Love Is the Answer. Tracy Madden

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Love Is the Answer - Tracy Madden

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making him more so. Snapping a folder shut, he stood and pulled out the chair opposite for me. Yesterday, I had felt he was a man of little emotion, however today I observed that he gave a fleeting look of admiration at my attire.

      I had never been a trousers girl, legs not long enough. Instead, I have always opted for a far more feminine look, and today I wore my favourite Alannah Hill red silk tiered skirt, with a red and white polka dotted ruffled blouse, along with my secret weapon, shiny nude patent leather heels. Nude heels helped the legs to look longer. I flicked my long dark curls behind one ear. The swishing of my silk skirt was audible as I sat, placing my monogrammed Louis Vuitton handbag on the chair next to me.

      Mr Scott gestured to the waiter for two coffees. I must say I was a little disappointed we didn’t order anything to eat, as it almost seemed sacrilegious to be at Montgomery’s and not order their delicious fare. However, I was most grateful for the bite sized shortbread that escorted the fragrant brew. Mr Scott appeared to be a man who wasted no time on pleasantries, getting down to the task at hand.

      ‘Right,’ he briskly stated, clasping his hands together on the table in front of him. ‘I believe you’ve seen Mr Carmody’s property.’ He glanced at me over the top of his glasses. ‘What is your opinion?’ He was direct, I’ll give him that.

      With my elbows on the table, I leant forward, resting my chin on my hands. I could feel my face light up. ‘I truly love it, and let me tell you, I’d love to buy it myself. However, I’m astute enough to realise that the price would be well out of my reach. Such a pity. A girl can dream though.’ I flashed him a smile.

      I had tossed and turned all night over Mr Carmody’s property. I was realistic enough to know that I would never be able to afford something of that scale in the New Farm area. I was reminded of a couple of years ago, when a developer showed us a presentation of apartments he was seeking council approval for, in Hastings Street Noosa Heads, a small but very sought after prestigious holiday destination, an hour and a half north of Brisbane.

      There were a dozen of us in the meeting. As soon as I saw the artist’s impressions, I instantly made an audible sound of lust. Surprised, all heads turned to look at me. I wanted one of those apartments. I wanted the ocean at my door. I wanted the life that went with it. And I wanted to be one of the people that lived that type of life. However, the price tag was exorbitant. So, realistically I got over my wanting. Yesterday, I had felt like that about Mr Carmody’s property. And just like the Noosa apartment, I’ll eventually get over it.

      Mr Scott tapped his fingers on the table top. ‘And what is it that you would do with a property of that size if you owned such a thing Mrs Riding?’

      I laughed. ‘Oh don’t worry, I’ve given that heaps of thought and I have so many ideas, I wouldn’t know where to begin.’ However, that did not stop me. ‘The garden is truly spectacular. It must have been a paradise in its day.’ I glanced at him, but he wasn’t the best conversationalist. ‘That house and garden needs to be filled with people. It has so much to offer. One thought I had, was an inner city B&B, but with old fashioned charm. I’d call it Carmody House.’ I began to warm to the idea once again. ‘Sounds nice doesn’t it?’ And this time I got a curt smile from him. ‘Or I even thought about running cooking classes from the house, using produce grown in the kitchen garden supplemented by the numerable gourmet outlets in the area. It’s one of those properties that could have many uses, and could bring pleasure to many people. Even weddings in the garden, I can see them now!

      With my hands in my lap, I leant back in my chair smiling, watching Mr Scott’s face. Momentarily, he appeared amused. His long pale slender hands once again clasped together on the table in front of him. Hands that looked like they had never done a manual day’s work in their life.

      Briefly, he looked down and then he looked up at me again. ‘And you would have a dog?’

      I sat up in my chair, looking surprised at his line of questioning. I spluttered, ‘Sure… of course… a couple of dogs.’ I felt my face light up again. ‘Actually, I love dogs. I’m sorry to say my former husband was not so keen, but that’s about to change as soon as I get myself settled. In fact, there are going to be many changes. Anyway, I have a list, and dog is on the top…’ I stopped. I knew I was rambling, however as Mr Scott was very quiet, I was filling in the pauses, as I had a habit of doing.

      ‘So, you didn’t see it as a family home?’ he asked, brow furrowed, looking over the top of his reading glasses, making it sound as if there should be a correct answer.

      ‘Oh absolutely, for someone else I could not think of a better place to raise a growing family. It would be idyllic. But…’ and I glanced down at my hands in my lap and swallowed. ‘Just not for me…’ My face clouded over, my pain returning where I thought it had eased. I cleared my throat and attempted to move on. ‘I’m sure …’

      Mr Scott cut me off. ‘Perhaps one day?’

      I blinked a couple of times and swallowed again, unsure if he was asking me, or offering words of comfort.

      ‘Perhaps one day Mr Scott.’ In a far more business-like manner, I moved on. ‘I’m sure you remember me saying that I am no longer in the real estate industry, and while I am flattered that Mr Carmody thought I might like to market the property for him, yesterday I took a former colleague with me to view it.’ I looked directly at Mr Scott. He said nothing. I pulled Marty’s business card from my bag and slid it across the table. ‘As Mr Carmody appeared to trust my judgement, I’m happy to oversee Marty Edwards and will endeavour to make sure we do the right thing for Mr Carmody’s family.’

      He glanced briefly at the card, but left it where it lay on the table. He reminded me of a headmaster, and I, feeling once again like a school girl, had become nervous of my answers, hoping to respond correctly. John Scott’s hands were now joined together as if in prayer, at his chin. ‘So your living arrangements at the moment are?’

      ‘Oh?’ I was rather taken aback. He was an unusual man, his line of questioning odd. ‘I’m staying with my mother here at New Farm for the short term.’ I didn’t feel it necessary to explain my plans for travel.

      ‘And then you wish to…?’

      I gave an ironic laugh. ‘Mr Scott… I’m…’ For a few seconds I was lost for words. ‘I’m trying to make a new life.’ There I’d said it. ‘A new career, a new home, a new everything.’

      He leant forward. ‘Yes I see.’ Squinting at me, he looked as if he did see. He exhaled heavily and if it was possible, sat even more upright. ‘Mr Carmody spoke highly of you.’

      I slowly nodded, smiling, grateful for the compliment. He scratched at his temple. Patiently, I waited.

      He opened a folder and studied it for a few minutes. Murmuring to himself, he then glanced back at me. ‘So, if you were to purchase the property, what do you think a fair price would be?’

      I put a hand up. ‘Mr Scott, I don’t think you understand! As much as I love the property, I am not in a position to be able to buy a property of that calibre. I wish I was, but I’m not.’

      ‘Right… hmmm,’ he said slowly, and then pushed a piece of paper towards me. ‘What do you think about this figure?’

      I looked at the sum. ‘What...?’ I frowned. ‘I’m sorry but I’m not following you? Are we talking about the same property?’

      ‘Yes we are. Perhaps I should explain further.’ He straightened his glasses on

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