The First Boomerang. Paul Bryden

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The First Boomerang - Paul Bryden

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they’re for everyone.” The Elder paused, allowing his words to hover.

      “Over the last hundred years or so Aboriginal brothers and sisters adopted the Christianity imposed by missionaries. Jesus became a type of Ancestor, a father figure with strict laws to live by, and he was the son of the ultimate Ancestor. Now it’s normal for our people to attend church services and maintain some traditional beliefs, although too many old ways have disappeared.”

      Rob suddenly remembered a painting with a similar theme, so with an urgent look on his face he spoke up.

      “About ten years ago I bought a painting from a Koori Aboriginal artist in Sydney. He re-interpreted Christ’s birth by setting it near Uluru! He used Outback colours, animal characters, the dot art technique and called it “Dreamtime Jesus.” So he was definitely influenced by Christianity.”

      Nodding acknowledgement the Elder responded. “Be good to see it one day Rob.” Then kept sharing his insights.

      “Many Christian Aboriginals won’t see a link between their faith and the paintings. They won’t know all the figures. The challenge is to recognise that all great spiritual masters represent Universal Love Energy. And, there’s only one God. We’re all connected spiritually, that’s what the paintings say. But most of us don’t look beyond form because we’re physical beings. It’s hard to imagine friends and family as ‘spiritual beings’ in bodies.’’

      * * *

      Both men knew it was absolutely amazing to have seen the incredible art, and fully realised that mentioning it beyond the hidden gorge would be controversial. So they would talk about it only when the time was right. Only when personal timing and Cosmic Timing aligned. Also, the remote location was totally mystifying. These superbly painted images would be naturally at home in India or the Middle East. Why were they so far from their cultural and geographical origins?

      Would Rob and the Elder find the answer? And other answers? They may not, but they did know how exceptional this discovery was and what it may lead to.

      “I sometimes wonder how awareness will increase around the world. It takes a crisis to wake most of us up. It could take natural disasters, an oil shortage, computer collapse or financial crash to shock us into it.” Rob suggested and continued.

      “But maybe we can change without disasters. People will be astonished to hear that these paintings exist in Central Australia. The story will race around the world. Obvious questions will be asked. People will demand to see them. The superficial reactions will gradually decrease and be surpassed by the larger truth: all great teachers came to guide Humanity back to the Spiritual Source.”

      While listening to Rob the Elder placed a couple of large pieces of river red gum on the fire. The flames danced as if to welcome them and a few sparks shot off into the desert darkness as the fire took hold. This, their last night in the sacred gorge would become colder, and there was a good chance they would keep on talking. The Elder brushed a few grains of sand off his hands.

      “The paintings are a gift for the whole world because they symbolise spiritual Oneness. They’re a divine sign. We’re being bathed in powerful vibrations and our heart chakras are receiving more Universal Love Energy. We’re glowing inside and when we get back to Alice people will sense a difference. Our positive vibes will radiate and touch others.”

      “Our spirits are filling up,” Rob offered.

      “Yes. Yes,” the Elder replied. “Vibrations of love and truth create personal change. We can help friends spread the energy with words, music and pictures so it can be shared. A lot of people are aware enough to be receptive.”

      “Yeah. There’s growing awareness, but there’s a fair way to go.”

      “But it’s happening,” the Elder agreed. “Across the planet people see signs every day confirming they’re on their correct path. More and more will wake-up and find the earth is really our Earth Mother, just like Aboriginal groups all over the world have known since time began. And have you heard this? If the letter ‘h’ is taken off the end of the word earth and placed in front, the word heart is formed!”

      “What?” Rob exclaimed with a chuckle. He felt like asking the Elder to repeat the beautiful word play.

      Rob was never surprised by the depth of the Elder’s wisdom, and was delighted by the poetic interpretation of earth becoming heart so poignantly. What a wonderful way to impart a profound message. Rob was accustomed to him expressing complex concepts simply. It was the way of all world traditions, and the way in which his culture had survived longer than any other on the planet. No wonder our Aboriginal brothers and sisters have so much to share, he thought enthusiastically.

      The fire needed a couple of small branches. What a magical thing. Colours and characters leaping all around the burning timber, warming the soul as well as the front of the body. The wood supply would not last for much more talking time, and the men were becoming quieter anyway.

      Their relaxed reactions were the sign that it was time to climb into swags and go to sleep on another remarkable day. The last couple of branches burned quickly and the campfire’s glow faded. Another type of dreaming would soon take over the men’s consciousness and they would die to the world of supposed reality.

      * * *

      Sunlight tipped the higher fronds of the taller palms as both men woke up and stepped out of their swags. They shared almost an audible feeling of contentment in the peace-filled, invigorating air of morning as they packed up their simple camp, collecting empty cans to dispose of in town. Although it was cold they did not boil the billy, but had cool drinks of water before setting off down the gorge.

      About an hour after leaving their sanctuary and walking through palms and cycads and the sandy creek bed, they were driving along the dirt and gravel track that would lead to the sealed road and later to Alice Springs.

      After Rob turned onto the main road and accelerated, the Elder remarked. “It’s good to be back on the black.”

      “What? Haven’t heard that before,” Rob quickly responded.

      “That’s what we call being on bitumen road,” The Elder confirmed, holding the hunting boomerangs he had sung in the cave.

      “Wondering what to do first? Who to tell? Where to go? Don’t be side-tracked by your mind. The inner voice is key. Once you’ve heard it, trust it. Intuition’s the connection to your higher self, and part of Universal Love Energy. The steps will unfold on time. That’s what’s been happening since we met. You know how it works.”

      “Yeah. And I’m ready,” Rob smiled.

      “When we get back to town we’ve got a lot to talk about, especially the lost tjurunga. It’s very important business. For whitefellas too. And that website idea sounds good.”

      Rob was already excited about what was ahead, his eyes bright and wide open, his voice buoyant with happiness.

      “It’s absolutely fantastic. Everything happened so quickly. I had to meet an Elder but I didn’t know I’d experience so much, so soon. The hidden gorge was life-changing and Humanity’s spiritual future is already here. We’ve all got a part to play because every soul’s important in the Divine plan.”

      Конец ознакомительного фрагмента.


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