Love Equals Power. Eileen McBride

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Love Equals Power - Eileen McBride

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truly loving person is not a namby-pamby doormat. When we love ourselves and know our own truth, we will always defend and protect ourselves from any attack or abuse, from whomever, or wherever, it comes. True self-love is not about sacrificing oneself or denying one’s joy or desire for the sake of any other group or individual. Each of us is the unique emanation and manifestation of the Universe and each of us is needed as we are, in our own truth. If we spend all our time and effort trying to live according to others’ expectations and moral codes, we become something less than our true selves.

      Silencing or ignoring our truth leads us into sickness, disharmony in relationships, or mental and emotional turmoil. Subjugating our own desires to enable another to avoid their own fears is not love, because no person who is truly motivated by love would ever ask this of another.

      Our aim in life is to find our own truth, to find what feels right for us and to live accordingly. We have been gifted the means to do this by Divine Love that will never desert us, and that always provides us with the power we need to transform our life from fear to love. Love is the wisdom we need to live the life we are meant to live; and that wisdom always comes from within.

      We have all the power we need to construct the life we want. We all have whatever it is we need to feel peace, and even bliss. This is true power, that none can take away. We may give it away, especially when we don’t really understand how love works, but we can reclaim our power at any time.

      What is this power? What does it look like and where does it come from? Within all of us resides an impetus and capacity that exists, regardless of the circumstances of our lives. It is the urge to derive meaning from our experiences and use it to create a more peaceful, satisfying and fulfilling life. This power cannot be quenched, destroyed nor exhausted because its source is found in the Divine.

      The only thing that may seem to block the exercise of this power is our own unwillingness to harness and utilise it. Like the sunrays from the sun, power is available to all who stand in the light of Love. Unlike the sun’s rays, however, our power comes from within, not from any set of external circumstances. Therefore power exists, whatever else is happening. The only valid question is: how is it accessed?

      The nature and origin of this power has been expounded on by Dr David R Hawkins in his book Power Vs Force: The Hidden Determinants of Human Behaviour . As indicated in the title, Dr Hawkins distinguishes power from its suppositional opposite: force. The two have no similarities, because one is spiritual and thereby immutable and eternal, whilst the other is limited and is always subject to power:

      ‘Force always moves against something, whereas power does not move against anything. Force is incomplete and therefore has to constantly be fed energy. Power is total and complete in itself and requires nothing outside itself. It makes no demands; it has no needs. Because force has an insatiable appetite, it constantly consumes. Power, in contrast, energizes, gives forth, supplies and supports. Power gives life and energy. Force takes these away’(1).

      The power to live a meaningful and fulfilling life comes from Love. Love is the source of all power. It is to the spiritual Universe what gravity is to the physical world. It is the power that moves all things whilst remaining immovable. It is the invisible, metaphysical structure of the entire Universe, which physics merely symbolises. The more we understand Love and live according to its precepts, the more power we can harness to live according to our desire.

      Love exists because in reality only Oneness, and therefore unity, exists. We are all One with the spiritual Universe, and the Universe is powered by Love, thus the only true power that exists is Love. Conversely the hallmark of force is division and fear, the suppositional opposites of love.

      When we choose to think about it, we all know that this paradox exists at the core of our being. We are all aware of two voices in our heads. One, our conscience, or spiritual intuition which accurately reflects the Voice for Spirit, and the other, the voice of ego which would keep us rooted in the ultimately futile world of powerlessness, unworthiness, and limitation.

      When we know we are the emanation of the Divine, we see that the power and peace of the Omnipotent All are innately and inherently ours, and all we have to do is claim that power, and the peace it engenders. If we are the manifestation of Divine Love then, logically, we must be eminently lovable and loving. We must know that we are worthy of only the greatest love and peace and stand firm in our right and responsibility to act, and be treated in return, with love.

      Human life seems far from this way of living, but that is only because most people do not understand their divine heritage. They mostly see themselves as weak and imperfect mortals who struggle to attract the attention of an unpredictable and fickle God ‘out there’ who might just save them, but only if ‘He’ feels like it. Or they are so disillusioned by the traditional notions of the Divine that they have abandoned all efforts to connect with their Source, even believing that there is no Divine Principle of Life, that it is all just myth and trickery.

      I am not here to convince you of anything. The only truth you will ever be able to accept is that which you have experienced. Experience is the means of transforming knowledge into knowing, and knowing is never a matter of mere belief.

      What I hope to do is present an alternative interpretation of existence based on the indestructible connection between us and the Divine. I will try to explain and show that the Divine is within us, and that everything we want to know and be is within us. All that is required of us is to learn to identify the Voice for the Divine, to learn to filter out the voice of the ego, and to follow the dictates of our own heart, for it is in our heart, our deepest self, where true knowing resides.

      When we understand our innate worth as the emanation of the Divine, we can begin to see that everything we dislike about our human selves is merely our own projection, which can be changed at any time, just by changing our thoughts.

      Whilst it is easy to say, changing and controlling thought requires dedication and persistence. The ego voice is a mighty opponent because it is our test, whereby we learn to see that all is not as it seems. This sham we call human life operates within a greater matrix of Life that is not subject to the limitations of physics, chemistry and biology, but is governed by the Omnipotent and Omniscient laws of Eternal Life, where there is no sickness, decay, limitation or death.

      This provides a whole new approach to life. We understand our indestructible connection with the Divine. We know we are the emanation of the Divine and are worthy and deserving of love. We acknowledge that if we experience lovelessness, it must have first arisen in our own thoughts. And that is why love is power. We have the power to change everything we do not like about ourselves or our lives.

      This is my experience. This is not just some theory that comes from intellect alone. It is how I have lived my whole life, a life that certainly has not been without its difficulties or disappointments. But that is the point. Each and every one of those heartbreaking moments has been a catalyst for change – change of my thought, and thus my projection and my experience. These moments forced me to seek an alternative view of what constitutes life. Every sad, frustrating, irritating and infuriating moment has been ultimately alchemised, through love, into the power and freedom to be whoever and whatever I choose to be.

      Now I pass it on to all of you who are searching and seeking a more loving, more peaceful, and more powerful way to live life. I ask that you do not take my word for it. Take the ideas that appeal to you, and leave the rest. Take those that you like and put them into practise and, if they work for you, make them your own. Integrate them into your way of life and allow them to transform your experience. Your experience is the only key to Truth.

      Chapter 1: The Miracle of Love

       The Meaning

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