The Apple Family. Richard Nelson

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The Apple Family - Richard  Nelson

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(Starting to stand up): What else do you want?

      JANE: Sit down. Barbara, sit down.

       (Various responses: “Wine,” “Water,” etc.)

      BARBARA (To Richard): You know Marian worked for Gillibrand—so I wouldn’t . . . She might not find your story funny.

      JANE (Eating): What did she do?

      BARBARA: I think she made—phone calls? Her first campaign for the House. So—Marian thinks she was there in on the “beginning.”

      RICHARD: The “beginning” of what?

       (He shrugs.)

       They scared everyone else off. Is that what we now call an election?

      BARBARA: Marian likes her. So . . . (Looks at her watch) I’m sure Adam’s got Marian doing things. (The explanation) It’s election day.

       (They eat. The lights fade.)


      A short time later, in the same seats, eating.

      JANE: We’re just up for this week.


       I was going to call . . . And we didn’t have a car. Today we had to borrow a car . . . Anyway, what a treat to be together. And to see you looking so well, Uncle Benjamin.

       (They eat.)

      BARBARA: How’s Billy? (To Tim) Billy’s her son.

      TIM: I know. We’ve met.

      JANE: Billy’s at Haverford. He doesn’t know what he wants to do.

      BARBARA: Nothing wrong with that. Don’t make him feel bad.

      JANE: I’m not doing that.

      BARBARA: Don’t push him. I see kids being pushed by their parents all the time.

      JANE: I’m not pushing.

      BARBARA (With difficulty): And Alfred? Can I ask about him?

      JANE (After a look at Richard and then Tim): Why not?

      BARBARA: He’s written me twice. And I’ve written him back.

      JANE: Then why ask me about him?

      BARBARA: Jane, you have nothing to be ashamed of . . .

       (Short pause. They eat.)

      JANE (To Benjamin, to say something): Tim’s an actor too, Uncle Benjamin.

      BARBARA (To Tim): Are you?

      BENJAMIN: What play are you in now?

      TIM: Nothing right now. I’m doing this workshop. For my friend, Joanne. Working with her students. (To the others) Bard has a beautiful theater.

      BARBARA: A very famous architect—

      BENJAMIN: What play are you going to be in?

      TIM: I don’t know. I do a lot of television. I’m in a—pause.

       (He “smiles.”)

      BARBARA (To Tim): We have a theater in town.

      TIM: I’m not really looking to be in a play.

      BARBARA: I wasn’t suggesting—

      TIM: I didn’t mean—

      JANE (Over): Barbara, Tim isn’t interested in—

      BARBARA: I know that. Of course I know. He’s . . .


       Uncle Benjamin always turned his nose up at our little theater too.

      TIM: I wasn’t . . .

      BARBARA (To Benjamin): Even when Marian auditioned to play the blind person in that mystery? You wouldn’t help her. She telephoned him all the way to London, and do you remember what you said?

      BENJAMIN: I don’t remember.

      BARBARA: You said, it’s not as much fun as it looks.

       (Short pause.)

      TIM (To Benjamin): Sir, I saw your reading at the Y a couple of months ago.

      BARBARA: You were there?

      TIM: I was.

      BARBARA (To Jane): Weren’t you still with your husband then?

      JANE: Not really . . .

       (Off, from the kitchen, the dog begins to whine.)

      RICHARD (Standing up): I think the dog needs water . . .

      JANE: Maybe he needs to go out.

      BENJAMIN: Is that Oliver?

       (This stops everyone.)

      RICHARD: No, Uncle, that isn’t Oliver.

      BENJAMIN: Where’s Oliver? (Smiles) He always eats what I don’t want. He always sits here . . . (Starts to stand)

      JANE: Uncle Benjamin . . . That is not Oliver. (She looks to the others)

      BENJAMIN: Where’s Oliver?

       (Jane looks to Barbara.)

      BARBARA: I’ve told him. Ten times.

      RICHARD: Oliver is dead, Uncle. You had to put him to sleep. He had cancer. He was in a lot of pain.

      BENJAMIN: When?

      RICHARD (After a glance at Barbara): Last week. And that’s why I’m here, I’ve brought you a new dog from the city.

      JANE (The dog): Toby. A friend of Richard’s—

      RICHARD: He’s getting married. She’s allergic. He’s very well trained. You were just petting him. In the kitchen. You seemed to like him. We told you all this.

      BENJAMIN: Where’s Oliver??

      BARBARA (Then, the frustration comes out): Oliver is dead, Uncle Benjamin!

      RICHARD: Barbara, please—

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