Legend of the Three Moons. Patricia Bernard

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Legend of the Three Moons - Patricia Bernard The M'dgassy Chronicles

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me a double toll. I know it be him because I never forget a smell.'

      `And two barrels of Du Lac Du Mont ale,' added Lem. `But only if we do our business in private.'

      The innkeeper's eyes narrowed to slits. `You heard him Abel Penny. You'll get your ale. But only if you go back to your bench.'

      Once the toll master was gone Lem asked the innkeeper where the back door was.

      `It be the door past the privvy. Now what do you have? Or are you just wasting my time.'

      Not at all sure that showing the jewel to this evil looking man was a smart thing to do, Lem took the red stone out of his pocket. It glinted in the lamplight like a ripe, shiny cherry.

      `A ruby!' gasped Petrie Wartstoe, his skinny fingers shooting out to snatch it from the boy's fingers. But Lem had already closed his fist tightly around the jewel.

      `In exchange I want a large sack of food, two barrels of ale, and information as to where Edith lives. Agreed?'

      `Agreed,' muttered the innkeeper unable to keep his greedy eyes off Lem's fist.

      `Be warned' added Lem, `if you rob me I shall tell everyone in the drinking room where you have hidden the treasure you have amassed since the coming of the High Enchanter.'

      `And what treasure be that, Master Smartyboots Wolf?' sneered Petrie Wartstoe, edging closer in the hope of grabbing the boy's wrist and prying open his hand.

      Holding the ruby behind his back Lem whispered, into Petrie Wartstoe's dirty ear, exactly what the wolfhound had told him about where the innkeeper kept his ill-gotten treasure.

      Petrie Wartstoe straightened up so fast he hit his head on the ceiling. He swore loudly, kicked the wolfhound and pushed his gawking son out through the curtain into the drinking room. Then he pounced on Lem and shook him like a sack of wheat. `Who told you? Was it my lazy son? I'll have his tongue if it was!'

      Lem pulled his arms free. `No one told me. I'm an information collector. And there are other information collectors who know your secret waiting for me outside so don't think of harming me the way you did the Shelley Islands trader.'

      It didn't take mind-reading skills for Lem to realise that Petrie Wartstoe wanted to strangle him and throw his body down the same well he'd tossed the strangled Shelly Island trader.

      Lem held up the ruby so it glittered in the lamplight. `All I want is two barrels of ale for the toll master, your largest sack of food, and the place where I can find Edith. When I am gone you can hide your treasure somewhere else. Is it a deal?'

      `It's a deal,' growled Petrie Wartstoe grinding his long tobacco stained teeth together while his head no doubt filled with plans of how he and Isaac could follow Lem and do him harm.

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