Please Love Me. Kimberly Tanner Gordon

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Please Love Me - Kimberly Tanner Gordon

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herself for getting so little sleep, but glad the day was here so she could get up and stop fretting about the unknown. With tired body and sleepy eyes, she dressed in the lovely yellow gown. It took several tries to lace up the corset correctly, but she managed. She brushed out her long tresses and wound them into a large bun at the back of her head. After splashing a little water on her face, she ate some fruit. It was all her stomach could handle this morning. Margaret packed her bag quickly and left for the station with nervous energy.

      Mister Simon was waiting for her as arranged. She walked up to him and waited. He looked at her, tipped his hat, then looked past her down the street.

      “Mister Simon, it’s me, Miss Roe,” she spoke gently.

      Simon’s eyes nearly popped out. He took a step back and gave her the once over. “I say, Miss Roe, you look lovely. I didn’t recognize you in that pretty yellow dress.”

      Margaret smiled. It was the first compliment she had ever received from a man. “Thank you, sir.”

      “Mister Chadwick is a lucky man,” he said under his breath. He regained his composure and reached for something in his pocket. “I have your ticket here. The train will take you to Davenport, then on to Iowa City. Mister Braun wired ahead yesterday. Russell Chadwick is expecting you,” he explained.

      Margaret took the ticket, feeling very good about herself. Yes, this had been the right thing to do. She had no regrets.

      Mister Simon continued. “The trip should take most of the day. Seven hours travel time, plus stops. That will put you in to Iowa City about five o’clock in the evening.” He paused briefly. “Can I take your bag?”

      “Oh, yes, please,” she stated. Margaret stood on the wooden platform and watched as he handed her bag to a crewman. It was placed inside one of the cars. Mister Simon then returned.

      “You have fifteen minutes before the train pulls out. Would you like to board now, or stay and chat?” he asked. He hoped she would stay and chat. He was not the only man who had noticed the healthy red-haired beauty. Yesterday, she had been plain, but today, not at all.

      “I think I will board,” Margaret replied. She was excited about the whole idea and ready to get on the train. “Thank you for everything sir,” she spoke, offering Mister Simon a handshake.

      He eagerly took it, but instead of shaking it, bent forward and placed a gentle kiss on the warm skin.

      Margaret felt a warm blush fill her cheeks.

      “Thank you, Miss Roe and good luck,” he spoke sincerely. “And if you ever need anything, please feel free to contact me. I am at your service.”

      Margaret didn’t quite know how to take his attentions. “I will remember,” she promised. “Thank you for the offer.” She pulled her hand away before anyone else turned to watch them. As her foot took the first step onto the train, she hesitated. There was no going back now. This journey would seal her future. Bravely, she went inside. After that first step, the rest were easy. Margaret found a good seat near the window. Today’s trip would be a journey full of daydreams.

      As the train pulled into the station at Iowa City, Margaret strained to see the people waiting at the depot. Would she see him first and figure out who he was? There were quite a few men standing around. Some were too old, others too young. Only a handful were possibly twenty-two. Margaret jumped in fright as the train whistle blew overhead. The iron horse slowed to stop. Margaret’s heart beat wildly. Her throat was dry…

      The passengers began to exit the train. Margaret walked slowly toward the steps. Standing in the doorway, she took a deep breath and closed her eyes.

      “Please, love me,” she whispered, then stepped off the train.


      Margaret waited as other passengers went about their way. At last, she was the only woman left standing on the platform. Where was Russell Chadwick? Had he changed his mind? A bead of sweat slid down her back. Margaret was not only nervous, but also very hot.

      “Are you Miss Roe?” a male voice asked from behind.

      Margaret spun around. A young man in his early twenties stood before her, hat in hand. He was tall and thin with blond hair and tan skin from working hours in the sun. A light brown mustache topped his upper lip.

      Margaret nodded nervously. “Yes. Are you Mister Chadwick?” she replied.

      He extended his hand in greeting. “Yes. How do you do?”

      Margaret smiled, noticing his green eyes and attractive build. He was more handsome than all her daydreams had envisioned. “I am well, thank you.”

      He looked a little nervous and shifted from foot to foot. Russell searched his mind for something to say. He had rehearsed the entire morning. How surprised he was to see such a healthy young beauty waiting to be his wife. He had expected her to be grossly unattractive. Why else would she be willing to become a mail order bride? It would have to mean that her prospects at home were either slim or non-existent.

      “Uh, did you have a nice trip?” he managed to say.

      “It was pleasant. Thank you.” Margaret wondered why such a good looking man would send for a mail order bride. Surely he could find a nice young lady in town. He was so young too. Most men didn’t want to be married at twenty-two. And it was so much more socially acceptable for a man to be single at that age than it was for a woman.

      After an awkward moment of silence, Russell asked, “Is that your bag?”

      Margaret nodded. “It is.”

      “How many trunks do you have?”


      The man seemed genuinely surprised. This woman, covered with volumes of yellow material and lace, appeared as though she would come complete with trunks full of fancy dresses. He was a bit thankful at the news though, for there was little need for pretty clothes on a farm. It required hard work from sun up to sun down.

      “Are you ready to go?” he asked, grabbing her single baggage.

      “Ready as ever,” she tried to answer lightly.

      Margaret followed as Russell led the way to his wagon. After placing her bag inside, he assisted her onto the seat. Climbing up, he said, “We’ll go straight to the Reverend first.”

      She was surprised and said so. “So quickly?”

      He looked at her frankly. Margaret was slightly uncomfortable staring into the depths of his green eyes. “If we’re sleeping under the same roof tonight, we’ll do it right. I’ll have no one snickering behind our backs,” he explained, flicking the reins.

      Margaret blushed to the tops of her ears. Of course they would have to get married right away. She had heard about what happened on the wedding night, but honestly, he didn’t have to put it so bluntly. They had only just met. At least he was a moral man…

      As they rode through town, Russell tipped his hat to everyone they passed. Each person stared in wonder. Margaret surveyed the community; it was larger than she had expected. There were dozens

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