10 Minute Bible Journey, The. Dale Mason

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10 Minute Bible Journey, The - Dale Mason

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Bible does not say how steep the mountain was at the place where the Ark came to rest, but clearly even the less nimble land animals — such as the rhinoceros kind, the giraffe kind, elephants, and the various kinds of dinosaurs — were able to make their way down.

      Once outside, Noah led his family in praise of God. He built an altar and sacrificed burnt offerings from each kind of the clean animals and birds, which God sent in groups of seven.

      Earth’s transformation was immense, ongoing, and undoubtedly fearsome at times. We still feel residual affects today with ongoing volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, and wild weather.

      This damaged relationship between Noah and Ham may have played a part in the Babel rebellion that was soon to come.


      Genesis 8:18–9:28, 10:32, 11:1–9


      “The rainbow shall be in the cloud, and I will look on it to remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is on the earth.’ And God said to Noah, ‘This is the sign of the covenant which I have established between Me and all flesh that is on the earth.” Genesis 9:16–17

      WRAP UP

      “Thank You for rainbows, God! Thank You for the beautiful promise that You will never again judge sin by a worldwide flood. What an amazing sign You gave, and it reminds us that You used a colossal Ark to save Noah’s family and preserve mankind from the waters of the Flood. Thank You for eternal salvation, which can only come to us by Jesus, the true Savior!”

      1 The Ark ran aground on day 150 of the Flood (also described in Genesis as the 17th day of the 7th month of Noah’s 600th year of life). Genesis 7, www.answersingenesis.org/articles/2010/08/23/overview-flood-timeline.

      2 “A Dark and Stormy World,” by Larry Vardiman, PhD, in Answers magazine, October 2008, and online at http://www.answersingenesis.org/articles/am/v3/n4/dark-stormy-world, accessed February 2017.

      3 Genesis 8:19. The animals “went out by families from the ark” (ESV).

      4 Genesis 9:1

      5 Genesis 9:2–4

      6 Genesis 9:9–17

      7 Genesis 9:6

      8 Genesis 9:15–16

      9 “. . . the world appears to have been a pretty balmy place until the Ice Age,” Dr. Andrew Snelling and Mike Matthews, Answers magazine, Volume 8 Number 2, 2013, page 47. https://answersingenesis.org/environmental-science/ice-age/when-was-the-ice-age-in-biblical-history/.

      10 “Geologists have found over a hundred impact craters on earth. On [the table displayed in the article] 39 of the 110 impacts were deposited in the uppermost rock layers, and the rest were spread over the many lower layers. If all these layers were deposited slowly over millions of years, then impacts have been more common in recent times. But if most layers were deposited during the year-long Flood, 71 impacts occurred during only one year. The other 39 were spread over the next 4,500 years.” From “Did Meteors Trigger Noah’s Flood?” by Andrew Snelling, PhD, in Answers magazine online at www.answersingenesis.org/articles/am/v7/n1/meteors-trigger-flood, as accessed February 2017.

      11 “For months, seawater covered the continents and then retreated from the land. These processes produced so much heat that the average ocean temperatures climbed to over 100oF (38oC), much warmer than today. This warm ocean set in motion a series of events that would lead to an Ice Age.” By professor of atmospheric science Dr. Larry Vardiman at https://answersingenesis.org/environmental-science/ice-age/what-started-the-ice-age/

      12 Life had drastically changed. The event of Noah’s drunkenness was probably at least 10–20 years after the Flood — since his youngest son, Ham had already fathered Canaan (himself the youngest of four boys to Ham) and Canaan apparently had made his rebellious bent obvious.

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