Lasting Impressions. John Schlarbaum

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Lasting Impressions - John Schlarbaum

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you don't love me anymore," Jeremy countered. "What do you mean by that? I already apologized for messing around tonight. It's not like it is the first time that happened."

      Susan's emotions were in hurricane mode, no longer knowing what she meant or how she was going to get home. Still, she needed to remain strong and not hurt Jeremy's feelings.

      "Look," she said, making her way to the door again, "I told you how I feel and you'll just have to accept that."

      "You said you don't love me! How can I accept that? What happened - did you find another guy? Are you dumping me for him? Is that it?"

      "I knew you'd say that, Jeremy!" she replied, trying to hold back her anguish. "Instead of blaming me, for once why don't you look at your flaws? You're not perfect!"

      The front door slammed shut, leaving Jeremy to mull over what had occurred. A few more drinks would be required.

      Susan soon found herself on a park bench near Jeremy's house. She hadn't planned on getting him angry. Why did he have to accuse her of cheating and why had she said those things to him?

      Susan remained in the park for an hour, wondering what it would be like when the sun rose in the morning, if it rose at all. She'd finally done something she wanted to do, and not because someone had told her to do it. In that way, she felt satisfied. It was the hurt and worry that was troubling her.

      How will Jeremy act toward me now? What will he say behind my back? What friends will he turn against me?

      She didn't want to think about these questions, but couldn't stop, either. This is for the best. If he tells any lies about me, I'll tell some about him!

      After several drinks at home, Jeremy headed to Burt's to check out the action. None of his friends would be there, but he remembered asking that hitchhiker to meet him at 11:00. Dale looked like a man who'd seen the world and had conquered women at every stop. He might be the best person to talk to regarding Susan, being totally objective, not really knowing them at all. What would he have to gain from that information anyway? He was only going to be in town a couple days.

      Jeremy decided to walk to Burt's. The night air might help him decipher what Susan meant by her bizarre outburst earlier.

      Surely it was the alcohol talking, he concluded.


      Burt's was a quarter full, made up of the usual Friday night crowd. "Jer, how's it going?" someone asked as he made his way to the bar. He ignored the question, pushing forward, and relieved to see Burt mixing drinks.

      "Burt," Jeremy said, taking a seat on a stool. "Give me a couple of your Irish Monkeys."

      "As in two?" Burt asked. "Are you sure you want to completely erase tonight from your memory?"


      Burt turned to the mini-fridge for a pre-mixed concoction, paused and faced Jeremy. "You didn't drive that new motorcycle of yours here?"

      "No. I want to forget tonight, not try and kill myself."

      "Glad to hear it." Burt poured the drinks and collected his money. "You usually aren't in here until later. You and Miss Susan get in a squabble?"

      "Not that it's any of your business, Burt, but it is possible we had a minor domestic altercation earlier tonight. By morning everything will be back to normal."

      Burt smiled and said, "I hope so."

      Jeremy drank alone, rarely acknowledging anyone as he tried to break down what had transpired in his living room. What did she mean she didn't love him? Everyone loved him!

      After downing his second Irish Monkey, he debated if he required a third. Before he could decide, someone ordered one for him.

      "Barkeep, another one of those for Jeremy and a beer for me."

      "Done," Burt replied, trying to place where he'd seen this young man before.

      "Jeremy, how's life treating you tonight?" Dale asked as he sat down. "You look like you're celebrating."

      Jeremy's mind took a few extra seconds to unravel exactly who this generous person was beside him. "Dale!" Jeremy responded. "How do you like our little town?" he asked, flinging his arm up in a sweeping motion.

      "I must admit, I think it has some real charm to it."

      "Charm? Did you hear that, Burt? Dale thinks that Lasting is charming!"

      "You ate in here late this afternoon, didn't you?" Burt asked, putting the drinks in front of the two men.

      "I take it you're the infamous Burt?" Dale replied. "I must admit your steak was the best I've had in a long time."

      "For that I'll give you a beer on the house," Burt said with a smile, "but there's one condition."

      "And what's that?" Dale asked intrigued.

      "That you find a way to cheer up Jeremy."

      "I didn't know that the most popular guy in town would have anything to get depressed about," Dale said smiling.

      "Have you been checking up on me?" Jeremy asked. "Most hitchhikers say, 'Thanks,' and that's the end of it." He leaned toward Dale and whispered, "You're not a cop, are you? Because if you are, I swear I won't reveal your cover."

      "Don't worry," Dale whispered back, "I'm a drifter, not the law."

      Jeremy straightened up. "I knew that. I was only kidding." After taking a swig of his drink, Jeremy concentrated on his power of speech asking, "You've been around, haven't ya?"

      "I've seen my fair share, if that's what you mean," Dale answered.

      "And I'm sure that you've had a few affairs along the way, right?"

      "A few," Dale conceded.

      Summoning his courage, Jeremy resolved he'd confide his problems with Susan - confidentially, of course – with Dale. Man to man. "Have you ever had a big fight? You know, over something that comes out of left field?"

      "You and Susan have a fight?" Dale said, looking concerned.

      "I guess that is the civilized way of putting it," Jeremy admitted. "After dropping you off, we toured on my bike, saw some friends and went back to my place - my parents are away for the weekend. Then we settled down to a movie . . . and one thing started to lead to another, if you know what I mean, and then Susan claims she doesn't want to be with me! It was insane. When I said we could work out any issues, she slammed the door and left." He stopped long enough to gasp another breath of air. "Not that I care if she comes back. My question is, why would she say that, Dale? Everything was going great."

      "Man, it sounds like a pretty rough fight you two had. You sure you didn't say or do anything to upset or offend her? Think. Was everything really going okay?"

      "It was going terrific!" Jeremy countered. "We were on my couch - she was sleepy from the drinks I'd made - and once I had her bra and jeans undone, I figured it was going to be business as usual! Next thing I know I'm on the floor with my fly open and she's bawling her eyes out. It was bizarre."


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