Human Resources. Rachel Zolf

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Human Resources - Rachel Zolf

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      A book of poetry

      Human Resources

      by Rachel Zolf

      Published by

      Coach House Books Toronto


      copyright © Rachel Zolf, 2007 first edition

      This epub edition published in 2010. Electronic ISBN 978 1 77056 106 9.


      Published with the assistance of the Canada Council for the Arts and the Ontario Arts Council. The publisher also acknowledges the financial support of the Government of Ontario through the Ontario Book Publishing Tax Credit Program and the Government of Canada through the Book Publishing Industry Development Program.

      Cataloguing information


      Zolf, Rachel, 1968-

      Human resources / Rachel Zolf. -- 1st ed.


      ISBN 978-1-55245-182-3

      I. Title.

      PS8599.O627H84 2007 C811’.54 C2007-900948-4

      An epigraph

      Because literature concerns itself with the ambiguities of the human condition, it stands as a threat to the vitality of the business executive, who must at all times maintain a bias towards action … It is far safer to stick with throwaway thrillers, which at least provide a distraction from the stresses of the day. Forget the deep stuff. Read anything by Tom Clancy, Robert Ludlum or Jeffrey Archer … And while you’re at it, read the Harvard Business Review.

      – editorial, Harvard Business Review

      Start here

      The job is to write in ‘plain language.’ No adjectives, adornment or surfeit of meaning nuclear increasing(w1269). All excess excised save the discrete pithy moment. Sonnet’s rising eight lines, sublime orgasmic turn, dying six: perfect expenditure. Brisk stride along the green green grounds, sudden dip, ha-ha!

      New performance weightings a bit of a moving target the future liability of make this sing.

      Just to make sure we’re speaking the same language we no longer have to use this caveat existing amounts grandfathered.

      We’ll have to wrap our heads around clear as mud I would like to move the goal posts.

      Chunk it down into various links I’m totally medicated as I type.

      Given enough input elements, a writing machine can spew about anything: private jets, exquisite gardens, offshore-banking havens, the Great Ephemeral Skin, how much we love our passionate(Q8992) francesca snazzy prat employees, how you breathe life into our Mission, Vision, Values, what we give you if you lose one finger(Q691) fool dance then gold on one hand and three toes on one foot (25% of the premiums you’ve paid for years), or three fingers on one hand and four toes (50%) or two hands and two feet (75%!). Unlike poetry, it flows with ease and on the same page as BMO banker Barrett: ‘a student who can divine(Q2855) pablo from swiss prostate patterns of imagery in Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales can surely be taught the principles of double-entry accounting

      I don’t want to trip over this in the future from where I’m sitting can you suggest massages.

      This will give you a sense of the ‘new look’ it seems the tail’s wagging the tail this block of content has been rationalized.

      We took this offline to firm up the ‘one-stop shopping spot’ for HR content requires minor refreshing.

      My head’s spinning in reverse 360s just to close the loop with you.

      Valéry’s poem was a machine for reproducing emotion. It spilled into surplus and shut down at age 20 for 20 years. Our poem starts up at 20, engorged with the Swan’s brute blood, Leda’s terrified vague fingers. Pen drips with piss, shit and violation, sometimes forgetting to breathe. The communicator is a mirror not creator of society and nine months after the first book, there may be a disconnect. Stride the white and sorrow black field open-sown on the radar screen, the Form Worship Maxim ringing

      We’re in a bit of a holding pattern right now providing you with a pulse on ‘inquiring minds’ I’d kill this sentence entirely.

      On our side of the family my day got totally blown out of the water push back if you think this is a ‘must have.’

      We make the call a non-event communication accompaniment I can suggest hoarding words like gold.

      The new ‘go forward’ content tailored especially to I’d wager a guess.

      How to warm up your mental motor and find your Big Idea

      Ask yourself:

      • What is my prospect’s problem?

      • What pain does the prospect want to avoid?

      • What is the Unique Selling Promise (USP) of this product?

      • What do I need to say to keep the prospect reading?

      Money pimps between man’s need and next month’s rent. Couldn’t bear the anxiety, couldn’t write(G–5) it’s not just another mountain how much longer will you resist. Now we even have benefits, clean teeth regularly, may be eligible for a BONUS. Turn schizoanalytical about reaching the place where more channels discharge into wan frisbee of fishy (Q5244)investment. Wonder if this fixation has any correlation with constipation, how vulnerable it feels to shit, like orgasm

      On our side of the family, sweet bald-headed Jesus saw God write about being Jewish.

      Not ‘special treatment’ but a sense of the ‘new look’ of nothing.

      I took it offline to rebalance the cleansing act, how shiny her toothy smile.

      Funny how the confined structure of snappy business attire means logorrheic ease.

      If you spend six months writing policies for a corporation swallowing another and merging employees. And you’re forced to wear blue shirts and grey slacks to meetings where white, middle-aged HR women bicker over whether capri(w25031) odyssey polypeptide pants are acceptable, how to spell ‘beachwear’ and how best to deal with ‘militant’ employees asking to work less overtime. Between meetings, one may be inflicted with little choice but to look away while they laud Barbados as a much less ‘uppity’(G–23) he is a Black and terrible God vacation spot than Jamaica. Oops that’s a lie, there was one worthwhile moment that will also be covered off in a larger initiative re: language. Sometime near the end of our tenure, the HR ladies learned that the acronym for their new employee performance(Q5116) mold diaspora program translated as ‘blow job’ in French

      lesbian, writeing [sic]

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