The Fifth Season. Kerry B Collison

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The Fifth Season - Kerry B Collison

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farewell, and departed for the provincial capital of Surabaya. There, Muis had settled down, diligently pursuing his quest at the Faculty of Islamic Studies. Then, as the year entered its final quarter, disaster had struck when Indonesia had plunged into darkness as word of the failed October Communist coup d’etat, spread through the country.

      The President had come under pressure to resign. Rumors suggesting that Beijing had sent weapons to support the communist cadres, galvanized the army into action. The deaths of five senior ABRI officers shocked the nation and, as their slaughter took place on China’s national day, innuendo soon turned to accusation, and the Indonesian ethnic Chinese became victims of ignorance yet again. They were attacked on the streets and in their homes, their shops were burned, these events precipitating a mass exodus to Singapore and Hong Kong. For those unfortunates who were obliged to remain behind, their world was constantly filled with fear.

      In the ensuing leadership vacuum, opportunists seized control of the military and commenced their reign of terror. Supported by an American Administration eager to see Indonesia cleanse itself of Communism, General Sarwo Eddie, the Butcher of Java, swung into action, his troops conducting their own cleansing campaign throughout the island, resulting in more than five hundred thousand being murdered. The general’s putsch through rural communities cost the country dearly as villagers were indiscriminately targeted, and families turned on each other, settling old scores in the most brutal way. With the annihilation of entire communities, century-old villages disappeared, unfounded accusations of complicity with communist groups sufficient to warrant immediate dispatch, with no mercy shown even to children.

      As well established farmers, Abdul Muis’ father and brother often had cause to deal with local Chinese traders. They were also members of the village land committee responsible for arbitration over local disputes. The village lurah, or chief, had innocently listed their small association with the powerful Partai Komunis Indonesia, hoping for their support in land-related matters. As a consequence, when the blood-letting commenced, envious neighbors informed the newly established anti-Communist vigilante squads that the wealthy farmers who controlled the fertile lands in their midst were, in fact, communist sympathizers and friendly with the Chinese community.

      An early morning raid left Muis’ father, mother, and brother dead, their headless bodies discovered dumped down a well. His three sisters, together with their offspring, all perished when Sarwo Eddie’s butchers arrived and cleansed the area of any remaining signs of communist roots, or ties.

      Two months passed before Muis was to learn of what had transpired in his village. He had written, asking for his father to send more funds, and when his second request also went unanswered, he caught a bus and returned home. The discovery of his family’s demise sent Muis into shock.

      By then marauding gangs had taken control over the countryside, as the Republic teetered on the brink of anarchy. He went to the local authorities but was shunned. It was then that he was informed that his family’s land had been seized by the government. When he complained, the self-proclaimed local military head had ordered Muis to return to Surabaya or face charges of sedition. Without compensation, and without any form of income, Muis returned to college and laid his case before the faculty head who, out of consideration for the brilliant young student’s talent, took him under his wing and nurtured Muis though his remaining days at the university.

      The following three years did little to ease his pain nor relieve the festering hate which dominated much of his conscious mind, growing in intensity, while the rest of his countrymen struggled with their own demons and ghosts and the legacy of those horrific times. Muis became inflamed as the country emerged from its perilous era, disgusted that the United States-sanctioned New Order discouraged the growth of Moslem unity through political representation, and was incensed with the rapid spread of Catholicism and other religious faiths throughout the archipelago.

      It did not go unnoticed as he became more radical in his views, that the Christian religions were making startling inroads into what were predominantly Moslem communities. He seethed when he witnessed foreign missionaries, mainly youngsters of U.S. origins blatantly canvassing the country’s streets with bibles in hand, their insidious intrusion adding to his hate for all things American. He observed that the majority of Christians were of ethnic Chinese descent, and Muis clearly felt their presence, their beliefs and customs, a direct threat to his own, and in his confused mind, responsible for his family’s demise.

      Devoted, Muis totally immersed himself in his religious studies. The more he learned, the more he became convinced that Indonesia would never have suffered the calamitous events of recent years had the country followed the teachings of the Prophet and believed in The One and True God and remained pure to His Ways. Muis became determined that the lintah-darat, the blood-sucking, usurious Chinese bankers who conducted their business in contradiction to Islamic teachings, should all be destroyed.

      Upon graduation, he had revisited his village. There, he discovered that ownership of his father’s fields had changed hands yet again, and was now the property of the local loan sharks. He was mortified to learn that these were not only Chinese, but members of the flourishing Christian community now well established in the nearby town where they had recently constructed their church. Overcome with anger, he had returned to Surabaya where, under his mentor’s guidance, he established his own religious forum for others as disgruntled as he, and within that month, declared the existence of Indonesia’s newest Islamic organization, the Mufti Muharam.

      Abdul Muis now had his vehicle to drive Indonesian Christians into the sea, and extract retribution for what he believed those associated with the Church had done to his family. He roamed the countryside speaking at Mosques and schools, his messages of hate cleverly disguised, but warmly received. Muis’ following grew at an alarming rate, reaching five hundred thousand within the first year, five million during the next, the exponential growth continuing until the Mufti Muharam finally achieved a membership of thirty million Moslems. His dream of an Islamic state finally within reach, Muis set about cultivating a relationship with the Indonesian leadership.

      * * * *

      The country was clearly controlled by ABRI, the nation’s military. They in turn, followed the dictates of the aging President, Suhapto. Muis made several approaches to ingratiate himself with the First Family, but was rebuffed, his chagrin such, Muis swore he would one day settle that score.

      Patiently he waited for his opportunity to strike, and this, ironically, was delivered to him by the President’s ambitious, and impatient son-in-law, General Praboyo. When it became quite clear to all that President Suhapto had never intended relinquishing his crown, Muis moved to position himself for the day when Suhapto’s indisputable and powerful grip on the country finally passed to another.

      Abdul Muis understood the importance of securing international support for his strategies. An Islamic state would require recognition from the Arab nations and although he believed this would be forthcoming once he had demonstrated his strengths, he examined the possibilities of establishing dialogue with Middle East leaders, arranging frequent visits to their shores. It was during one such visit to Iran, that Abdul Muis fell under the influence of the Ayatollahs and their militant persuasions.

      He became convinced that Indonesia, as the world’s largest Moslem community, should never have fallen behind other nations technologically.

      He sincerely believed that his country would one day be threatened by its giant neighbors, Communist China and India, both nations boasting populations in excess of one billion, both countries possessing nuclear capabilities. Muis had also come to learn that it was United States’ vested interests which had prevented Indonesia from developing its own, defensive nuclear capabilities.

      Under his leadership, Abdul Muis would ensure that the Indonesian

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