A Big Circle of Friends. Erica Bentel

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A Big Circle of Friends - Erica Bentel

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him on the back and leaves shortly afterwards.

      K. throws himself onto the worn sofa that is to be his bed and stretches out his legs. He doesn’t bother to take off his shoes.


      Since the newspaper article, Sasha has rapidly become the focus of attention. There’s a lot of talk amongst her friends about the Big Circle of Friends idea.

      AMY: It’s like that online rally thing that went viral.

      MEGAN: Yeah, a bit. But it’s not the same, because that was getting everybody to join up for one particular cause…

      MATT (Megan’s older brother): … And that was the problem with it. Political causes are never simple. You jump in trying to do good, but you never know what you’re actually supporting. You have to really question that stuff.

      AMY: Well I think the intentions behind it were really good.

      MATT: The intentions were good, but the reality was a lot more complex. That’s why I think Sasha’s idea is so clever. You’re not joining a political group or supporting a particular cause. You’re joining to make a personal pledge to do the right thing to those around you. And if that keeps growing, there’s a real power in that.

      AMY: So this is like more of a personal thing?

      MATT: Yeah, where’s Sasha gone?

      MEGAN: Getting some food.

      AMY: So cool.

      MATT: No hate directed anywhere, or violence. That’s the best part of it. People just need the strength to stand up and speak out, to help those around them … There she is.

      DAVID: She’s cute.

      Matt nods imperceptibly. Everyone looks at Sasha. The only one who doesn’t notice is Sasha.

      She comes to join them on the grass. Matt motions for her to sit:

      MATT: We’re discussing your idea. We think it’s great.

      Sasha smiles. Everyone shifts over to let her in. She takes the spot next to Fabio and sits down folding her legs beneath her. Tucking her hair behind her ears, she focuses on her salad and becomes caught up in removing the small pieces of celery.

      AMY: I wonder how long it’ll take to reach everyone in the school?

      MATT: I wonder how long it’ll take to reach everyone in the world?

      Sasha looks across at him - he isn’t joking.


      K.’s cousin had taken him along to one of his group’s meetings. On leaving they were hugged warmly. Like brothers.

      They are walking along the pavement. His cousin’s arm flung protectively over his shoulder.

      — They treated me with true respect, talked to me like I’m actually somebody with an opinion to give. These are definitely my kind of people.

      His cousin laughs and ruffles his hair.

      K. pulls away. Then laughs too.

      The rest of the way they walk in silence.

      K. remembers being a bit surprised when his cousin had said: ‘K. wants to be involved.’

      He had just nodded and smiled. Didn’t want to look stupid.

      They had all congratulated him, shook his hand, even half hugged him, patting his back. Said soon they’d have something for him to do.

       Now that’s the way it should be.

      No one looked down on him. And a few of the men were actually far older.

      K. is impressed. He looks across at his cousin.

       He’s got some good connections. That’s for sure.


      Sasha is busy downloading some lyrics when an email comes in. Ten seconds later she is on the phone to Kate.

      — The funniest thing just happened. You won’t believe this. I just got an email from Erin.

      — Erin in Melbourne?

      — Yup. Guess what it was?

      — Tell me.

      — The Big Circle of Friends.

      Both girls let out a yell.

      — And you’ve never sent it to her?!

      — No. She must have received it from somewhere else and she’s sent it to her whole address book. Including me.

      — How amazing is that.

      — Totally awesome. Listen, are you going with anyone to Baz’s party?

      — Yeah, with Alex. You?

      — Not sure. D’you know if Matt’s going?

      — I’ll ask Megan.

      — No don’t you dare!

      Both laugh.

      — Listen, I’d better get off the phone. My Dad wants to use it. I’ll call you on my mobile.


      Not only does Erin send the email to Sasha, she also shows it to her father, Taffy Jones, a high school teacher. Who in turn forwards it to all 32 boys in his Year 8 class.

      * A Big Circle of Friends

      See attached.

      For your perusal (in other words: read it!)

      For in-class discussion tomorrow.

      T. Jones


      K. cannot get that meeting out of his head. He’s hoping the next one will be soon. He feels a wave of unease when he thinks about his parents. He turns on the TV trying to push them out of his mind. It doesn’t work. He calls his father.

      — What’s your big problem with this cousin anyway?

      — You know the people he’s involved with are not like us. Those people are dangerous people. Those are radicals, my son. Those are not people you …


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