Diary of Darkness. Norman Willey

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Diary of Darkness - Norman Willey

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organs, and muscle flexors.

      The subject shakes and jolts as his body spasms. It’s a good thing the other subject is sedated as not to see this.

      The first test subject continues to convulse as the Dr. speaks into his comm. Recorder the entire test, which is far from over-The first test subject is strapped down to a table in a separate room with Plexiglas viewing windows.

      As the first test subject stops flailing and becomes motionless, Eric enters the lab to stand beside the Dr. just looking in bewilderment, astonished over what he is seeing.

      “Help me move the second test subject into the same room, I want to inject him with another DNA strand and see how they interact.”

      “I am not going to help you kill two people,” Eric rejects the notion of helping, yet again.

      “Eric, this is what we do, we were sent along specifically to conduct and succeed with these tests, and when we get to a planet, we will do more tests on any life forms found, you will do these things that I ask of you or you will be relieved of your duties! Am I making myself clear?”

      Eric finally agrees and pushes the test subject’s gurney into the same protective room as test subject 1. The Dr. injects a different DNA/RNA concoction into his main artery. Then the two men seal the room and observe from the observation booth.

      The test subject which is labeled #2 convulse and foams at the mouth and as the accelerator kicks in, the subject’s form begins to change immediately, his ears stretch like angry appendages. His mouth opens to reveal his regular incisors falling out, blood spewing as fangs grow in place. The test subject’s eyes open to reveal blue ovals with blood dripping from the corners. Muffled screams emanate from the throat like a bloody gurgling. Muscles twitching as they become ponderous, his chest heaves upward as the tissues expand with muscle-All muscles expand like steroids surging through his entire body.

      “Dr, what the hell is happening, what was in that mixture?” Eric yells stammering about the room as the creature writhes in pain. “I simply recreated wolf DNA and RNA with an accelerator, “calmly speaking.

      Blood spatters the Plexiglas when subject 1 opens his blood-shot eyes; his body showing changes also, his muscles start to expand; his biceps pulsate and rip through the gown he is wearing.

      “It is hard to judge these actions when experimenting, “ the doctor is interrupted by test subject 2 ripping off his restraint fully naked as he grows 3 feet taller with fangs and blue oval eyes, blood trailing behind as he heads straight for test subject 1 who was beginning to break free from his bindings.

      Too late for that, the beast grabs the other and sinks his fangs into the neck severing the carotid artery, neck blood pumping out like a heartbeat-the beast then reaches his hand with sharp nails through the rib cage, sounds resembling snapping twigs rips the heart from its home. The beast howls an ear shattering yell releasing the neck of the lifeless victim, turns toward the onlookers and starts chewing into the heart, it still slowly beating.

      Dr. Pintao punches a button on the wall which releases a deadly toxin into the room, the beast falls to the blood soaked safety room floor.

      “My god,” expels the words while looking into the blood filled room. Eric faces the Dr. “That was a complete failure. You’re just mad or crazy with power!”

      “I said it before and I will say it again, this is what we do.”

      “No, this is not what we do, we start off with the test tube project over there,” pointing toward the test tube baby in the incubator, “and then we work our way up to more increased testing!”

      “I am keeping pace with the baby, but that takes a lot of time, I wanted to speed up the tests.”

      Eric sits down, “Just promise not to use wolf DNA again.”

      “RNA Eric, I used a replication strand.”

      “Whatever, just start out slower please.”

      “I agree, now we have to clean up, notify the family and document everything.”

      “You mean notify the two families! Yes these are good times,” speaking with sarcasm, “but a lot learned today I guess. I am sure to have nightmares for weeks,” Eric begins to clean up the bloody mess.

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