1 Law 4 All - Vegas. Billy Angel

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1 Law 4 All - Vegas - Billy Angel

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say it, your hunting buddy, right?"

      There was a standing joke about Kitiona's hunting buddy, Kaia. The story of her hunting down a wild pig in the forests of American Samoa and its relationship to the case they were working on was exaggerated by the guys on the team. They still have a good chuckle referring to Kaia as Kitiona's hunting buddy!

      "That's the one," she said smiling to herself. "Anyways, Kaia is dating a guy named Mark. And he has a twin sister…"

      Mac cut her off. "Can this wait until this weekend when we Skype?"

      "No, mister big shot, shut up and listen."

      Mac heard the temper and envisioned her shooting out Bob's kitchen window last year. He decided to hear her out. "My bad, you were saying."

      "As I was saying before you rudely interrupted me, Mark has a twin sister named Janelle. He thinks she's in some sort of trouble."

      "Why does he think that and what does that have to do with the Foundation?"

      "Because they talk regularly and he hasn't been able to contact her."

      "Is there anything else?" Mac wondered out loud.

      "Yes, her friend received a text message from her saying, "got a senator tonight."

      The wheels in Mac's mind started turning. If Janelle is involved with a senator, this may be a situation the Foundation might like to investigate. After a long pause he said, "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

      Kitiona was quick with, "Yes!"

      "Where does Janelle live?"

      "Las Vegas, Nevada."

      "You know Jimmy is getting established in Vegas. He's good at relating to all those mob-type characters."

      "I remember you telling me about his mob connections in Seattle."

      "I'll give Jimmy a call and ask him to snoop around. Email me details about Janelle, like where she works and lives. Stuff like that."

      "Good, you're my best friend again. Call me when you have something or see you on Skype this weekend."

      Chapter 3 What's Up

      Mac hung up the phone. His infatuation with Kitiona had grown into a friendly, somewhat deep relationship. He realized that she was no wilting rose.

      Kitiona returned home to American Samoa after the Foundation members solved the mystery of who killed her family last year. She took over her father's position as head of the union at the Motorhead factory. Kitiona guided the union leaders into a peaceful relationship with management. She massaged the continuing negotiations while keeping the factory profitable. Mac respected her casual life-style and knew of her hair-trigger temper. He wanted to foster one and stay away from the other.

      His Kitiona moment passed. "Martha, get Ben Green on the phone, please."

      "Mr. Green on line two," Martha summoned thirty seconds later.

      "Hey Ben, how are you doing?"

      "Pretty good, youngster." Ben, in his late 60's, had a complete physical the week before. "The doc's given me a clean bill of health."

      "That's good. Missed you at the last Foundation, Skype meeting. What can I do for you?"

      "I wanted to congratulate you on opening your new office."

      "Well, thanks, Ben. I owe Kitiona and the Foundation -- big time!" After a thoughtful moment, Mac continued, "We may have a situation that calls for the Foundation's involvement."

      "Tell me about it," Ben said with interest in his voice.

      Ben's age only showed in his body. His mind seemed to actually quicken with age. His thought processes trucked along, always hunting out new challenges or learning situations.

      Mac preceded to relay Kitiona's story. "The hook is the text message about the senator."

      Both Ben and Mac reflected for several seconds.

      Ben's curiosity peaked. "Jimmy is in Las Vegas. We should have him locate Mark's sister Janelle. If he can't, we may have to step in and go to work!"

      "I'll call Jimmy today," Mac said.

      There was a long, thoughtful pause. "The answer is yes," Mac said. "Franklin is gay."

      "I was kind of wondering after meeting him at your announcement party." Ben continued. "You know I don't care where people put their private parts. Just keep them out of my private parts!"

      Mac laughed. "Don't worry, I doubt if you're Jed's type!"

      "I feel safer now. You call Jimmy and we'll discuss Janelle's situation at the next Foundation meeting."

      "Roger that." Mac hung up the phone and leaned back in his chair. He brought the chair forward and pushed the intercom button for his secretary. "Martha, get Jimmy Kohl on the phone for me please."

      Thirty seconds later, "Mr. Kohl on line one," Martha joyfully said. She was digging her new job.

      Wow, she's good Mac thought and pressed line one. "Hey, Jimmy boy, how's the party town doing you?"

      "Intense with some glitter thrown in for variety. How's the city and your new partner treating you?"

      Mac was tempted but didn't say it. "All is well here, but maybe not so down by you."

      "Before we get started, is Franklin gay?" Jimmy mused out loud!

      Mac chuckled to himself. He should have opened with that fact. "Yes. You're only the third person to ask me that within the last hour."

      "That's nuts. Well, you can count me out of the 'Gay Day' parade."

      Mac assured him, "I'll be leaving town that weekend. Maybe visiting you."

      "Drop by anytime. I'll get you a great suite on the strip and hook you up with some sweetheart. Speaking of sweethearts, how Kitiona?"

      Mac smiled to himself. "She's her usual vivacious self!"

      Jimmy grinned. "Don't want to be on the wrong side of her temper, especially with a gun nearby!"

      "You remember, too!"

      "How could anyone forget her blowing out Bob's kitchen window. You know, thinking back, that might have been the highlight of the Giardina case."

      "Speaking of cases, we may have another…in your neighborhood."

      When Jimmy didn't say anything, Mac continued with the story Kitiona told him an hour ago.

      Jimmy asked, "Do you have Janelle's last name?"

      Mac opened his gmail account and found Kitiona's message. He began to read from it.

      "Her full name is Janelle Park. She's from North Dakota. She's tall with long, red hair. She works as a dancer at the Galaxy's Starlight

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