'The River' Blood Brother Chronicles - Volume 1. T. Beaulieu

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'The River' Blood Brother Chronicles - Volume 1 - T. Beaulieu

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up,” he grins.

      As the pretty blond walks by in one of her lounge nighties, frilly feathers and pink satin, the brazen hustler gently grabs his wives hand.

      Looking up to a woman whom he loves more than life, adoration and primal lust radiates in the man’s eyes.

      “Please baby girl ..... daddy miss ya’ so much,” Slick pleads, looking up into cold eyes that melt instantly.

      Kelly feels her lover’s grasp, rough and callused. Hands that have beaten men to death, broken bones. Now needing a certain healing of their own.

      The vixen sits back down in her settee as she looks back at her reflection, then to the reflection of her husband.

      Slick’s crouch has grown bigger, thicker, clearly outlined. Another reason why Kelly could not let Slick out of her grasp, eventually marrying him.

      Peering into her vanity, seeing Slick open his thighs wider as his thick fingers fall low, Kelly smiles to herself. She watches as the horny thug’s hand grabs what has made her so very happy.

      The young woman grins to herself. As if understanding an inside joke.

      Male endowments are a dreadfully male preoccupation. Little boys comparing themselves for the grandeur of ego. Something most woman are thought to care nothing about.

      A bold lie indeed.

      Even at the salon, woman always express to each other ‘the need to be completed in the most delicious ways’. All in the secret of unspoken sisterhood. At Kelly’s salon, her weekly visits are always punctuated by woman talking about sex .

      Sex and lovemaking makes for good gossip under cold cream and pampering hands. How much, when and why, sometimes even whom. It all makes for wonderful giggles.

      With each woman, often rich and affluent, the topic is often so heated, Kelly usually arrives back home with red blushing cheeks and juicy gossip to tell Sally over tea and more gasp. Many of the socialite’s ‘herd’ often whisper about their lover’s physical prowess. Its a given.

      Under assorted mud mask and champagne laced orange juice, most woman are always frank about their men’s ways of lovemaking. Like men bragging about their wealth and toys.

      A man whom understands how to give sexual pleasure is worth his weight in gold in southern high society. Slick is pure platinum.

      While indulging herself with weekly beauty treatments, Kelly tells her girlfriends only so much. Just enough to raise eyebrows and wag sultry tongues. Unlike some in her company when being pampered, nothing has to be exaggerated.

      No tall tales of mind numbing orgasms that are mere wishes nor white lies about make-believe girth and inches.

      The man Kelly watches as he gently grinds his plush creamy bottom on pink raw silk while touching himself is the real deal .

      Kelly spins around, pulling the hem of her fine silk gown high above her thighs, creeping above her waist. Slowly, as Slick watches with hungry eyes, the seductress tugs her panties aside. Exposing a silky pink version of heaven and glory, the vixen spreads her long legs wider as her husband’s eyes instantly blaze with fire.

      Lounging lower, feeling his body throb harder, the hustler mindlessly nibbles his lower lip. As he watches Kelly’s fingers lower themselves deep within her panties Slick’s mind races almost as fast as his libido.

      “Why don’t you get on your knees ?,” she purrs.

      “Crawl over here and give mama what she married you for.”

      “Cause it sure wasn’t your bank account. Nor your looks,” Kelly snides, snickering, opening her legs more.

      “Jesus wept ....,” Slick murmurs, seeing what would drive most men insane. some even to their own deaths.

      Milky white thighs raised, perfectly painted tiny feet resting on separate settees, Kelly’s open legs seem to beckon without words.

      As the pink silk night gown slides back further, Slick watches as his wives sucks one her perfectly painted fingers.

      As her eyes peel into Slick’s lustful soul, her fingers slide down. Past apple sized breast, perfect handfuls. Slowly the young beauty glides downward still, past a tight slim tummy. Sliding into what Kelly holds dear, feeling her own moisture and sensuality.

      Unzipping his pants, slick smiles. “So yo’ gon’ make me beg fo’ it ?”

      As Kelly watches, the handsome scoundrel reaches in his navy silk boxers, a birthday gift, tugging gently. As Kelly licks her heart shaped lips, her lover’s other hand unzips the fly of his fine tailored wool slacks.

      As Slick gropes past dark navy silk, out comes the most perfect of manhoods. Veiny and proud, its head thick round and uncut.

      The pretty blond watches as her husband glides his rough hands up and down his own length. Gently Slicks slacks are pushed past his ankles as his bare ass rest on Kelly’s precious imported silk settee.

      As the sun shines into a large day window, highlighting Slick’s tousled hair, the young sex driven hustler looks as if he has been haloed by the goddess Aphrodite. His bright blue eyes half opened, lips wet with a cocky grin, the hunk strokes a thick long measured instance of pride and glory.

      Slick would be the weakness of any woman who had even half a brain.

      Grinning, his mouth dry from anticipation, the young man settles down further in the pink overstuffed cushions surrounding him. Slick needs his wife, loves her like always, but in this moment Kelly is nothing is a wanton whore.

      In Slick’s eyes, in the moment, his beloved wife is a lust filled siren that has brought the downfall of many of men with her salacious corrupt ways. A sure delight in self destruction.

      “Get on yo’ knees and crawl ta’ me bitch,” the hustler drawls, his voice in a low growl.

      “Papa got wha’ ya’ need .”

      “Cum slide down on this hu’r big dick.”

      Slow and smooth, already feeling the silky glide of precum, Slick slides the uncut skin of his manhood over its huge pink head. Raising a drop of sexual honey to his lips, the beautiful thug smiles. “Its sweet. Perfect fo’ tha’ pretty face.”

      Kelly, still seated defiantly, even as she watches her man toy with what she can never get enough of, only grins.

      “Nope. You get over hear. You good-for-nothing bastard.

      “I don’t get on my knees for white trash,” the socialite sneers.

      Kelly grins at her acidic words, seeing the typical effect in her lover’s fierce eyes.

      Sensually glaring to her young god, Kelly glides down below, fingering a pink delicate lotus of divine beauty. Purposely, the blonde flapper raises her thighs

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