A Bet Turned Deadly. Alice Zogg

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A Bet Turned Deadly - Alice Zogg

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cannot last a week without any electronic gadgets, and I’m about to prove him wrong.”

      I was next and stated, “I’m James, married to my Tala here,” nudging her playfully. “I’m a mystery writer by profession. I think we should all mention how we know Jacob. He and I met years ago when serving on a jury that seemed to last forever. We clicked right away and stayed buddies after the trial was over. Tala and I often double date with Jacob and his girlfriend, Holly. You heard from Jacob why I’m here.”

      My wife said, “I’m Tala, a nurse, and I came along to make sure James doesn’t get bored,” and she smiled at me.

      “You have an unusual name. I like the sound of it,” London remarked.

      “It is Filipino and means bright star.”

      Next to her sat the brothers Derek, with his head shaved, and Curtis, sporting a full head of curly hair pulled into a ponytail. Derek spoke for both of them, saying, “Me and Curtis work in our old man’s pawn shop. We are both single and available. We bicker a lot on the job and part of the reason we came on this trip is to try to get along and become closer. I know Jacob from the Sierra Mountaineering Club.”

      Now it was the Kim family’s turn to introduce themselves. Yon stated, “We are pleased to be here. I am Yon, originally from South Korea. I own a convenience store in Alhambra. I met Jacob at a CSBA convention.”

      Candie asked, “What’s that?”

      “California Small Business Association,” he replied.

      The boy who sat between his parents said, “I’m Mikey and a first grader. I’m here because Mommy made me come.”

      Everyone burst out laughing.

      His mom spoke up, “I’m Min, a stay-at-home mom, active in the PTA. I teach piano and violin out of our home. And it is true, we are here because Mikey is already addicted to video games, and we thought a week away from them and fresh air will do him good.”

      The college student was next and he said, “My name is Marcelo and I come from Chile. I am a junior at the University of Southern California, where I am majoring in physics. I joined this group because I would like to get the American experience outside of campus life. I am on spring break, so the timing is right for me. I met Jacob at his store when he sold me my mountain bike.”

      He looked over at Jacob, the expression in his dark eyes amused, as he added, “Since Yon mentioned the CSBA convention, I realize that you are an entrepreneur. At the time I thought you were an employee of the sporting goods store.”

      Jacob replied, “I’m just the manager, not owner. My boss was unable to attend the convention and sent me in his place.”

      “I see.” Marcelo faced the group again and continued, “Jacob and I had a long conversation at the store and it turned out that he had visited Chile and even stayed in the town I’m from. It’s a small world, isn’t it? So we kept in touch via Facebook.”

      Candie commented, “Sounds like you’re a smart cookie and your parents must be rich to afford sending you to school in the States, to USC no less.”

      He seemed flustered by her rude remark, or maybe he was just in awe of her, but he answered politely in his meticulous English, “I obtained a scholarship and availed myself of the International Financial Aid package.”

      Candie patted his arm and remarked, “Good job, Sweetie!” Then she said, “Guess it’s my turn and I’m sure you all know who I am.”

      I could not believe her arrogance and looked over at the Kim family. Their faces, illuminated by the campfire, showed that they had no clue as to who she was. So I said, “Tell us, just in case.”

      She shrugged, gave her blonde mane a flip and announced, “I’m Candie Valentina, a stage and film actress. I’m divorced, in no relationship at the moment, and Nicklaus here is my best friend.”

      The poodle, who had been sitting quietly next to his owner staring into the flames, stood up as she mentioned his name and happily wagged his tail. She petted him, settling him down again, and then went on, “I am in between jobs right now, and yes, I admit it, my initial idea was to maybe get a bit of publicity out of this.”

      She looked over at Jacob and asked, “Am I forgiven?”

      “Yes, if you have no more stunts up your sleeve, that is.”

      “Cross my heart!” Then she addressed the rest of us again and continued, “Even though I hadn’t seen Jacob in years, we go back a long way. We actually went to high school together.”

      Jacob grinned and said, “That was before you changed your name. In those days you were Candie Leutenegger.”

      She shot him an angry glance, clearly not pleased by his disclosure, but recovered fast and said, “Wouldn’t anyone change it with a name like that?”

      Todd, who sat on Candie’s other side and had openly admired her all day, came to her rescue by quickly changing the subject, asking, “Why did you name your dog Nicklaus?”

      “I got him last Christmas.”

      He scratched Nick under the chin and said, “So you’re still a puppy.” Then he turned his attention back to the rest of us, giving his profile. “I’m Todd, single, a roofer, and happy to get a free vacation. My connection with Jacob is also through the Sierra Mountaineering Club.”

      Out of all the guys in the group, Todd and Jacob were the most muscular. But whereas Jacob achieved it by working out, Todd’s muscle tone came naturally by doing manual work.

      That left the lesbian couple. They were both of average height and slender. Hannah, a wavy-haired brunette, had an outgoing personality. She gave her name and then said, “I am a physical therapist and plan to marry London in June. We love the outdoors, and when I learned about this trip from Jacob’s Facebook post, we thought it might be lots of fun. I was seeing Jacob professionally, treating him with physical therapy when he threw his back out, and afterwards we stayed in touch.”

      London, ash blonde and wearing glasses, was a tad reserved. She simply said, “I’m a ghostwriter and look forward to hiking in these mountains. My association with Jacob is through Hannah.”

      Curtis gave her an appreciative stare and said, “How about if I take you up on your services. I have a great idea for a futuristic science fiction book.”

      “Derek cut in and said, “Never mind him. His ideas are mostly a manic jumble. You can’t take him seriously.”

      His brother shot back, “And you are such a bore with no ideas at all.” Then he winked at London and said, “We could have a great writing future together!”

      Hannah said, “Watch your step, Curtis.”

      “Just kidding!”

      CHAPTER 7

      I threw another log on the fire and was close enough to overhear Marcelo and Todd’s conversation with Candie. They praised her starring performances in a number of films. The guys were obviously big fans and she gobbled it all up. There was no denying she was a looker with a body to match, but in my opinion, her acting was limited to flirty

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