Anti-Aging Therapeutics Volume XVII. A4M American Academy

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Anti-Aging Therapeutics Volume XVII - A4M American Academy

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      A forerunner to the female brilliance of Candice Pert was Valerie Hunt. They lived their lives and careers at a time when women were not easily found in the elite leagues of science. Both women were highly educated, well trained, were actively doing research, taught within their branches of medicine at reputable universities in the U.S., and they authored research papers and books. An interesting fact is that both of their journeys brought them to an “island” of new perspective followed by the creation of new thought in the field of medicine in the 20th century. These accomplished women passionately pursued the field of mind-body medicine, with Valerie Hunt spearheading beyond mind-body to the science of the human vibrations of consciousness.3 Valerie was born in 1916 in Indiana and passed in February of 2014 at the age of 97! She referred to herself as a scientist at work and a mystic intuitive at heart. She is best known for her pioneering research in the field of bioenergy, her visionary approach coupled with a rigorous adherence to the highest scientific standards which won her international acclaim in the fields of physiology medicine and bioengineering. As a professor at UCLA, California, she ran the first laboratory measuring and recording the energy of the vibrational patterns of the bioenergetic field surrounding the human body.

      Even thought is energy. Thought is an organized field of energy composed of complex patterns of vibrations which consolidate information. Thoughts are events in the mind field that are available not only to the consciousness of the creator, but also to other minds.3 Here is where a new thought leader comes in with his philosophy confirming Valerie’s perspective: Bruce Lipton, Ph.D. a cell biologist who revolutionizes the DNA theory and helps give hope to physicians and patients alike with his ground-breaking concept that it is not the DNA that controls our biology. DNA is controlled by extra-cellular signals, including energetic messages such as thought and belief. Messages can be signaled by sophisticated instruments which gently and in a focused way tap into the communication pathways of our cells and help stimulate repair and regeneration on a cellular level.15

      PubMed, the National Library of Medicine, offers more than 30,000 peer-reviewed clinical studies on biofeedback and about 40,000 peer-reviewed clinical studies on electromagnetic/electric/magnetic field stimulation. This is a vast amount of documented research completed over the last 30-years. In the beginning of the 20th century, the East Coast was filled with electrotherapists, especially in New York City, possibly due to the fact that Nikola Tesla lived there. Tesla is most known for the invention of alternating current (AC) current still used today around the globe. He was an absolute genius, years ahead of his time. Tesla was extremely sensitive to the environment in his laboratory. It was filled with electromagnetic waves and he actually lived to the ripe old age of 86-years when men born in 1856 had a life expectancy of less than 50-years.16

      In 1898 Tesla published an article in The Electrical Engineer17 discussing the therapeutic use of one of his inventions:

      “The physician will now be able to obtain an instrument suitable to fulfill many requirements. He will be able to use it in electro-therapeutic treatment in most of the ways enumerated. He will have the facility of providing himself with coils such as he may desire to have for any particular purpose, which will give him any current or any pressure he may wish to obtain. Such coils will consist of but a few turns of wire, and the expense of preparing them will be quite insignificant. The instrument will also enable him to generate Rontgen rays of much greater power than obtainable with ordinary apparatus. A tube must still be furnished by the manufacturers which will not deteriorate and which will allow to concentrate larger amounts of energy upon the electrodes. When this is done, nothing will stand in the way of an extensive and efficient application of this beautiful discovery which must ultimately prove itself of the highest value, not only at the hands of the surgeon, but also of the electro-therapist and, what is most important, of the bacteriologist.”

      On the other coast of the U.S., another brilliant pioneer birthed the idea to investigate the possibilities of electrical treatment of diseases. The place was San Diego and his name was Royal Raymond Rife. He was fascinated by bacteriology, microscopes and electronics. He noticed individual differences in the chemical constituents of disease organisms and saw the indication of electrical characteristics, and observed electrical polarities in the organisms.18 Over the next 30-years he proved the efficacy of using focused specific resonant frequencies destroying disease organisms and eliminating chronic disease including cancer.

      As history continued, on October 13, 2009 Goodwin et al at NASA (The National Aeronautics and Space Administration) filed Patent No: US 7,601,114 B2 for an electromagnetic apparatus using a wire coil to enhance tissue repair in mammals. On August 15, 2005 NASA released an article entitled Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields – A Countermeasure for Bone Loss and Muscle Atrophy19 confirming the need of stimulating their astronauts with non-invasive pulsating electromagnetic fields during the time they live in space and are disconnected from earth’s energy/gravity to help prevent bone loss and muscle atrophy.


      RL, a 5-Year-Old Male Diagnosed with Thrombosis on the Heart Valve

      Patient has pacemaker after open-heart surgery at age 2 performed at Children’s Hospital in Boston (Corrected L-transposition, closure of VSD). In March of 2002, patient was diagnosed with a thrombus measuring 10mm x 0.9mm located on heart valve. He had been on an average of 2 mg Coumadin for 2-months, but had not yet reached a therapeutic level, which was set between 2-3 (INR). His blood results came back as 1.75, 1.8, 3.8 and 4.2.

      Head cardiologist David Fulton, M.D. an assistant professor at Harvard Medical School, was considering surgically removing the thrombus due to the non-responsiveness of the patient to Coumadin. To potentially avoid surgery, the therapeutic approach of biofeedback and focused field stimulation was added to the treatment of the anti-coagulant.

      The frequencies emitted from the technology were tested at Children’s Hospital at Westchester Medical Center, NY, for possible interference with pacemaker. There were no fluctuations of the pacemaker or in the heart as seen on the echocardiogram as well as pacemaker testing device from Medtronic. Three therapeutic sessions were administered within 4-days; scanning and applying patient specific frequencies. The patient’s reaction areas were noted in patient data sheet and were stimulated with the patient-specific frequencies. Another INR blood test was taken several days later and for the first time in 3-months, RL reached a therapeutic level of 2.7.

      Two additional biofeedback and focused field stimulation therapies were administered over the following 5-days. After only 5 treatments over 2-weeks, the patient was examined with an echocardiogram at Westchester Medical Center, NY, which showed a reduction of the thrombus to 0.9mm x 0.6mm. Patient continued the sessions weekly. Three weeks later another echocardiogram showed that the thrombosis had further reduced to 0.6mm x 0.5mm.

      Patient received sessions every 2-weeks with individual frequencies and pre-set programs. Just 3-months later, patient’s thrombosis was barely visible on the echocardiogram and patient was taken off the Coumadin medication. Patient successfully avoided having to go through open-heart surgery by adding biofeedback & focused field stimulation therapy to the existing treatment protocol. According to pediatric cardiologist Aaron Levine, M.D. Children’s Hospital at Westchester Medical Center, who stated in his letter dated October 2003 to the patient’s pediatrician:

      “The thrombus as described in previous letters by Dr. Woolf is not clearly seen at this examination”.

      The patient remains in good health, without any medication and quarterly maintenance treatment. He is now 17-years-old (July 2014) and recent examination at the University Clinic in Freiburg, Germany, revealed a healthy heart without any signs of a thrombus.

      Myasthenia Gravis


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