Call of the Wild. Graeme Membrey

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Call of the Wild - Graeme Membrey

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but I am sure he could do plenty these days, if indeed he kept his exercise regime going. I was overjoyed to have been part of this young man’s renewed interest in fitness when he had once thought his life had finished. Certainly, that’s not the case if you put in the effort, have the interest and a little bit of luck on your side. I also made inquiries about the new rubber prosthetics at the NGO but was told there was a year-long waiting list already. Nonetheless, through constant bartering, I got Mohamad’s name put on their register. Although I never heard if he got his new leg, I am sure he would have at least been contacted once his name came up.

      Since those days, I have watched with interest as people make do with what they have or don’t have. I sometimes think about how my life would be, had I been shot in Afghanistan or if what happened to this chowkidah had actually happened to me. I still pray I would be energetic enough to start an exercise regime if it had. I recall being badly injured at football in Australia, unable to join in the training and exercise, and how that pained me in those days. I had an operation on my hip back in 2008 after damaging the cartilage covering the head of the femur bone after a long hard run. The operating doctor told me at the time, that I would never be able to run again. I asked about running on the soft sand of the beach and he said, “Listen carefully Graeme, if you want this resurfacing to last you for the rest of your life, don’t run. Walk as hard and as fast as you can, but don’t run.” I have basically kept to that and haven’t run much. Though on occasion I can’t help it and if I am down the beach, I almost always fall into the trap of going for a 2–3 kilometre run. I understand the concerns and the realities of my hip, but it is just too much to bear, never being able to run for fitness or enjoyment any more. I nowadays work out on the cross trainer machines that really do make you suck for air, though there is almost zero pressure on the hip joints. At times, I hate to admit, I actually have dreams when I go for long and tough runs. But, I guess life is far too short to sit, worry and dwell about the negative impacts that hit all of us, at some point in our lives, in one way or another.

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