The Gathering. Carl Read

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The Gathering - Carl Read The Woodlands Series

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a good deal of information that should put an end to many of the break-ins and assaults that have been plaguing the city lately.”

      Joe had started walking around the room again, muttering to himself. He looked at Laura and said, “It’s my job to find the next safe house. I was wonderin’ if ya know a place we can use.”

      “You’re under protective custody,” Laura said, shaking her head. “I’m not letting you go anywhere. Besides, it’s too dangerous for you to go back with that bunch. You could get seriously hurt if they found out you’ve been here.”

      “I gotta make things right,” Joe said grimly. “I ain’t goin’ to be a coward no more. I’ve been afraid ever since me Mum and Dad was killed. I never stood up for meself once. I always let Andy or Terry fight me battles. That ain’t right.”

      “What did you have in mind, Joe?”

      “You know how on video tubes they have them houses that have cameras in every room so you can see and hear what’s bein’ said? Well, if you had somethin’ like that, you could watch the whole time and if there was any trouble you could come runnin’.”

      “When are they expecting you back?” she queried.

      “We had ta lay low and meet in two days. So the day after tomorrow we all meet at the old sawmill at ten in the mornin’.”

      “Let me run it by my captain.” She needed confirmation for something like this.

      Laura left the room heading for the captain’s office. She met him coming out of the rear of the interrogation room.

      “I heard. It would take a bit of organising but it could be done.”

      Laura looked at him squarely. “What about Joe? Are you prepared for the consequences if things go wrong? It’s a big risk, Cap!”

      “Look, if he wants to deliver these bastards, I’m all for it,” was the captain’s retort. “I’ll talk to him. Let’s go.”

      Peter and Joe were huddled together deep in conversation when the door opened, and the captain and Laura entered the interrogation room.

      “Joe, this is my captain. I ran your idea past him and he’s all for it.”

      The captain walked up to Joe and shook his hand. “Hello, Joe, I’m Captain Welsh. Do you understand what you are suggesting?”

      Joe eyed the captain carefully, sizing him up. He then looked at Laura, who nodded.

      “Yeah, I want you ta bug a house so you can see and hear what’s said.”

      “All right, Joe. Are you doing this of your own free will?”

      “Yeah. It was my suggestion, what’s the problem?”

      “In cases like this we have to make sure that you haven’t been coerced by any member of my staff. The Department is covering its arse in case something goes wrong.”

      “I got ya. Nobody’s done nothin’ to force me into doin’ this. It’s all me own idea, Captain; no one put me up to it.”

      “I’ll have Laura organise the details,” the captain spoke with finality. “Until then you are a guest of the Department. Peter, you escort Joe to a safe house and remain with him. If he needs anything, have one of the other boys get it for him. Do you have any questions, Joe?”

      “Yeah, the house ya have ain’t too good, is it? ’Cause we ain’t been livin’ in the lap of luxury like. Oh, it will need an animal on the roof, or I ain’t goin’ in it.”

      “An animal!” exclaimed the captain. “Don’t tell me you believe in animal totems?”

      “Yeah,” replied Joe firmly.

      “I think I can accommodate you.” Captain Welsh moved to the door. “All right, people, you know the routine, let’s get started.”

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