Happiness Is Just a Breath Away. Kawena

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Happiness Is Just a Breath Away - Kawena

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is a pracTical

       workbook on creaTing

       your own happiness.

      My main focus is to show you some of the many natural ways I use to raise my own high energy levels, so that at eighty years of age I can still function as well as I did at forty years of age.

      To me life’s merry-go-round seems to be going faster and faster, even the young ones I teach say the same thing.

      If you take nothing else from my book I hope you take on and learn to understand quality breathing and show others.

      My main disappointment in life is that schools, doctors and others aren’t making the youth conscious of breathing exercises.

      So many of my past clients say that their life really turned around and they are much happier because of it.


      Was originally put together with a special section of the community in mind which are the CARERS and those responsible for other’s wellbeing.

      These are very emotional areas to work from and can require much more energy than just looking after ourselves.

      Many people have reviewed the book before it went to print and NOW agree it is suitable for anyone from all walks of life.

      With the fast pace of life we all need much more energy to cope with than we used to. I have simply shared with you what works for me. I hope some of it will work for you.

      In Summary - “It is a great Handbook”

       To inspire and motivate

       For maintaining good health and inner strength, and

       Handy to refer to when going through tough times.

      i will be using

       The word


      if iT isn’T your sTyle


       replace iT wiTh


       you are comforTable


      iT’s your choice.

      Chapter 1

      Happiness begins at home – Self Respect

      true success in life is measured by The level of happIness you create for yourself no maTTer how rIch or poor you are.

      inTeresTed in This


      Then read on.


       AT HOME

      Many years ago when a teacher of self confidence told our class, “you must learn to put yourself first” I thought “how selfish is that?”

      Now when I repeat that sentence to my class I get the same reaction. It seems nothing has changed. Like other helpers and self sacrificers I had to learn that if I didn’t look after me, I might end up not able to help anyone – even myself.

      We can end up physically, mentally and emotionally drained trying to please everyone and in the end nobody wins and you could even need help yourself.

      In the end I found that as I valued myself more my confidence and self respect grew, and so can yours.

      Be your own self nurturer and you’ll also be able to help those around you more, and be a shining example to others.

      Develop a happy, cheerful personality and you’ll attract new like minded friends into your life.

      One thing I have learned is that the more you learn about a given subject the more there is to learn. It is amazingly never ending.

      Life’s certainly interesting if we let it be.

      One of my mum’s favourite sayings was, “THERE IS NOTHING NEW UNDER THE SUN” and that was about sixty years ago. Even that far back her explanation was that all information is on what she called, “THE ETHER” ready for us to tap into.

      Over the years I have read thousands of books, attended dozens of workshops and listened to hundreds of tapes and CD’s.

      In doing all this I have learned that nothing has basically changed, just added to from others and my own experiences.

      I do find it quite funny that modern science in its effort to disprove our beliefs has often proved them right.

      Often I pick up an old Edgar Cayce book or Napoleon Hill, Norman Vincent Peale and others and realise how timeless they are and that modern books, including my own are simply an extension of the originals written and added to for modern times.

      Sometimes in my researching those books I am surprised to find what I thought was modern “lingo” already written and even explained then. There truly is nothing new under the sun.









       can do It!!

       the wow factor







      noT The

       woe path!!

      iT’s Time To

      give yourself


      new makeover


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