An Indecent Obsession. Mudrooroo

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An Indecent Obsession - Mudrooroo

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did and eventually only hatred and contempt came to me from her. But that was a few years in the future and now on this first time, I was as eager to have her as she seemed to want me.

      I started to undo her pants, but she stepped away and took them off herself. It was then that I noticed that her leopard skin top was a camisole and went down between her legs. I hadn’t seen one of these before except in ads and thought that only prostitutes wore them, along with high stockings and garter straps. But no, there was Darlene in one of these garments and striking a pose as if it was sexy. Well, I suppose it was in a way with her long body, except for the middle, bare and long white legs with slightly mottled pink thighs from the shower. I stepped forward and felt beneath her legs and popped the studs, one, two and my fingers sank into her cunt. It was firm and wet. She obviously was aroused, but again, the comparison came. Elaine’s vagina was a lush garden compared to this slightly thin, slightly retarded pudendum.

      We kissed again and I had her on the bed, on her back and I was between her legs, ready to engage in oral foreplay. The lips of her cunt were indeed thin and slightly misshapen with a swirl of pink at the centre. I knelt between her legs and put my tongue into her, found her small clitoris and tongued it. She moaned, but did not move. I pushed her legs further apart and stuck my tongue as far as it could go into her, but she wriggled and got me back to her clitoris. While I tongued it my mind again returned to Elaine and how by now she would be moaning and threshing about and grabbing my head and forcing my face right against her, but not Darlene. Instead of moving to another position, say a sixty nine, for simplicities sake, she pulled me up and my penis into her. We moved together and she kept the pace, increasing it so that I came too early. I was used to varying the rhythm for longevity. I had read the Taoist books on sexual activity and so had Elaine. In fact we each had our own, one for females and one for males. When we loved, we helped each other to maintain how long we wished to endure. When we became lovers and then new weds, we even had had contests, about how long we could fuck. Often we took hours, but this took minutes and left me feeling quite unsatisfied. I waited for something more, but she turned her back on me and went to sleep. I stared into the night, hearing the traffic roaring along the highway and wondered what I had gotten myself into. I longed for the comforting body of my wife beside me. She used to snuggle up and talk a bit then kiss before wandering off into sleep; but Darlene was different. She was promise unfulfilled.

      When she awoke, I tried again, but she said that she didn’t like sex in the morning. Even her use of the term sex was somewhat downgrading our supposed relationship. Sex is when you fuck without love lovemaking is when you fuck with love. With Darlene I never knew if it was love or not. She hardly ever said she loved me in our two years together, but elicited the word from me countless times. I had to repeat it to her satisfaction, though strangely not in bed. She was not one for words there and not one to prolong the act into the early hours of the morning, or to smell of lovemaking all through the day in a challenge to those who were not lovers. No, she showered and preened herself as she did this morning and then put on a long dress which looked like and was from Indonesia. It was the sort of thing that students wore. She must have seen my look of disapproval for she pulled it off to replace it with jeans and blouse. The cami was packed away to be washed, for she believed in cleanliness.

      Ten o’clock on the dot, we checked out and drove along the highway towards Surfers’ itself. There was all Sunday day and night to get through before we headed back to Brisbane. We sat in the car with a distance between us. This was possibly because of our seat belts, but I felt no sense of intimacy. There should have been. After all, we were supposed to be lovers, but she did exude a feeling of possession, as if I had been a trophy to be collected. Well, she had and then along the highway I saw a sign advertising The Golden Globe Lodge with rooms with spas. On an impulse I pulled in front of it and got out to enquire about a room with a spa. The rooms at the time were being serviced, but one would be available after twelve. I registered and went back to the car where Darlene sat much like a wife.

      ‘Well, we’re in luck. I’m getting a room with a spa. It’ll be something after that place last night.’

      ‘The bridal suite’ and she laughed a kind of romantic giggle that caused her to clutch my hand and even plant a kiss on my lips.

      ‘Now for some breakfast, I’m ravenous,’ I replied. It was then that I found that Darlene was a finicky and poor eater. Food was not something to be indulged in and enjoyed. With Elaine after a night of lovemaking we would eat a hearty breakfast or lunch with jokes about how we could sweat it off that night.

      In Surfer’s, I found a place and she had coffee and I, not wanting to gorge myself in front of her, contented myself with a tomato and cheese sandwich. After eating, while paying on the way out, I remembered our kiss and how while her mouth had tasted of peppermint, I had wondered what mine had tasted of, and so I bought some chewing gum, popped a stick into my mouth and offered her one. She took it and demurely began masticating, her thin lips moving like, like, well, just moving. Similes didn’t come naturally to make her larger than life. Thin and elongated, she was, with that hair of hers, like a mop.

      Now, I decided to have a drink, though it was early. The Birdwatchers’ Bar was a famous Surfers’ attraction for men. Unseen, they could sit at the wide one way windows and perve on the women walking past. It wasn’t the feminist Darlene’s sort of place, but she agreed to come with me where she had an infernal coke while I settled on a manly beer. Not much was happening this time of day. A few blokes at the bar, obviously tourists for they did ogle the women walking past. I watched them for awhile, then Darlene got upset, or rather her feminism did. She found it disgusting that men could indulge in such antics and we had to leave. She made a loud remark about limp dicks as we exited.

      It was getting towards twelve and I said: ‘What about a spot of lunch?’

      ‘Well, all right, I’m about ready for a snack, where shall we go?’

      ‘I know, let’s check out that Mirage Resort. I haven’t stayed there, but I know that they have a beach where we can swim,’ I said, untruthfully, for I had been there before -- with Elaine.

      ‘Yeah, let’s do that. I wish we could have stayed there. it would have been heaps better than that bridal suite,’ and she did that giggle again as her hand touched my shoulder as if we had a secret between us.

      Perhaps, we did, but then I had one from her. The Mirage was expensive, but affordable. Still, I was sure that she would have felt out of place in such luxurious surroundings. When it had first opened, Elaine and I had splurged and spent a night there. It wasn’t that marvelous, the room that is, but the beach was placid and quiet and the foyer and gardens quite spectacular.

      Although Darlene was not quite dressed for the Mirage and did seem ill at ease, she oohed and aahed over the decor and the gardens which came right into the foyer. There were wide shallow pools with ducks and water lilies and meandering streams. We went into the coffee shop where I ordered a club sandwich and then waited for her to make up her mind which was an order for a green salad with a side order of chips. It was a light lunch as we wanted to get into the water as the day was hot and muggy.

      After eating, we walked along a path which was memory lane to me. Elaine and I ran along it hand in hand. She was in a tropical bikini with big flowers over it. Her full breasts bobbed and jiggled and her hip brushed mine every now and again. It was then that I had decided that I loved this type of woman: small and dark, plumpish, but with all the curves in the right places. Just thinking of her and me and that day aroused me and when we got to the beach and I got into my togs, my half erection showed. Darlene must have noticed it, but said nothing. She splashed into the water and I followed slowly. Elaine and I had made love here in the water. I stood upright and she leapt onto me and wrapped her legs about me. The water bore some of her weight and she jiggled about and it was fun. I tried to do the same with Darlene, going to her and pressing myself against her. She could feel my erection, but ignored it, continuing to play. I persisted

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