The Letters of John. Robert D. Cornwall

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The Letters of John - Robert D. Cornwall Participatory Study Series

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of 1 John

      The Adversaries

      Reading through the letters, we discover that John the Elder is pushing back against adversaries who are undermining the community. It appears likely that these adversaries are people who had once been part of the community but had left it and were seeking to draw others out. Though, in 3 John reference is made to Diotrephes, who appears to remain within the community as an opponent to the author of the letter. The tenor of the arguments suggest that John believed that they threatened the survival of the community and needed to be stopped. As we proceed through the letter, we’ll want to keep these adversaries in mind, as this will help us understand the apparent harshness that the one who proclaims the love of God shows to certain people. In recent decades, certain portions of the Christian community have focused attention on the rise of a person whom they identify as the “Anti-Christ.” While the term “anti-Christ” appears only in the letters of John, the term has taken on a life of its own, being defined through other references to a world-ruling figure, but in the letters, the term is used more broadly for those who deny that Jesus is the Christ (1 John 2:18ff). Nonetheless, the references to anti-Christs appear in the context of a discussion of the end of days. That means, despite the delightful words about love and hospitality, these are polemical works. We may not fully know who these opponents are, but they are considered “armed and dangerous.”

      Among the issues that emerge are the nature of Christian hospitality and questions of authority in the community. Standing at the center of the conflicts that have emerged is the identity of Jesus. John’s opponents may have held docetic or gnostic views of Jesus and were attempting to bring these views into the church, causing division and thus harm to the congregation. The opponents message appears to be that Jesus did not come in the flesh (2 John 7-9), contradicting the message of the community as found in the Gospel of John, which declared that the Word became flesh and dwelt among humanity (John 1:14). In the end, John faces an age-old problem, that of division and schism, which often creates a sense of hatred toward those with whom one disagrees.

      The Themes

      The Tradition: (1 John 1:1-4)

      The Gospel of John starts with words that reflect the opening words of Genesis 1: “In the beginning.” 1 John opens with: “We declare to you what was from the beginning.” This usage is intriguing. The author of the letter wants the reader to go back to the beginning of things, though unlike the Gospel, the letter starts with the incarnation and not the creation. As with the Gospel, 1 John begins with a theological prologue. In this case, the prologue focuses on the tradition passed down to the community that reveals what the author(s) claim to have heard, seen, and touched. In the concern of the letter’s author about beginnings, it is appropriate to recall what the Gospel had to say about beginnings. The Gospel opens with the declaration that “in the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God” (John 1:1). The author of the letter seems to pick upon this theme, for the author takes up that which has been heard, seen, and touched. The emphasis of the Gospel on the incarnation, on the embodied nature of Jesus, is picked up by the author of 1 John.

      What the author claims to have heard, seen, and touched, is “the Word of life.” The letter testifies to this Word (logos) that brings life, so that the readers might be in fellowship with the author (who has seen and touched this word), even as the author is in fellowship with the Father and the Son. Notice that while this is not a Trinitarian statement, it does suggest what some call a binatarian or dyadic relationship between Father and Son. Finally, this witness to the Word of Life, which leads to fellowship, is written so that the joy of the author might be complete. Whomever is the intended audience, the author is concerned about the state of their fellowship. They’re concerned that members of the community have become disconnected to the tradition that goes back to Jesus, and they want to restore them to the right path (a theme that is present throughout the letter). This should give us some hints as to what we will encounter going forward. If fellowship has been broken, the question is how should it be restored?

      John is concerned that the readers of this essay are in danger of becoming separated from the Word of Life, to which John bears witness. This reference to the Word of Life hearkens back to the declaration in the Gospel that the Word (Logos) is God (John 1:1), and incarnate in the person of Jesus (John 1:14). John wants to reconnect those who have gone astray to the tradition.

      This may be a theological polemic with Christological implications (did Jesus really have flesh?), but 1 John also has a practical focus. John is concerned about the nature of the fellowship (koinōnia) present in the community. The Gospel never uses this word, but it becomes important in the Letter. The issue here is two-fold—communion with God and communion with the congregation. The adversaries have broken fellowship with both God and congregation, causing a disruption in the community. The reason for the letter is restoration of communion with God and congregation, so that their joy may be restored.

      Questions for Meditation and Discussion:

      1 What do we know about the authorship and context of the Johannine letters? Does this make a difference in the way we approach these letters?

      2 Whether they share authorship, there seems to be a connection between the Gospel

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