Unnaturals. Dean J Anderson

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Unnaturals - Dean J Anderson

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Wait!' Lilly shrank back from Renee. `We, um, didn't understand how much we offended you. I'm sorry. Please.'

      `Getting better, Flowers.' Nikki stepped in closer. `But understand this: I love my sister and I don't tolerate anyone who treats her like you did. Not here, not ever again, do you understand?' White energy formed over Nikki's hand and Lilly shied back.

      `Yes, Magi.'

      `Next time, I will kill you.'

      `Y...yes, Magi.' Lilly's eyes went wide. Ruth could feel the lethal edge of the energy gathered in Nikki's hand.

      `Good. Go sit over there until you can walk properly.' Nikki pointed at chairs and table and Lilly obediently dragged Rose across and sat down.

      `We need to wash the blood off. Come on.' Renee grabbed Mason by the hand. `There are toilets out the back.'

      Ruth nearly snorted at the look on his face as Renee pulled him away. He looked back, unsure. `Go on, then, get yourself cleaned up.'

      He blinked, frowned and let Renee lead him away.

      `Is he all right?' Nikki joined her, watching Renee and Mason leave through a door at the back of the club. `I mean, they both seemed to be in control but—'

      `He is in control.' Ruth rested her head on Nikki's shoulder. `Renee seems to be more alive since, well, earlier on.'

      `Hah,' Nikki snorted. She waved her hand, and a cleansing energy raced across the floor eradicating the mess they'd made. `Let's hope she doesn't get any more alive.'

      `There's a bit.' Ruth pointed out a lump of bloodied hair and skin and Nikki's energy cleansed the floor. `I love how you can do that.' Ruth put her arm around Nikki's waist as the last flecks of blood vanished.

      `Thanks.' Nikki warmed under her touch. `It's odd. You don't see this as a bad thing, do you?'

      `Bad?' Ruth bumped Nikki with her hip. `You haven't seen bad yet. Wait until you see Mason dance.'

      `Ruth.' Nikki shook her head with a smile. `I mean us, what we are and what is happening to us.'

      `We could worry about what happened today,' Ruth said after a while. `We could worry about what is going to happen and what the big bad is going to be.' She squeezed Nikki. `But it wouldn't change anything. Mason once said to me that accepting is better than worrying. You live longer.'

      `He can do that? Accept?'

      `Most of the time. It just takes him longer than it does me.'

      `He didn't take what Gaia said today very well.' Nikki sighed, watching Rose try to stand.

      `No.' Ruth let her fingers trail across Nikki's back. `Gaia keeps calling him Hunter, not Mason, and he seems to like it. Gaia even calls him that in my dreams. Hunter.'

      `Can we go?' Lilly stood supporting Rose, eyes downcast. Ruth smiled.

      `Go and get ready for tonight,' Nikki said, lifting Lilly's chin up. `You will have time to heal, mostly.'

      `Yes, Magi.' Lilly and Rose shuffled off.

      The air hummed and suddenly the club throbbed with music. Women stepped closer, some looking at Ruth with real curiosity.

      `You do that?' She shouted over the noise.

      `Not so loud,' Nikki said and Ruth grinned.

      `Sorry — forgot you could hear like me.'

      `I like what we have in common. Dance?'

      Ruth took a look at the half-naked, seething mass on the dance floor. `Your idea with the music has worked.'

      `Yes, I like my dance floor decadent.' She held a hand out. `Shall we?' Nikki cocked her head and wet her lips.

      `We shall indeed.' Ruth took her hand. Any concerns about Mason disappeared as Nikki pulled her close and into the chaos of the dance floor.

      CHAPTER 10

      Tashia kept her eyes on Renee leading Mason away from the Flowers sisters.

      `So strong.' She felt her neck, aware of how flushed she was. `Mmm. Violence. Lust. And now something old has awakened.'

      She moved to keep Renee and a reluctant Mason in sight.

      `Oh, my little fighter, you already know, don't you?' Tashia whispered, slipping after them. `He's done it and has no idea? Yes.' She stepped into the harsh lights of the service corridor, reaching the access door just as Renee stepped through.

      `The toilets are down this way.'

      `Okay, okay,' Mason muttered, stepping into the corridor. He glanced back, hesitating when he saw someone behind him.

      Tashia smiled. `Mmm. Hello Mason.'

      Renee spun around and Tashia felt it, a wildness rustling in the energies surrounding Renee.

      Renee relaxed. `Oh, it's only Tashia. Hi.'

      `Been having fun, have we?' Tashia moved closer, trying to feel it again.

      Mason glanced back into the club. `The Flowers girls bit off more than they could chew.'

      `Mmm.' Tashia felt his excitement but saw no sign of Butcher.

      `Come on.' Renee pulled Mason away.

      `Have fun.' Tashia reached out a hand to him but Renee's eyes flashed. Tashia felt Renee's savage energy rise again to brush against her. Ownership. Tashia pulled her hand back and let Renee lead Mason away.

      `Mmm, delicious,' Tashia smiled. `It is a Huntress unleashed. Tonight will be very interesting.' She stepped into the club, seeking out the Flowers sisters.

      Renee scrubbed at the blood on her hands, its scent still strong.

      `What's with the scrubbing?' Mason leant against a wall, drying his hands.

      `What?' Renee didn't stop scrubbing. She couldn't get the smell of blood off.

      He reached in and grabbed her hands. `This is wrong. You fought well. Out there the blood wasn't a problem, but now it is. Why?'

      Renee stared at his hands holding hers. `Let me go.'

      `Whatever.' He moved away.

      She could feel his eyes on her. `What do you care, anyway?' She scraped blood from under a nail. What if he did care?

      `I don't.' He cracked a knuckle as she checked her hands, blood-free at last. She was in control again.

      `So why ask, then?' She glanced at him. Was he aware of her?

      He shrugged, looking away. `Forget it. Let's go.' Mason walked towards the door.

      Not yet, she thought. Stay. `Did Ruth make you come here tonight?' Oh crap, why had she said that?


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