The Drover's Daughter. Patsy Kemp

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The Drover's Daughter - Patsy Kemp

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When the circus was over, the men had the lion in the back of the truck and home they went. The lion spent the rest of the night in the back of the truck and the next day they proceeded to build a large yard for the “new pet”. After a few months, Gordon had him walking on a chain like a dog. He had hired three Aboriginal families to do stick picking on the property, so there along a dusty track would walk Gordon, the lion, a collection of his dogs, and the Aboriginal family all enjoying an outing in the late afternoon.

      Gordon and his workmen went to church on an irregular basis in Dirranbandi on a rough dirt road. He later decided that he and the men needed to go to church more regularly so he decided to build one on his station. Gordon would get dressed up as a minister in a black robe, full black gown with all the regalia and take the service. On occasion, he would strap a colt .45 on his hip as well and the men would say they did not know whether the boss was going to be Jesus Christ or Ned Kelly for the day. Sometimes after the church service, Gordon would mount his horse and gallop off, his robe flapping in the wind, shooting the gun in the air.

      Later on, he lost all his money and the bank took over his property. The day he left he set fire to the house, burning it to the ground and drove the bulldozer into the dam.

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