10 Minute Bible Journey, The. Dale Mason

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10 Minute Bible Journey, The - Dale Mason

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Jesus in the glories of heaven rather than separated from Him in the punishment of hell is not based on how good we are, what church we attend, or whether we’ve been baptized. Though important, those things do not determine our salvation. They are not the bottom line.

      Friend, what we do with Jesus Christ is the bottom line when it comes to where we will spend eternity when our mortal life is through. Jesus said so Himself in various ways, but probably most emphatically when He told His disciples, “I am the way the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father [goes to Heaven] except through me” (John 14:6).

      Where are you with Jesus? God spoke through the Apostle Paul when he said that no one is good enough to deserve heaven (Romans 3:23). So, why should Jesus allow you or me to spend eternity with Him? Have you prayed and asked Him to forgive you for your sins? Have you received Jesus as your Savior? Do you truly believe the book of His life? He said that those who are His followers seek to know what He said. Then they do it (John 14:22-24). The amazing true story and words of Jesus are recorded in the Bible, which opens our eyes to know Him better.

      Like the Bible itself, The 10 Minute Bible Journey begins with “in the beginning” and points to the future return of Jesus. The Bible’s journey is from rebellion to restoration, Genesis to Revelation, creation to heaven. It warns about the wide path to destruction, and it highlights the narrow gate to salvation (Matthew 7:14)!

      In case the Bible is fairly new to you, here are some really important basic facts.

       The Holy Bible is the error-free collection of 66 smaller books. There is no other book like it.

       Over a period of at least 1,600 years, about 40 different authors from many walks of life wrote down the inspired text given by God’s Holy Spirit.

       The first portion, the Old Testament, covers the first two-thirds of history. It runs from God’s creation of the universe and mankind, to the years just prior to the birth of the promised Messiah.

       The final portion, the New Testament, covers the birth, ministry, death, and all-important Resurrection of Jesus, plus the rapid spread of Christianity in the first century A.D. It tells about the future Second Coming of Christ, how to be forgiven and spend eternity in heaven, and that those who are not forgiven will spend eternity in the very real place called hell.

      However, this book is about the Bible; it is not the Bible itself. It is a carefully researched summary of the most strategic and faith-confirming accounts from the Bible’s first book, Genesis, to its last book, Revelation. It includes faith-facts known as “apologetics” that confirm from science and other proof tests that the Bible is true.

      The chapters in The 10 Minute Bible Journey are in the order that the events actually occurred. In our present era — when in most churches only the last portion of God’s Word is taught — this “chronological” approach helps us to quickly understand the big picture of the Bible and the seamless storyline of Jesus. It helps us to easily place each event in relation to the others. It provides an overview, much like the picture on the box top of a jumbled jigsaw puzzle serves as a guide as to how the multitude of pieces actually fit together.

      The Bible, as originally written down, is historically accurate. Therefore, in The 10 Minute Bible Journey approximate dates are included at the beginning of each account. These dates are based first and foremost on the Bible itself, and most are documented in the respected work of scholar and theologian James Ussher. His meticulous chronology of history is derived primarily from the dates of births, deaths, kingly rule, and other points in time. Though ridiculed by skeptics, especially those committed to belief in the idea of evolution, Ussher’s chronology holds enormous value even today.

      Whether you know the Bible well, or you long to see how all its amazing key events fit together, you will appreciate our Creator’s plan for the restoration of creation and the salvation of mankind better than ever.

      It is my prayer that you will be drawn passionately into God’s Word, and an even deeper relationship with His son, Jesus.

      Welcome to God’s story — the true history and future of mankind!

      —Dale Mason



      (Days 1–5, c. 4004 B.C.)

      The first page of the Bible reveals the answer to the biggest question of all time.

      How did everything come to be?

      Some people believe in a “big bang” where a pinpoint of energy mysteriously appeared and exploded billions of years ago, somehow resulting in our exceedingly complex universe.

      Some even believe the idea that space-aliens somehow evolved and seeded life on earth.

      However, we have a book that is the eyewitness testimony of the only One who was there. That book, the Bible, reveals that creation is the direct result of the Creator God.

      On day 2, God separated the water by an expanse called heavens; He placed some water below the expanse and some above it. Then there was another evening and morning.

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