He moved his hand to her breast while she unzipped his pants.

      She massaged his limp, shriveled tool to a semi-solid state. When he roughly squeezed her nipple, she knew he was on the edge. She jerked him harder, then sucked with her mouth until he was satisfied.

      She swallowed and came up for air. He wiped himself off.

      Their office routine completed, Sneed stood and zipped up. "Oh, have the limo pick me up first at eight forty-five," Sneed said and left the office.

      Alice made for the bathroom. As was her routine, she stuck a finger deep down her throat forcing herself to throw-up. She rinsed her mouth with mouthwash and tidied up. She went to the office door and locked the dead bolt again. She returned to the couch. "Now it's my turn, you ugly old man," she said in a soft whisper. She laid back and moved her hand under her skirt and panties. She stroked her clitoris and fantasized about the young new intern. She enjoyed herself

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