Charles Augustus Fenton. Alana Whiting

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Charles Augustus Fenton - Alana Whiting

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And you are my woman.’

      ‘I am. I am your woman. I love you so much, so much.’

      ‘Me too, pet.’

      I watched the fumblings of the couple, feeling a growing sense of disquiet. Their lascivious fondling should not be witnessed by my sweet innocent soul but to tear myself away was impossible.

      She grinned at Jack and proudly raised her mouth to his to kiss him passionately. He returned the kiss and started dismantling his own trousers, scrabbling around before shoving them down past his buttocks. The dual white mounds of flesh winked at me as if they knew I was complicit with their actions. I felt a sudden shot of guilt and knew I had to leave. I wiggled backward, feeling with my toes for the exit and unable to tear my eyes away. In my haste to depart I managed to upset a tin of molasses sitting sneakily in the corner. The noise was calamitous.

      ‘What the heck was that?’ said Jack, standing up and searching in the direction of the noise. His standing had immediately exposed not only his excitement but the nakedness of my Meg. She clambered to reattach her clothing, smoothing down her petticoats and tying up her drawers. She hurriedly covered her breast and tidied her hair, pulling pieces of hay out anxiously. She stood next to Jack and spotted me immediately. Her face darkened.

      ‘Get out here now, Charlie,’ she ordered. Distractedly she glanced at Jack. ‘Jack! Your trousers!’

      Jack sighed and quickly pulled them up whilst giving his groin a sympathetic squeeze and cuddle.

      I trounced out, with a smattering of molasses over my shoe. I was in trouble. Again. Only this time it was with my beloved Meg. I stared at the ground.

      Jack and Meg looked at each other and then together at me. They seemed at a loss as to what to say. Meg took control.

      ‘What were you doing back there, Charlie? Were you spying on us?’


      ‘Well, it certainly seemed that way. What sort of nice young gentleman spies on other people?’

      ‘I was just coming to visit Jack and talk with him.’

      ‘You know you are supposed to go directly home after school. That was very naughty of you, Charlie. What would your father think?’

      Oh no. Surely I wasn’t to disillusion him twice in one week. I sighed.

      ‘I was coming here because of Father. I wanted Jack to help me think of something nice to do for him. But when I came to him I saw you here and I didn’t want to disturb you both.’ I glanced up at them, noting Meg turn red. Interesting. Meg and Jack exchanged a speculative glance. Jack shrugged his shoulders and let Meg carry on.

      Meg cleared her throat. ‘What exactly did you see?’

      ‘I saw Jack’s naked bottom and your tit.’

      Meg flustered while Jack stifled back a laugh. Meg’s tits were lovely, there’s no doubting that.

      ‘Well, you shouldn’t have! That was private stuff between me and Jack, Charlie. I am very annoyed with you and have a good mind to smack your bottom.’

      We both knew this was a meaningless threat as she had never laid a hand on me before and she was well aware of how sore my bottom already was. I smirked.

      ‘Don’t you dare smirk at me, Charles Fenton! Don’t think I won’t do it. Or maybe I’ll just go straight to your father and tell him not only were you spying but you wasted a whole tin of molasses and ruined your school shoes. What do you say now?’ She looked triumphant.

      My face soured. She had me right where she wanted me. Score one to Meg and zero to Charles. Jack watched on at the browbeating I was receiving. His admiration for Meg went up another step and he sat down on a bale of hay impressed at the show. Meg moved in for the kill.


      ‘Well what?’ I asked.

      ‘Well, where’s our apology? And while you’re at it, wipe that surly look off your face. It is unbecoming for a young gentleman.’

      My face darkened further and I scuffed the dirt floor with my sticky shoes. I was beaten. The only way to escape further castigation was to wave the white flag and surrender humbly. She crossed her arms and waited.

      ‘Sorry,’ I muttered.

      ‘Pardon me? I didn’t quite hear that.’


      ‘Well now, Charlie. That’s much more like it.’ She glanced at Jack and winked. ‘I hope you have learnt your lesson for today and will keep your business to yourself and mind others theirs.’ She drew close and ruffled my hair. ‘Go on with you back in the house. I’ll fix you a slice of the cook’s apple pie and some juice.’

      My countenance brightened and the mouth instantly filled with drool. Cook’s apple pie was the most delicious thing I had ever tasted and one of my personal favourites to come out of her larder. I turned and ran towards the house.

      ‘Mind you clean your shoes up before you go inside,’ Meg shouted at my departing figure. Jack cuddled her from behind.

      ‘I’m impressed, love. Remind me never to get into a fight with you, I’d surely lose every time.’

      Meg reached up and touched his cheek tenderly. ‘Aye. Well, I think you and me might have to cool it for a while. That was a close one.’

      Jack threw his head back and laughed. Meg turned and frowned at him and then started to laugh too. Who was she kidding? He gave her a gentle smack on the bottom as she sashayed back to the house, with Jack admiring the view. He whistled to himself and returned back to work smiling.

      I sat impatiently waiting at the kitchen table for my promised piece of pie. But I was vexed. Though the appearance of the pie was agonisingly slow it was a question mulling in my head that bothered me more and I had to speak it regardless of the danger.


      ‘Yes, Master Charles,’ she responded, cutting deep into the apple pie and placing it on a plate in front of me.

      ‘Can I ask you a question?’ I probed.

      ‘Depends what the question is.’ She smiled at me.

      I stuffed some pie in my mouth and chewed thoughtfully. ‘Why aren’t you and Jack married?’

      Her shoulders sagged and the smile vanished. ‘None of your business, Master Charles. Now eat your pie.’

      But I was made of sterner stuff and didn’t know when to give in. ‘But there must be a reason. You seem to really love each other and Mother always says that people that love each other get married.’

      ‘Your mother is right. People do get married when they are in love. But that is out of the question for Jack and me and I don’t want to talk about it anymore.’ She wiped her hands on her apron and then turned angrily back to me. ‘And I don’t want you pestering Jack about it either. You must promise me that you won’t, Charles.

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