Going with the Flow. Linda Estes

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Going with the Flow - Linda Estes

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friend, gave us money to buy as many meals for veterans that day as he could. That was his way of anonymously saying “thank you” to the veterans for their service. Some veterans would get teary-eyed when they came to the register and we were able to extend our friend’s thank you for their service. 1 Peter 4:10 tells us that we are to serve one another as good stewards out of what God has given us. There’s all kinds of ways we can serve our brothers and sisters, but some of my favorite ways were things that I saw take place at the deli. So, as we honor our veterans today, I pray you find your own way to say, “Thank you.”


      Good morning! Don’t you just love those days when you wake up and realize that you don’t have any set plans and you can just let the day flow? Well, my day did flow … right over the top of the toilet and onto the bathroom floor. Not exactly what I had in mind as I thought about my carefree day. This situation is what Alan called the “joys of homeownership.” This toilet issue wasn’t a major problem, just more of an inconvenience. Nothing that a trip to the hardware store wouldn’t fix. As I was attempting to stop this overflow, I broke the plunger. They just don’t make them like they used to. Either that, or it was an operator error. LOL I had to chuckle as I was mopping the floor because I was thinking about the irony of Alan calling it the “joy” of homeownership. But it actually makes a lot of sense when you think about it. Because you own it, you take joy in taking what’s broken and restoring it.

      It’s the same way with our relationship with God. He is in the restoration business. Once we accept His gift of salvation, He takes our sins and forgives us; takes our emptiness and fills us; and takes our fears and replaces them with hope. In Psalm 23, David reminds us that our Great Shepherd provides all we need and that He not only protects us, but He is our constant companion. With that being so, my prayer is that our lives would overflow with all the blessings that the Lord has for us. May our cups runneth over!

      32…Healthy Diet

      Good morning! Many people make yearly resolutions and one of the resolutions that is typically made each year is to lose weight. People go and sign up for gym memberships or enroll in exercise classes. A commitment is made to eat healthier, even though it costs more money to do so. We start out strong and then within a short period of time, we stop going to the gym and attending those classes for a gazillion different reasons. We tell ourselves we’ll just exercise at home since it’s much easier to fit that into our schedule. Then we make ourselves feel better by saying that eating healthier will make a big difference in our weight just by itself. Does this sound familiar???

      So, how is your diet looking? I’m not asking about the physical food we take in, but the spiritual food. Just like your body needs healthy food every day, your soul needs to be fed daily, too. 1 Peter 2:2 says we should want to spend time in God’s Word. “Like newborn babies, long for the pure milk of the word, that by it you may grow in respect to salvation.”

      Both diets, physical and spiritual, will suffer greatly without the proper food. And just like the excuses we come up with for not following through on the resolutions to lose weight, we can come up with just as many excuses to justify why we can’t feed our souls. If your schedule is too full to focus on both, then I’d suggest picking the one with eternal ramifications … your spiritual diet. So, here’s to daily feeding our souls!

      33…Our Forever Home

      Good morning! As my neighbor said this weekend, I’m getting things at my house ready for winter. Doing things like putting the garden hoses away, taking care of the outdoor plants, having the house pressured washed and getting flower beds ready to plant my mums. I’m just trying to be a good steward of what God has blessed me with here on earth.

      As nice as the home the Lord has given me here, I must remember that this is not my forever home. We are all just passing through here on earth, with our final destination being either Heaven or hell for all eternity, whichever place you choose. Yes, you pick the destination. James 4:14 says that “you are just a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away.” Our life here on earth is just a temporary residence. Scripture tells us that we have a set number of days to live on earth, and since this life is so short, we need to closely look at what we are doing to prepare for our forever home.

      So, the question that needs to be answered is, “Do you have your earthly house in order, not just for the winter season, but for all seasons?” When this life is over, and no one knows when that time will come, the only thing that will matter is whether or not we have a personal relationship with God through Jesus. You are the only one who can make this life-changing choice and it must be made while we are here on earth. So, if you haven’t yet made that crucial decision, there is no better day than today to ask Jesus to be your Lord and Savior. I pray you choose the same final destination as I have, as I wouldn’t want to celebrate and live forever in Heaven without you!

      34…Perfect Love

      Good morning! One of my new favorite places is Bennett Spring State Park. It’s nature in its finest. Everywhere you look, you can see God’s masterpieces. “A picture paints a thousand words” is a saying that people use when words just can’t adequately explain the beauty they are seeing. That would be true about the beauty that is so prevalent at Bennett Spring.

      Another one of God’s masterpieces is something we haven’t seen yet, but Alan has … it’s Heaven. The Bible gives us some glimpses as to what Heaven looks like in Revelation. We read about streets of pure gold that look like transparent glass and how every kind of precious stone will be found there. But even though that beauty would be hard to put into words, the picture I can’t wait to see deals with those people who will be living there.

      When you look at the news these days, there are all kinds of examples of people not being able to tolerate other people. In many cases, this intolerance leads to violence but in Heaven there will be perfect harmony. Nothing will exist except perfect love for one another. Can you imagine that? I think God uses nature to show us the beauty and harmony He wants for us all. I can’t wait to see the perfection that awaits all believers in Heaven! What about you?

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