The Spurgeon Series 1859 & 1860. Charles H. Spurgeon

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The Spurgeon Series 1859 & 1860 - Charles H. Spurgeon Spurgeon's Sermons

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— say,

      I can but perish if I go,

      I am resolved to try;

      For if I stay away, I know

      I must for ever die.

      16. Go home, go to your closet, fall on your knees, put your trust in Christ alone and, my friend, if the Lord does not have mercy upon you, then he is not the God we have preached to you, and he has not substantiated his faithful promise: you cannot, you shall not seek in vain. But note, you must not think that your once seeking is enough; continue in it. If God has given you his Spirit you will continue — you will never stop praying until you get the answer. Oh! my friend, if God has given you this day a longing after his love; if he has caused you to say, “I will never give it up, I will perish at the foot of the cross if I perish at all”; you can no more perish than the angels in Paradise. Be of good cheer; use violence again and again, and you shall take it by force.

      17. And then, let each one of us as we retire, and if we have tasted that the Lord is precious, determine to love him more earnestly than before. I never leave my pulpit without feeling ashamed of myself. I do not remember a time when I have been able to go home without being suffused with humiliation and cast down with self-reproach, because I had not been more earnest. I very seldom flog myself for using an ugly word, or anything of that sort; it is for not having been earnest enough about the salvation of men. When I sit down, I begin to think of this vast stream of people being swept along towards the gulf of eternity — bound for heaven or hell; and I wonder how it is that I do not weep all the time I am here — why it is that I do not find red-hot burning words with which to address you. I find fault with others sometimes, but far more with myself in this matter. Oh! how is it that a man can be God’s ambassador, and yet have so callous, so insensitive a heart, as many of us have in this work? Oh! how is it that we tell the tale of death and life, of heaven and hell, of Christ crucified and his gospel despised, so quietly as we do? Do not condemn the minister for excitement or fanaticism; condemn him because he is not half in earnest, as he ought to be. Oh my God! impress on me, I beseech you, more with the value of souls, and then impress my hearers, also, with the value of their own souls. Are you not going today, many of you, post-haste to perdition? Is it not the fact, that your conscience tells you that many of you are enemies to God? You are without Christ, you have never been washed in his blood; never been forgiven. Oh! my hearers, if you continue as you are, a few more rising suns, and then your sun must set for ever. Only a few more Sundays have you to waste, a few more sermons have you to hear, and the pit of hell must open wide its jaws, and then where are you? But a few more days, and the heavens shall be split, and Christ shall come to judge the earth, and sinner where are you? Oh! I beseech you now by the living God, and by his Son Jesus Christ, think of your state; repent of your sins; turn you to God. Oh Spirit of God, turn, I pray you, turn the hearts of sinners now. Remember, if you now repent, if you now confess your sins, Christ is preached to you. He came into the world to save sinners. Oh! believe on him; throw yourselves before his cross; trust in his blood; rely on his righteousness, —

      But if your ears refuse

      The language of his grace,

      And hearts grow hard like stubborn Jews,

      That unbelieving race;

      The Lord, in vengeance dress’d,

      Will lift his hand and swear,

      ‘You who despise my promised rest,

      Shall have no portion there.’

      Oh! if I had the tongue of Whitfield, or the mouth of an archangel, if I could speak like a cherubim, I would pour out my heart before you, and pray you in Christ’s stead, be reconciled to God. I must face you soon before God’s great judgment bar, and shall your blood be laid at my door? Shall you perish, and must I perish with you for unfaithfulness? May God forbid it! Now may he

      Let you see your lost estate,

      And save you before it is too late,

      Wake you to righteousness.

      18. The Lord have mercy upon you all for Jesus’ sake!

      A Psalm Of Remembrance

      No. 253-5:225. A Sermon Delivered On Sunday Morning, May 22, 1859, By C. H. Spurgeon, At The Music Hall, Royal Surrey Gardens.

       We have known and believed the love that God has for us. {1 John 4:16}

      1. It is very pleasant to read descriptions of the Holy Land from observant travellers, who, in glowing language, have depicted its interesting scenes. I must confess, that all books which speak of the land where Jesus lived and died have an attraction for me; but how much more delightful must it be, to journey there one’s self, to stand on the very spot where Jesus preached and prayed, and to kneel upon that blood stained garden of Gethsemane, in which he sweat that sacred sweat of blood. I can scarcely imagine what must be the sensation of a true Christian, when he stands on Calvary, that spot of all others most dear to the believers’ soul. All the descriptions that the traveller can possibly give, can never awaken the emotions which would be felt if we were really there ourselves. Now, I would transfer this law of nature to matters of grace. Let me tell you today concerning the acts of God’s goodness in the souls of his people, my description will be pale compared with the glorious reality. If God should lend me help, so that I could, in glowing pictures, portray the amazing love of Christ Jesus to those who believe in him; if I could tell you of their matchless experience, their divine drinking at the fountain of life and bliss, their heavenly feasting in the banqueting house, all this would be nothing, compared with what you would feel, if you yourself could taste, and handle, and see, and know, and believe.

      2. Let me add another example to render this truth yet more apparent. Suppose an eloquent foreigner, from a sunny clime, should endeavour to make you appreciate the fruits of his nation. He depicts them to you. He describes their luscious flavour, their cooling juice, their delicious sweetness; but how powerless will be his oration, compared with your vivid remembrance, if you have yourself partaken of the dainties of his land. It is even so with the good things of God; describe them as we may, we cannot awaken in you the joy and delight that is felt by the man who lives on them, who makes them his daily food, his manna from heavens, and his water from the rock. It is feeling, it is tasting, it is actually receiving and enjoying, which is, after all, the highest oratory with which we can possibly explain to you the sweet and precious things of God,

      3. Now, do you not see that John could especially speak with power, for he spoke from his own experience. And do you not perceive that his language cannot be understood, except we put ourselves in his place, and are able to echo his words, when he said, “We have known and believed the love that God has for us?” There are many here, I do not doubt, who can join in this declaration of the apostle, And may the Holy Spirit help me, while I endeavour to draw out an expression of grateful thanks from those who have believed and known the love which God has for them.

      4. First, then, I shall look upon my text as being an abstract of Christian experience; secondly, I shall view it as the summary of Christian testimony; and after that, I shall regard it as the foundation of Christian encouragement.

      5. I. First of all, we have before us here THE ABSTRACT OF CHRISTIAN EXPERIENCE. Some will demur to this. If you should bring some Christians up and say, “Come now, just tell us in a few words what you think of the Christian life”; they would begin with a deep fetched groan,

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