Grand Deceptions. G. S. Willmott

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Grand Deceptions - G. S. Willmott

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rock has got some gold in it, he thought.

      He decided to wash it immediately and as he scrubbed the sizable rock, the mud and dirt disappeared, exposing a solid nugget. He estimated the weight as around a thousand ounces. They were rich, filthy rich.

      He called casually, ‘Henry, I suggest you come up. I’ve got something interesting to show you.’

      ‘Can’t it wait, George? I think I might have found a new seam.’

      George didn’t want to bring attention to himself in case the miners close by may get wind of their find, so he replied, ‘All right, whenever you’re ready.’

      George wrapped the nugget in an old blanket and placed it next to an old gum tree. He found it extremely difficult not to yell EUREKA.

      Eventually, Henry yelled out to George to bring him up. Once he was back up, George grabbed his arm and led him to where he had hidden the nugget.

      ‘Henry, I want you to promise me not to yell when I show you what’s hidden under the blanket.’

      ‘Why George; have you got a body under there?’

      George slowly pulled the blanket back, exposing some of the nugget.

      ‘Bloody hell – how big is the bugger?’

      ‘It’s huge; maybe 1,000 ounces.’

      ‘George we’re rich. Bloody rich.’

      ‘We have to sneak this thing back to Ballarat without anybody noticing. If word gets out, we could be in real danger.’

      ‘You’re right; we’ll have to move it in the dead of night.’

      ‘I don’t think we can delay it; should be tonight… we can’t leave it here. Besides, if we did, we would have to guard it, which would only raise suspicions.’

      ‘So, we need to load her on our dray and take her back to Ballarat?’ said Henry.

      ‘Maybe we should take it directly to Melbourne. No one would suspect a 1000-ounce nugget to be loaded in a back of a cart and driven to Melbourne,’ said George.

      ‘You might be right. The only thing that concerns me is leaving our mine unattended for a week or so.’

      ‘Yes, I agree, so why don’t you take it to Melbourne? You being a geologist will convince the bank that we own the thing, and all is legitimate.’

      ‘Sounds like a reasonable course of action. I need to load up some provisions for the trip and hitch up the horses. I should be able to leave about midnight.’

      The two gold diggers lifted the sixty-two-pound nugget onto the dray, covered it with a clean blanket and placed provisions on top to try and disguise their precious cargo.

      ‘Good luck Henry. Watch out for bushrangers. Send me a telegraph once you have been successful in selling it to the bank. How much do you think we’ll get for her?’

      ‘I would estimate £10,000 more or less.’

      ‘We really are rich, aren’t we?’

      ‘We are.’

      Henry said his goodbyes and began his twenty-four-hour journey to Melbourne.

      The Colour Yellow

      Chapter 7

      China 1857

      Two brothers, Zhang Wei and Wang Wei, lived with their parents and sister in a small village in Guangdong province north of Hong Kong island. The family grew vegetables on a reasonably large scale by Zhuhai standards. Zhuhai was the village they resided in, located on the magnificent Pearl River.

      The last two seasons, however, had been very lean due to a drought that had affected the Sze Zap region of which Guangdong was a part.

      Wang and Zhang loaded their junk with the produce they were able to grow during the previous two months. It was their intention that Wang would sail the vessel to Hong Kong where he intended to sell the vegetables at the market.

      Once they had completed the task, the junk headed down the river in the direction of Hong Kong. Wang was a master sailor, so the journey presented no problem to the young Chinese man.

      The trip took a day, and when he tied up at the market wharf and unloaded his produce he was fortunate enough to be able to sell his entire cargo to a wholesaler.

      As was his custom when he had finished his day at the market, he would go to his favourite teahouse, the Lotus Flower, where he would not only drink fine tea but also catch up with the latest gossip and news from around the region.

      On this day, Wang entered the fine establishment and as usual; it was packed with Chinese merchants plus many men from outlying areas. Once the young man had found a seat, he ordered his tea. The conversations circulating the teahouse were about a land called Australia and how it was made of gold. Wang asked a friend he knew from the market what this gold talk was all about.

      ‘Li, do you know anything about this land of gold everybody is talking about?’

      ‘Yes, Wang it’s true! This place called Australia has a mountain of gold! People are going there from all over the world and getting rich and then returning home as rich men.’

      ‘Is there anyone from China going?’

      ‘There are thousands; an English ship left Hong Kong this morning bound for a place called Ballarat. It had five hundred Chinese on board.’

      ‘How can they afford it? It must cost a lot of money.’

      ‘There are several entrepreneurs who are lending the gold diggers their fare plus living costs when they arrive.’

      ‘Where’s the catch?’

      ‘There’s no catch, Wang. They simply take a share of the gold. It’s easy.’

      ‘Are you going to go?’

      ‘Yes, I am. I leave in a week’s time.’

      ‘I wish you well, my friend. I’d better get back to my junk and prepare to return home.’

      Wang was thinking the entire journey back about his friend Li and the thousands of his countrymen travelling to this strange place made of gold. When he arrived back in Zhuhai he pulled his brother Zhang aside and told him about Australia and the mountain of gold.

      ‘If this is correct, Wang, maybe we should go. We would come back to China rich.’

      ‘That’s what I’ve been thinking, brother. We could look after our family and grow the vegetable business.’

      The two brothers decided they would travel to Australia and make their fortunes. They were dubious of the loan system, deciding to fund the adventure from their savings.

      The announcement

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