Unnaturals. Dean J Anderson

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Unnaturals - Dean J Anderson

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absorbing the sounds and scents of the Island, seeking out the cold wrongness of a Bloodells in a place he knew well. `No. Not here.'

      Ruth's blue eyes greeted him as he opened his. `Say it again.'

      `There are no Bloodells on the island.'

      She smiled. `So it's just that voice then? The one that helped us?'

      `Yes, that voice.' He smiled back, tension fading. `Do we still have an audience behind me?'

      `A few. Why?'

      `No reason.' Mason scooped her up in his arms and moved off towards the resort.

      `Mason, careful.' She laughed, arm around him. `My sarong nearly came off.'

      `Mmm.' He kissed her cheek. `Couldn't have Mrs Douglas flashing the locals now, could we? Oh wait; you did that last time we were here, didn't you?'

      `Oh come on, everyone knows that beach is...' she paused as Mason carried her past people in the resort. `You're a tease, Mr Douglas.'

      He grinned back at her. `Learnt from the best, I did.'

      `Very funny. The villa's over that way.' Ruth pointed towards a villa surrounded by trees on the edge of the resort. `I've organised fresh cooked prawns and booze to be in the fridge. Just like we used to do.'

      Mason couldn't stop smiling as he carried her towards the villa they had always used. Their island home.

      CHAPTER 4

      Wilson reached for her and missed.

      `Ha! All muscle and no speed.'

      He pushed himself harder, watching Sally's hair flicker just out of reach. She is fast, he thought with a grin. The squeak of feet in the sand quickened and he closed the gap. `Got you!' He grabbed her hand, ready to pull her in close.

      `Reckon?' She turned and shoved her leg in front of his.

      He didn't let go as he fell, twisting to land on his back in the sand. `Still got you.' He caught her as she fell on top of him, the scent of her hair tickling his face.

      `Only because I let you,' she said, nose touching his. `And yes.' Her lips touched his.

      Her sweet taste caressed him as he kissed her back. `Missed you.'

      `Of course you did,' she said, pushing herself up and sitting across him.

      `What are you doing?' He stared as she took her bikini top off.

      Sally smiled at him. `We're alone on a beach. And you're probably the only guy I know who would have to ask that question.' She lay back on top of him then pinned him down.

      `Plus, I want a tan like yours, no lines. And you still need practice, because you really suck at kissing.'

      `Thanks,' he said, aware of how good it felt to have her nakedness pressed against him. He took a deep breath, trying to control his excitement. He had to be careful.

      `You're doing it again.' She nipped his neck.

      `Doing what?' Wilson gasped as the sensation of her teeth on his skin sent a flare of blood downwards.

      `Trying to slow everything down. The breathing thing. Your eyes lose focus for a second, like you're elsewhere.'

      `I…' A presence prickled his skin. They weren't alone. It had followed him to the island. Sally was in danger. Wilson forced his anger down.

      `Wil?' Sally shifted on him.

      The sense of her naked skin moving on him was lost in the flow of adrenaline to his bloodstream, the taste bitter in his mouth. `We're being watched.'

      `So?' Sally didn't look up but he felt her goosebumps tighten against him. `It's not some old creepy dude is it? Wait, how do you know?'

      He held a finger to her lips. `I just do, trust me.'

      Sally nodded and let his arms go. `I can't see anyone.' She sat up and looked around, tying her top back on.

      Wilson waited while she stood up. The delay was itching at him. He had to stay calm in front of her. `It's probably just another couple.' He scanned the trees as Sally took his hand again.

      A shadow shimmered and slipped behind a dead tree. He refocused. The shadow had shape. Purple eyes flashed for a second, highlighting an outline of a thin face. Not a Bloodells.

      Sally touched his shoulder. `Wil, you're scaring me now. I can't see anyone. And it's gone so quiet.'

      `Yes.' He took a deep breath. Sally was with him and if the Unnatural attacked he would have to kill it, in front of her. `Come on, let's get some lunch.' He hoped it would leave without him having to threaten it like he had at the house.

      `I'm worried,' she whispered, clinging to him. `This is freaky. It's like all the birds have gone. Even the bugs.'

      `It's probably nothing. Let's go eat.' He began walking away. The shadow didn't move. Wilson glanced around for a weapon. He spotted a weathered branch not far from him on the high tide mark.

      `You lie like you kiss,' Sally whispered, her grip on him tight. `Something spooked you enough to stop kissing me.'

      `It's nothing, Sal. I just overreacted.' He put his arm around her and judged the distance between him and the branch. If their watcher moved, he would not hesitate.

      Sally stopped, squeezing his arm hard. `You can't keep pushing me away when something gets weird, Wil. I accept what happened last year was terrible and I can't understand what nearly dying was like, but I've been here for you. Staying with you in the hospital and listening to you scream in your sleep. I came here to the island so we can be together, to be with your family. Let me in, Wil.'

      He looked at her. Blue eyes full of life held his gaze. How much could he tell her?

      `Okay, okay.' He kissed her on the cheek and began walking slowly, her hand in his. `The nightmares I don't think I can ever talk to you about.' Wilson shuddered as unwelcome memories threatened to surface. He felt her hand squeeze his, but no questions came. `I guess it freaked me out back there. At the funeral, just before it happened, everything went quiet like that. Like something was watching us, from the shadows.'

      `You thought something bad was going to happen to us?'

      `Yeah.' He glanced at her and at the trees up on the dunes. The shadow had vanished from the tree, grass moved farther up the dunes and he spotted it slipping away. Good.

      `Do you want to go and find Mr D?'

      `No, I don't want him getting worried. Besides, I'm hungry.' His stomach rumbled.

      `Ha,' Sally snorted, bumping him with her hip. `There's the Wil I know. Always hungry.'

      `Yep, starving actually.' He pulled her into his arms, her face close to his. `Are we cool about what happened back there?'

      `So far,' she said, kissing him lightly. `But from now on you're going to spend all day not thinking about the past.'

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